
The Dick Davis Dividend by Dick Davis

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A pioneer in the financial media, Dick Davis has interacted with the investing public for over forty years. With his new book, he continues this trend. The first part of The Dick Davis Dividend contains an easy-to-read, yet profound discussion of the essentials of investing—focusing on the savvy veteran’s often unconventional, core beliefs. While the second part of this engaging guide makes a compelling case for combining both passive investing via index funds and active investing via stocks and mutual funds.

Author Information

Dick Davis is one of the most widely known and highly respected market commentators of his time. He founded The Dick Davis Digest in 1982, one of the nation’s largest investment news-letters, and pioneered stock market reporting via television and radio. Davis also wrote a stock market column for the Miami Herald—which was syndicated to over 100 newspapers—for over ten years. Born in Yonkers, New York, Davis lived in Miami for forty-five years and in Boca Raton since 1992.