
AcuPoints Made Easy Digital Book (808 Pages PDF) By Clara Cohen


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AcuPoints Made Easy Digital Book (808 Pages PDF) By Clara Cohen – Instant Download!

AcuPoints Made Easy (PDF)

An illustrated guide for acupuncture points

If you’re a visual person, you’re going to love this book! I have put my passion for acupuncture and Chinese medicine into creating a fun digital PDF (with over 808 pages!). 

Before you buy AcuPoints Made Easy, I want to make sure it is everything you were looking for in a fun illustrated guide for acupuncture points.

What do you get when investing in AcuPoints Made Easy (Digital PDF)

AcuPoints Made Easy Digital Book (808 Pages PDF) By Clara Cohen

Who is AcuPoints Made Easy for?

  • Practitioners who want to show their patients a fun way to look at acupuncture points.
  • Acupuncture students who love visuals and straight-to-the-point (pun intended!) explanations.
  • Anyone who enjoys learning about Chinese medicine and acupuncture.


Absolutely love this. Thank you for thinking outside the box, I have ADD and I’m easily distracted. You make it easy to retain this required information for acupuncture students. You repeat the information over different ways for better understanding and memory. You rock!


I just purchased your new PDF book and I love it. I’m a student of TCM. Right now I’m studying for my board exam. I wish I had this book from the very beginning of my TCM studies. It is phenomenal! Nicely organized, easy to understand, great visuals. I had seen some of your stuff before and thought it would be great if you put it together in a book. So glad you did!!!


I am a visual learner and a student new to acupuncture and TCM. This e-book will come in quite handy throughout my program and for the rest of my career. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and for your dedication to completing this project. Much gratitude and respect Clara!


Thank you Clara! This is awesome!!! I’ve saved so many of your posts on Instagram I’m happy to have everything in this PDF form! 😊💖

AcuPoints Made Easy Digital Book (808 Pages PDF) By Clara Cohen

If you haven’t seen any of my Facebook posts, TCM videos, or watched any of my courses yet, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Clara Cohen and my passion is helping dedicated practitioners like you, change the world one patient at a time. I’ve been teaching TCM to future acupuncturists and naturopathic doctors since 2008. I love to get my students engaged and tell them compelling stories, to help them understand the power of Chinese medicine. My goal is to share my passion for TCM, and empower every practitioner to achieve superior patient care, while having fun!

AcuPoints Made Easy Digital Book (808 Pages PDF) By Clara Cohen, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • AcuPoints Made Easy Digital Book (808 Pages PDF) By Clara Cohen