
Strategic Marketing Masters by Jay Abraham

Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $145.00.

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Strategic Marketing Masters by Jay Abraham

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Get Strategic Marketing Masters by Jay Abraham at Bestoftrader.com


Jay Abraham- Strategic Marketing Masters

What Jay Abraham has to say about why
you should join Strategic Mentoring Masters

The following are just six of the critical benefits you’ll experience in
your personal and business life as a result of this program.

You’ll discover the secrets of how forging and incorporating a compelling USP will turn your real estate business into a powerful wealth-building machine, capable of creating a sustained perpetual cash-flow to power the economic lifestyle you want – while rendering your competition harmless, inferior and irrelevant.

You’ll soar to new heights of personal development and create a bottom line growth strategy optimally suited to your real estate business’s strengths and weaknesses through the principles of consultative selling and the strategic risk reversal. You’ll discover all the profit maximizing points, from the bottom line to the top – you can influence control.

You’ll “reverse-engineer” your very own fully integrated customized trust based market system to attract more leads, convert more sales, set more appointments, win more listings and leverage a higher lifetime customer value; through an integrated referral program and direct response advertising.

You’ll learn how to adapt, adopt and apply explosive “growth opportunities” while averting the pain, the suffering, the waiting and the financially risky proposition of implementing them all on your own – a mastermind collaboration of other attendees will be here to support and share their successes with you.

You’ll walk away with a “big picture” marketing model (a conceptual control center) to rapidly scale your business built-in with features that automatically accelerate buying and selling decisions – then you’ll gain the specific tactical actions necessary to transform your big picture into a financial reality.

You’ll discover how to, with nearly mathematical precision, consistently and repeatedly identify and qualify profitable strategic alliances that will force feed your business every imaginable type of growth opportunity documented millionaire agents and brokers quietly and convertly bank upon.