
Six Figure Inc from Dirk de Bruin

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Six Figure Inc from Dirk de Bruin

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“How To Build A Six Figure Per Year Business In The Next 90 Days By Selling Your Knowledge Online”

Proven system helps regular people to turn their knowledge (or someone else’s knowledge) into six figure businesses!

From The Virtual Desk of Dirk “Diggy” de Bruin:

Dear friend,

I want to show you how a simple guy with no formal education has been able to generate $100,000 and more per year online since 2013.

All this guy does is turns what he knows into a digital product (like an e-book or course) and sells that online.

The guy I’m talking about is me.

WARNING: If you’re tired of being broke, having an empty bank account or living paycheck-to-paycheck, this is the most important letter you’ll read all year!

I’m going to show you how you can tap into a booming industry known as e-Learning where people will be spending up to $1 billion dollars per day in the near future..

And how you can turn your knowledge and life experience into a digital product you can launch and sell online in as little as the next 90 days.

And the best part… You can do all of this:

  • Without needing to be very technical…
  • Without needing previous experience or qualifications…
  • Without much startup capital…
  • Without scamming people or compromising your morals…
  • From anywhere in the world with just a computer and an internet connection (and maybe a smartphone)…

And the cherry on the cake is that you can help others at the same time and do this based around a topic or industry that you actually enjoy.

This Is NOT A Quick Fix But If You Follow The System & Take Action, Results Can Come Sooner Than You Think

What I’m about to share with you is a proven system that’s allowed me to generate six figures per year online for the last several years by selling my knowledge and experience as digital products.

This system is used successfully by tens of thousands of people around the world.

Some of the most well-known celebrities like Tony Robbins, marketers like Russel Brunson and influencers like Gary Vaynerchuck use this business model.

“If You Want To Grow Rich, Teach!”

– Russell Brunson (Founder of 9-Figure company Clickfunnels.com)


Thousands of regular people just like you, with no previous online business experience, have built up 6 figure and 7 figure businesses with this system from scratch.

Before we proceed, I need you to understand the following:

  • There is no such thing as a magic bullet or overnight success.
  • You will be required to put in time and effort to get results.
  • Success is not guaranteed, if it was easy, everyone would be rich.

I realize that this may not be what you want to hear, but I’m the kind of person that will keep it real with you and tell you what you need to hear in order to be successful.

I don’t sugar-coat things and that’s exactly why you should listen to what I have to say, because it works and it gets results!

Are you still with me?

Great! Because if you’re willing to put in the effort and you follow the blueprint I’m about to share with you…

…it’s entirely possible for you to build a six figure per year online business, from scratch, in the next few months (even in as little as the next 90 days).

People Are Spending $1 Billion Per Day On Digital Knowledge & Education

Forbes estimates the knowledge industry (a.k.a. e-Learning) to be a $325 BILLION dollar per year industry in the next few years.

That’s almost $1 Billion dollars per day, every single day of the year, that will be spent on information and education online.

Traditional education institutions such as colleges and universities are becoming increasingly unaffordable, and are increasingly unreliable for getting a job after.

Who the heck can afford six figures to get a degree?

Better yet…

…who wants to go six figures in debt, spend 4 years learning outdated information and then spend another 5-10 years working to pay off the study debt (provided you can even get a job when you graduate)?

So, the answer to learning a new skill or solving a problem lies in e-Learning or digital information.

For the price of a coffee per day, you can get access to almost any kind of information online.

Knowledge, experience and strategy… direct from the source.

Here are just a few examples of topics where regular people turned their knowledge into online courses that make six figures or more per year.

  • Want to learn how to code Python?
  • Want to know how to build your own wooden furniture?
  • Want to lean how to build an online business?
  • Want to learn how to lose weight fast?
  • Want to learn hypnosis?
  • Want to learn how to play multi-tournament poker?
  • Want to know how to overcome an addiction?