
The $1m Prospecting Blueprint By Brodie Kern

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $32.00.

File size: 980 MB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
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The $1m Prospecting Blueprint By Brodie Kern – Instant Download!

$1m Prospecting Blueprint

In this program, you will learn how to do the following:

Our “Sniper” Targeting Strategy
– learn how to find the exact prospects for your offer so you don’t have to waste time on tire kickers who won’t buy

Door-Knock Outreach Video Template
– learn how to build a simple outreach video consistently opens up profitable conversations that convert like crazy

IG/FB Algorithm Cheat Codes
– learn how to game the algorithm to maximize your prospecting efforts and minimize your risk of account blocks

Rain-Maker VSL Framework
– our clients use this to build high-conversion VSL’s that book quality appointments at a shockingly high rate and the best part is they can be created in under 60 minutes

Proven Call Booking Script
– we reveal our winning call booking script that has been responsible for over 947 call bookings

Prospecting SOP
– we give you the exact training material we use to turn $4/hr VAs into call booking machines

Outreach Tracking Template
– we give you a look behind the curtain at what metrics you need to be hitting and also let you copy & paste our tracking template so you can use it right away

The $1m Prospecting Blueprint By Brodie Kern

The $1m Prospecting Blueprint By Brodie Kern, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • The $1m Prospecting System Overview
  • Why Disqualifying Most Prospects Immediately Is Essential
  • Shooting A Disqualifying Outreach Video
  • Building Your Follow-Up Script & VA Training SOP
  • Building Your Funnel
  • VSL Framework
  • Tracking Your Outreach Metrics