
Self-Mastery Starter Kit

Original price was: $444.00.Current price is: $89.00.


Self-Mastery Starter Kit

**More information:

Get Self-Mastery Starter Kit at Bestoftrader.com


The Self-Mastery Starter Kit is the perfect place to start for the Self-Mastery Beginner.

The kit includes:

  • Conscious Language™ The Logos Of Now – Paperback book ($22 Value)
  • Sacred Body Language Translations Workbook – Paperback book ($33 Value)
  • The Foundation – Audio Course – with online access and shipped in the kit ($222 Value)
  • Language of Mastery – Audio Course – with online access and shipped in the kit ($144 Value)
  • Language of Mastery Playbook – Paperback book ($25 Value)
  • Transforming Co-Dependence Into Co-Empowerment – Audio Course – with online access and shipped in the kit ($144 Value)
  • High Agreements – Audio Course – with online access and shipped in the kit ($44 Value)

Total value when purchased individually $634 – Package Price $444

Conscious Language™ The Logos Of Now ($22 Value)

How much power do our words really carry? Is it possible that our words — the air that we invite into the deepest recesses of our body and then carefully expel through the sacred organ of our vocal chords — have a power that is so great that it was intentionally confused over 5,000 thousand years ago? What would it mean to re-discover the secret of the language that heals our deepest hurts, breathes life into our greatest joys, and literally creates Reality itself?

The result of over thirty years of research and the experiences of many thousands of people, Conscious Language™ – The Logos of NOW is the premier guide to conscious language in the 21st Century. Through 17 concise chapters, the pioneering work of Robert Tennyson Stevens masterfully leads us on a step-by-step journey in the new science of Conscious Languaging; the science of choosing the words that express our true intent, and knowing that our words are the quantum templates of health, abundance, peace and relationships!

Excerpt of foreword by Gregg Braden, New York Times Best selling author of: The Divine Matrix, The God Code, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, and The Isaiah Effect

Sacred Body Language Translations Workbook ($33 Value)

In the evolution of consciousness, our bodies are the storing banks of genetic, experiential, and collective (global) memories. In Sacred Body Language Translations, Robert visually describes how to ‘read’ and translate how the subconscious communicates to us through symbols, archetypal patterns, body sensations and energies in our environment. Learning to ‘read’ these patterns opens a whole new world of communication between our conscious mind and our ‘other than conscious’ self.

Come ‘listen’ to the language of the sub-conscious as it speaks through our hands, feet, face, eyes, nose, body movements, fingernails, hair, wrinkles, lines, symptoms, organs, glands, bodily functions revealing a dramatically deeper understanding of who we are, what our current requirements are and how best to respond with love.
Please note, this is a workbook with approximately 70% of the material filled in, the balance to be completed in the Mastery of Energies and Body Language course.

The Foundation ($222 Value)

What is The Foundation and what is included?

The Foundation was originally presented as a 3 week teleseries. This product is the recorded calls from that training. The sessions are in audio MP3 format complete with pdf worksheets, exercises and transcripts of the calls.

This course is hosted in our online members area and presented in 8 Sessions and 3 modules. Each session is 1 – 1.5 hours long. You can listen to the sessions right at your computer or download them for on the go listening.

Here is an outline of what you’ll get in each module.

Module 1 – The Creative Power of Language
Sessions 1-3

  • Ploughing up hidden Limiting Language Patterns Exercises
  • Recognizing and utilizing “Alignment Signals” for your New Choice Exercise.
  • Exercise to advance your skill in listening and hearing your Heart’s Directing Voice.
  • Internal dialogue, what it is and how to stop it.
  • Knowing the difference between self-limiting internal dialogue and Conscious: Prayer, Decree, and Affirmation. Tune your frequency to become magnetic to your Heart’s top priority.
  • The error of “saying it right” vs. expressing with Love (encompass the duality of “right” and “wrong” language and speak from your Heart).
  • Know the instant self-sabotage is acting and what to do about it.
  • Move from reaction (less than love) into action (with love) in your thought, word and feelings.
  • Access your great “I AM” with simple Language shifts.
  • Have a system to check and verify your new choice by the confirmation of your tone, breath and body signals.

Module 2 – Effective Imagineering
Sessions 4-6

Imagination plays a key role in removing the effort in replacing, revising, reversing and restoring our new choice. Imagineering is engineering through our Activated Conscious Imagination and along with Conscious Language™ produce stellar results in easily re-manifesting our life situations.

  • What is True Imagination and what is just moving things around inside your box. True Imagination is creating something new and outside your box. This is a powerful distinction.
  • The Imagination Activation™ Sequence. Recognize where you are in consciousness, and how to apply the strategy to transform it all.
  • Questions and segues for shifting your state of being to already having what you desire.
  • Body and breathe signals as confirmation of agreements from your sub-conscious self.
  • Outcome Mapping and Imagineering for success. Create the map of your world in a few simple steps.
  • Discover your power to manifest with ease.
  • Experience partnering with your Great Self Consciously. Activate the “Genie of your Genius.”
  • Maintain harmony as old limitations change while you are imagining from your outcome already achieved.

Module 3 – Graceful Transformation
Sessions 7-8

By applying Conscious LanguageTM and Imagination ActivationTM techniques, your world will begin to change. Your Old Self begins to meet Your New Self. Struggle meets Ease. Fear meets Faith. Lack meets plenty. Limitations meet opportunity. The old only gives way to the new when Love is present, when you are fully and completely present. You, in your True Identity are I AM.

