Trading Blox Builder (Sept 14, 2011)


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Trading Blox Builder features excellent testing, trading and charting features and is equipped with the Blox Basic programming language to build and script custom systems with parameters, indicators, variables, and rules based triggers.


Trading Blox™ Builder is a Windows-based software application that runs simulations of trading rules over historical end-of-day or intraday Futures, Stock, ETF, Mutual fund, or Forex price data, and determines the trades that those rules would have entered and the performance they would have exhibited. Trading Blox Builder features excellent testing and charting features and is equipped with the Blox Basic programming language to build and script custom systems.

Drag and Drop System Editor

It contains the rules for many well-known trading systems and allows users to change, test, and improve upon the specific input parameter values of the original system. Once a particular combination of parameter values has been historically tested and observed to produce acceptable results, then that same system can be traded live. With the click of a menu, Trading Blox™ Builder generates the next bar’s entries, exits, and position sizes for you. The Order Generation process can also be run in a batch process, and scheduled with Windows Scheduler.

Flexible Parameter Driven Testing

Each system supplied by Trading Blox™ Builder has many input parameters whose values can be freely changed by the user. Some of these parameters have nothing to do with the system rules themselves, such as test start date and end date-your tests can span the last three years or the last thirty-or whether futures, stocks, or forex are to be the focus of your test. Many input parameters, though, are essential components of the system rules.

Easy to use Blox Editor

By default, Trading Blox™ Builder is set up with the parameter values that reflect a good starting point for testing each of the supplied systems. In addition, Trading Blox™ Builder lets you to take those original values and improve upon them, making it easy for you to create your own unique trading systems. It also provides the comfort and security that come from experiencing firsthand how those systems performed across various historical periods.

Fantastic Detailed Trade by Trade Results

At Trading Blox™, we understand that any trading system is only as good as the consistency with which it is applied. By harnessing the speed and reliability of modern-day computer hardware, Trading Blox™ Builder significantly reduces the effort required to test and to trade a system, while eliminating the possibility of human error and missed trades. And therein lies its greatest strength: Trading Blox™ Builder makes it easier to follow the trading systems you develop.

Comprehensive Summary Results

In addition to the many built in systems, indicators, and the ability to create and manage multiple suites and portfolios, Trading Blox™ Builder supports creating new Systems, new Blox, new Scripts, new Parameters, and new Indicators.

Test Multiple Systems Together

Creating a new Block is as easy as point and click to create a few parameters and indicators, and optionally a few lines of script to create the entry and exit. You can then drag and drop these Blox into a System to create virtually any strategy. You can create new systems, and include/remove or reuse any available Blox.

Blox are collections of Permanent and Instrument Variables, Parameters, Indicators, and Scripts. You can create a variety of types of Blox, including:

Portfolio Manager



Money Manager

Risk Manager



You can create new Blox with as many parameters or indicators as you need. You can create as simple or as complex scripts as you need to affect your strategy.

Check out the extensive documentation for detailed information on how to harness the Power of Blox.