
Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing part 1

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $57.00.


Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing part 1

Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing part 1

Archive : Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing part 1

A powerful opportunity to discover shamanic practices to access hidden dimensions, unseen allies and healing wisdom for your life and our world…

Open your heart, expand your mind and experience the sacredness of the Web of Life —all in a beautifully supportive virtual community.

Imagine you have the ability to understand the root causes of emotional and physical illness — both in yourself and others — and to heal those imbalances at a spiritual level.

Imagine you have access to a team of helping compassionate spirits, devoted to your healing, growth and evolution, who can provide you with advanced knowledge about how to navigate important areas of your life — from career to love to fulfilling your greatest purpose.

Imagine you have a direct connection to your ancestors, who can pour their blessings into your daily life.

And, imagine you can cultivate new virtues and capacities, from courage to compassion, empowered by your helping spirit allies.

The truth is, none of this requires a huge leap of imagination, for all of these capabilities are available right now to each and every one of us!

The only barrier is that most of us haven’t been taught the practical shamanic tools that give us access to these inherent skills — particularly the ability to drop into non-ordinary states of consciousness and travel in unseen realms for guidance, healing and wisdom.

As you develop these capabilities, your three-dimensional perception takes on an added dimension of intuitive knowing and healing insight…

You begin to perceive through your heart and mind at the same time, access information from other levels of reality, and experience a deeper communion with nature, which dissolves your sense of separation.

Your five senses are more alive AND you’re more open to synchronicity and subtle messages from the world around you.

You become more embodied, whole and empowered, living in greater attunement with your body and the needs of those around you.

You become more sensitive and also stronger, more able to hold your center. You awaken more fully to the sacred dimensionand start to live and breathe the spirit of love and beauty in your daily life.

It’s a wonderful picture, yes?