
Business Growth By Numbers With Sally Farrant

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $15.00.

File size: 6.16 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
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Business Growth By Numbers With Sally Farrant – Instant Download!

Business Growth By Numbers With Sally Farrant

Sally Farrant –
The Pricing Queen
Helping online business owners to earn what they want to from their business by increasing their prices to grow their profits
Learn how to put your prices up so you can take home more money

Find Out Your Pricing Personality
Take my quiz to find out your pricing personality. Are you an Overpricing Orla, Generous Gina, Discounting Donna or Underpricing Una? Find out and then get my best tips to improve your mindset around and management of pricing

Are you stuck with your pricing?
Or do you just know you could be making more money in your business if only you could spend the time?

I can help you price your products and services with confidence, package them up and help you with a strategy for your business.

It might be you need to know what you need to charge for a new product or service you are offering. Or it could be that you know you are undercharging and need to put up your prices, but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you need to look at what products or services are making you money in your business.

Oliver Codrington

Sally had an immediate impact in my business. I thought I knew my figures and yet I was struggling to stay on top of cash flow. They say Revenue is Vanity, Profit and Sanity, and Cash is King…well Sally is the Kings’ consort 🙂 She will help you figure out exactly where your money is going and what steps to take to address scarcity. Sally continues to keep a close eye on bookkeeping, budgets and other FC project work and I’m very grateful to have her on my team.

Louise Lewis
Before my power hour my pricing for gift wrapping classes was not clear. I struggled to be consistent when asked to run classes for businesses.

I constantly felt uncomfortable asking for a certain amount which meant I ended up making very little profit from each event.

Since the power hour I have had 2 corporate bookings (at £350 each) and have planned my funnel with clear pricing.

Thank you Sally for making everything so clear, I feel much more confident about pricing

Emma Cossey
Sally’s pricing power hour was just what I needed to get clear on how much I needed to be charging, and really get clear on profit – something so easily overlooked in freelancing!

I left the session feeling more confident, more knowledgable and very motivated

Business Growth By Numbers With Sally Farrant, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 2021_Pricing_Profit.mp4
  • Bank_account_setup_and_reconciliation.mp4
  • Bank_rules.mp4
  • Bonus_module_pricing.mp4
  • Bonus_module_Profit_First.mp4
  • Boundaries.mp4
  • Cash_management_guide.mp4
  • Catherin_Morgan_AG.mp4
  • Chart_of_accounts.mp4
  • Course_outline.mp4
  • EC.MP3
  • Ep_13_AG_-_people_want_to_pay_decent_money_for_decent_work_2_.mp4
  • Ep_14_AG_-_oxygen_mask_has_to_go_on_us_first.mp4
  • Ep_15_AG_-_Pricing_low_when_you_re_new_.mp4
  • Ep_16_AG_-Emma_Cossey.mp4
  • Ep_19_AG_-_passive_income.mp4
  • Ep_21_AG_-_small_amount_of_freelnacers_time.mp4
  • Ep_22_Fleur_Emery_AG.mp4
  • Ep_23_AG_-_VAT_registered.mp4
  • And more…