
Ready Aim Freedom: Options Trading Course – Simpler Trading

Original price was: $897.00.Current price is: $87.00.



If you have just joined the market of options trading, the Ready Aim Freedom course will be among the most comprehensive courses. Why? It addresses three pillars of a successful trading career, including

  • How to read charts to learn which directions the trading market is moving towards.
  • How to develop a suitable strategy for the steady rates of profitability.
  • How to manage your emotions for objective trading instead of instinctive trading.

In this review, we will cover the main points of the course. As a result, you make a better decision of whether it is suitable for you or not!

What Can You Expect From The Ready Aim Freedom Course?

How To Read Charts For Options Trading For Insights Into The Ups and Downs In The Market  

Ready Aim Freedom is an online tool for trading. It is a proud indicator by Simpler Trading with the aim of pointing to the opportune areas of profits. There are a lot of aspects addressed, such as how to decode the hidden messages of upcoming trends, how to set up the best frameworks, and so on.

Chart reading sets you free from instinctive or emotional trading. The data-driven trading can take you far in such a tough game. Therefore, this course is like a paradise for you when you can learn the best techniques of analysis for options trading.

The simple language that the course creator uses enables even beginners to learn this course. Along with coherent instructions, you will also learn through real-life trading examples. It allows you to take glimpses into the best practices and common mistakes that novice traders usually make. Please scroll down for more information!

The Key Takeaways

  • Determining efficient trading strategies and tactics that work in actual trading.
  • How to see through the hints for the creation and changes in the market momentums by reading the historical charts.
  • How to spot the optimal timing and contexts for strategy application.
  • How to obtain the peak profits of trading by taking glimpses into the workspace and workflow of professional traders,  such as Danielle Shay, John Carter, etc.
  • How to start your trading day with a perfect preparation to keep the acceptable pace rather than hustling with the volatility of the trading market.
  • What the professional trading process looks like. So, you can learn how to manage your time for loved ones and your passion for trading.
  • Access to the templates and checklists of trading for long-term goals and short-term objectives.
  • The secrets behind scaling up your trading account regardless how tumultuous the trading market becomes.
  • The best practices of data-driven analysis and objective insights into which moves that you should take according to the precise forecast of the bullish or bearish markets.
  • Learning the basis of a trading strategy so you can develop a viable framework by yourself after taking this course.
  • How to become totally objective when trading options thanks to insightful technical analysis and chart reading.
  • How to get the right timing of trades for optimal earnings and minimal risks.
  • How to take advantage of tools and indicators for profitable trading.

About Simpler Trading, A Go-To Trading Educational Source


During more than 20 years of development, Simpler Trading seems never to fail the expectation of avid learners. The courses of trading are various in terms of topics, tools, instructors, and so on. For this reason, when you take the Simpler Trading programs, you can easily learn the professional tips from experts. You can learn from many traders with years of experience in the actual field. So, the best practices are what you can expect from this platform!