  • How to engage a pattern of limitation, and find the true Seed of Light within it.
  • Prove to yourself “Your Greatest Weakness is Your Greatest Strength”.
  • The power of making, keeping and recommitting to your own High Agreements.
  • Use The Five Actions for Engaging Current Consciousness, LOVE, TOUCH, BREATHE, STAY, AND FEEL in facilitation and make what seems to be catastrophic, inconsequential.
  • A very powerful set of skills, tools and techniques to reverse anything into what it is meant to be.
  • Changing your center of awareness from being the effect to being at Cause.
  • You will have the opportunity to Integrate Language, Thought and Feeling as a code you can successfully change at any time.
  • Awaken the difference between a short term resolution and a complete life transformation creating real change in your life that lasts.

The course comes with a BONUS, Bob’s original Mastery Prep kit including:

Living the Path of Conscious Language – 3 video series
The Power of Imagination Activation – 3 video series
Outcome Mapping – 1 video series

The Mastery Prep Kit retails for $222 and is accessible in the members are along with The Foundation.

Language of Mastery ($144 Value)

This is literally the next best thing to one on one coaching.

In this 4 part series, you will go through the Language of Mastery Playbook and discovery what language you are currently operating on in three areas of your life.

The language we use gives us massive insight into the state of consciousness you are consistently agreeing to, as well as genetic and experiential patterns that could be holding you back.

In this class you will have the opportunity to

  • Discover your own unique code of consciousness through your language
  • Find the perfect reversal to see your world brand new
  • Have the necessary tools to shift any life circumstance into your personal victory

What is included in the course?

When you sign up for Language of Mastery, you will get instant access to our online members area with the program. There are 4 audio sessions recorded from a live tele-series. The course also comes with the Language of Mastery Playbook in a downloadable pdf.

The original call was presented over 8 days. Sessions 1 and 4 are 1 hour each and Sessions 2 and 3 are approximately 2 hours each. Approximately 6 hours of course material in total.

Language of Mastery Playbook ($25 Value)

The Playbook follows the lessons as you discover your hidden language patterns and progress through the course.

Transforming Co-Dependence Into Co-Empowerment ($144 Value)

“Do you feel like other people’s opinions control you?”

Build deeper and stronger happiness, harmony, intimacy, and security in your relationships…

Co-Dependence may be the root cause of struggle and disappointment

Co-dependence is anytime our happiness and contentment is dependent upon another person, place, condition, or thing. This is giving away the keys to our success to something in our outer world.

Co-dependent relationships are really just a glitch in our own value system. It’s where we believe that others can make us happy or not. Simply put, if your happiness can be taken away by other people’s mood or opinions, that is co-dependence

Our relationships are like a reflection of our consciousness. It would be like having a dirty boot reflecting in a mirror. Now Imagine trying to clean the image in the mirror to clean the actual boot, it just doesn’t work. The boot is just us and all we have to do is clean up our own consciousness.

It is reported by therapists who deal with cases of co-dependence that 90 – 100% of persons living in progressive civilizations are influenced by co-dependence. In recent years, Therapists contend that co-dependence is a serious condition when left untreated can lead to a life of disappointment and struggle.

Co-Empowered Sovereignty is our true identity

Humanity is in the middle of waking up pure speech which is I AM That I AM instead of “I’m ok if you’re ok”. We are remembering we are the captain of our fate.

When I discovered co-dependence, it took my wife and I a year and a half to discover what co-dependence upgrades into, Co-Empowerment.

Once I discovered co-empowerment, people got it instantly. I’ve shared this technology with tens of thousands of people and the moment they heard that co-dependence turns into co-empowerment they started taking action right away and upgrading their relationships.

The step by step system of transforming co-dependence into co-empowerment is vital for having the joy of our sovereign lives.

The 7 Upgrades for Transforming Co-Dependence into Co-Empowered Relationships…

Transforming Co-Dependence into Co-Empowered relationships happens in 7 tactical upgrades.

  1. Upgrade 1 – Honestly asses your current state of affair with your relationships by testing yourself with the 30 indications of presence of C0-Dependence.
  2. Upgrade 2 – Awaken to how your outer wold needs you to agree with Co-Dependence.
  3. Upgrade 3 – Become ultra clear on the distinctions between Co-Dependence and Co-Empowerment.
  4. Upgrade 4 – Understand how specific mechanisms of Co-Dependence upgrade into Co-Empowerment.
  5. Upgrade 5 – Realize your Co-Dependence is a non-truth to your True Self and find your True Self’s identity, power, and remember and embody your new True Self Agreements (High Agreements).
  6. Upgrade 6 – Imagine your world, life, and relationships from the positions of your True Self Agreements (High Agreements) with specificity, feeling, vividness.
  7. Upgrade 7 – Share with your world who you really are and renegotiate your High Agreements with your world.

The course is presented in 3 – 1.5 hour sessions complete with .pdf workbook and exercises to put the core principles into practice and literally experience the shift in your life.

High Agreements ($44 Value)

High Agreements™ are the result of 20+ years integrating and applying Conscious Language™, conscious choice and Transforming Co-Dependence into Co-Empowerment™. In High Agreements you will have the opportunity to discover your own inner hearts pinnacle agreement(s), which when lived propel us into victory. High Agreements is an “ah-ha” rich event for those committed to living your heart’s successful path, personally, professionally and in all your relationships.

This online course includes 2 audio session and a workbook to put the principles into action.