The Clide Magnet Dating System by Scott Valdez


Product Include : [6 PDFs, 7 MP3s, lXLs]

Product Size : 290.4 MB

Delivery : Digital Download Immediately


The Clide Magnet Dating System by Scott Valdez

The Good
Detailed overview of the most popular dating sites and what it takes to meet women from them. Based on real world evidence that the company has collected from thousands of messages. Includes a piece of software that helps automate the process so that you’ll get faster results with less effort.
The Bad
There are some areas where it plays it too safe, instead of pushing the envelope a bit more. Gives you all the pieces you need, but doesn’t show an example of a complete profile and sequence of message exchanges that led to arranging a date.
The Bottom Line

Probably the most detailed product on the market about online dating. It takes a numbers game approach and shows you how to get the best results for the least amount of effort. The bigger the city you live in and the more women in your area who use online dating, the more valuable you’ll find this product.Mainly focused on just getting the date, so ignores anything remotely sexual so as not to scare the girl away. But it also misses opportunities to build sexual tension before you meet, which can result in dates that lead to getting intimate with the girl faster.

If you’re a beginner to online dating and want to give yourself the best chance to meet up with as many women as possible, this is a great product to check out.