
Sven Kohl – Level 3 Beginner Program (old)

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $19.00.


Sven Kohl - Level 3 Beginner Program (old) 1Sven Kohl – Level 3 Beginner Program (old)

Step Up Your Game


A 16 week LEVEL 3 beginner program.

✔ Lifetime access to exclusive online content
✔ Downloadable PDF File
✔ Full Body Warm Up Routine with video
✔ Intuitive layout
✔ Exercises that fit to your level of performance
✔ Tests to detect your progress
✔ Instructional online videos
✔ Exact execution and description of every exercise
✔ FAQ Section



12 Pullups

20 Pushups

90 sec Plank

15 Dips

20 Bodyrows


These programs contain exercises like Dips, Pull Ups and Bodyrows. Make sure to have access to a Dip-/Pull Up bar or a pair of rings. The videos are played online. The programs come as a PDF file.

Your Instructor

Sven Kohl

Sven ist staatlich anerkannter Physiotherapeut und lizenzierter Fitnesstrainer. Er ist der Gründer von Calisthenic Movement und betreibt Calisthenics selbst seit 2012. Sven betreut Kunden im Personal Training und leitet Gruppen Kurse. Er hat eine über 10-jährige Trainererfahrung.

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Sven Kohl - Level 3 Beginner Program (old) 2

Sale Page: https://www.calimove.com/p/level-3
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/y58D8