
5 Essential Building Blocks to Successful Trading Workshop with Steve “Slim” Miller

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $15.00.

File size: 4.18 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
Content proofWatch here!

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5 Essential Building Blocks to Successful Trading Workshop with Steve “Slim” Miller- Instant Download!

5 Essential Building Blocks to Successful Trading Workshop
with Steve “Slim” Miller

During this over 3 and a half hour Workshop you will learn the 5 Essential Building Blocks to Becoming a Successful Trader from Steve “Slim” Miller.

Here’s the critical questions you will be able to answer for yourself after this Workshop:

Do you?

  • hope that success in trading will change something in your life?
  • go through cycles of success and failure?
  • repeat behaviors that bring trading challenges?
  • have a trading plan, yet still get off course?
  • Then you need Building Block #1 “Define a healthy role for trading in your life”

Do you?

  • react with strong emotions when things go wrong or right?
  • experience a lot of negative self-talk when trading presents challenges?
  • feel stress over disappointing yourself or others in your life?
  • keep secrets about trading losses?
  • Then you need Building Block #2 “Build Emotional Fitness”

Do you?

  • struggle to find your best trading style?
  • know the best analytical tools to use based on your trading style?
  • wonder about the best trading vehicle for your personality?
  • know the best strategic approach based on your account size, experience, risk tolerance?
  • Then you need Building Block #3 “Balance Trading Style, Personality, Risk Tolerance” and more

Do you?

  • feel alone, like you’re in the markets with no one with whom to talk or set goals?
  • take the time to build a strong base of knowledge about trading and markets?
  • allow life’s distractions to keep you out of focus?
  • struggle to stick to your designed trading plan and adapt to changing conditions?
  • Then you need Building Block #4 “Adopt Six Key Areas of Discipline”

Do you?

  • feel challenged on how to design a basic trading plan?
  • have reasonable expectations of returns based on your account size and experience?
  • know how to calculate reasonable returns?
  • understand the proper win/loss ratio to be successful in your style?
  • Then you need Building Block #5 “Create Your Own Unique Winning Formula”

This Workshop Includes:

  • 6 videos, Including an Introduction and the 5 Building Blocks
  • Over 3.5 hours of unique, premium content!
  • Worksheets for each video to help you understand and apply the lessons

5 Essential Building Blocks to Successful Trading Workshop with Steve “Slim” Miller, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 0. Proof
  • 1. 5 Essential Building Blocks- Introduction
  • 2. 5 Essential BB #1 Role of Trading
  • 3. 5 Essential BB #2 Building Emotional Fitness
  • 4. 5 Essential BB #3 Match Style, Method, Personality & more
  • 5. 5 Essential BB #4 Adopting six key areas of discipine
  • 6. 5 Essential BB#5 Creating you unique winning formula