
Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

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Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard – Instant Download!

How To Build Passive
Investment Income In An Uncertain Economy…

Read The Transcript Below:

Hey Mike Dillard here, and as I mentioned in my previous email, I recorded this video specifically for my audience and customers, because it is a pivotal transition point in my life and my career, and I’m going to be sharing some pretty personal stuff with you today.
So first and foremost, thank you for taking the time to watch, and thank you for your support the past few years…
As many of you know, I suffered a brain injury on June 13th 2018 that changed my life in an instant.
You’ve probably heard me share it with you in the past, but I want to give a brief recap of what took place, because that event and everything that happened after it, is what allowed me to learn what I’m going to be teaching you here today…
So for those of you who don’t know what happened, I went from launching the Self Made Man platform, having fun with my friends, and racing cars on the weekend, to fighting for my life in a matter of weeks.
I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t think, and my body was coursing with adrenaline and cortisol 24/7.
My entire life came to a halt. My body was shutting down, and I was completely unable to work.
This torture went on for a year before a doctor finally figured out that my home and my body had been infected with toxic mold. Anything above 5 is toxic, and my result was at 21,000.

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

To make a long story short, it took me three years to heal from this unexpected health crisis, and as hard as the health challenges were, what made it infinitely more difficult was the fact that I didn’t have a source of real passive income from assets like real estate or dividend stocks that could cover my bills while I was unable to work.
I wasn’t married, I didn’t have a spouse to help support or take care of me, none of my medical expenses were covered by insurance, and I was still responsible for more than $50,000 per month in payroll, bills, and child support.

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

So as you can imagine, this was the single biggest challenge I’ve ever been through and it stripped me of absolutely everything…
My health, my identity, my ego, my financial security, my body, and my passions.
And while the experience of losing those things was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through, it has also turned into the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Because it gave me the opportunity to start over with a blank slate both emotionally, mentally, and physically.
It gave me the opportunity to figure out what really matters in life and what doesn’t.
It gave me the inspiration for a new mission in my life moving forward, and a new set of knowledge and experiences that have turned into a super power I can now use to help you in ways that I would never have been able to if I hadn’t gone through this experience.
So the good news is that I’ve made it through to the other side, and as of today, I’m ready to share some of the most valuable gifts that I’ve acquired through this process with you.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking extremely hard about what I want to do with this second chance at life.
I could have started a business related to healing from mold which would have made a lot of sense, or I could have simply gone back to internet marketing and what I’ve done before.
But neither of those resonated. They made sense from a logical head perspective, but they didn’t make sense from the heart, and you need to have both if you’re going to build something great and with passion.
Thankfully, over time the answer became clear…
The one thing we all have in common, and that affects every single aspect of our lives, is money.
Myself, and those of you who have pursued entrepreneurship, did so because we wanted to build a better life for ourselves.
We wanted to make more money so we could do what we want, when we want, and with who we want.
Ultimately, we simply want to make the most out of this life, and to experience all that it has to offer from a place of joy and abundance instead of fear or scarcity.

And while the internet and the online entrepreneur industry as a whole has been an absolute miracle that’s allowed millions of people around the world to experience financial success at levels that have never been possible before, it’s also let myself and so many of you down.


Because 99% of the conversations and education that takes place in this industry is about how to make money, but no one ever talks about what to do with the money once you make it.
And if you’re in the group of people who’ve been trying to build a business and have that your first big financial win for years, but that just hasn’t happened and you can’t figure out why, this industry hasn’t been able to provide you with the help or answers you’ve needed either.
Well I want to help you solve these problems, right now, here today.
Now this topic rose to the surface for me for three primary reasons…
The first, is that after being unable to work for over two years, I swore I’d never find myself in that position again, and replacing my active income, with real passive investment income has become my number #1 priority…

Passive Income Is No Longer A,
“Nice To Have”, It Is A “Need To Have”,
Especially With The Economic Uncertainty
That’s Increasing By The Day…

Which brings me to my second reason…
Our society, and our economic system are experiencing, and will continue to experience unprecedented levels of uncertainty, change, and volatility.
We’ve all seen how much pain small business owners and their employees have gone through this past year. Their lives have been devastated, and there’s a very good chance you’ve been severely affected as well.
Well that pain and insecurity could have been dramatically reduced for countless people if they had real sources of passive income…
And I don’t mean from a business, I mean from assets like cash flow real estate, dividend stocks, RV parks, or high yield crypto savings accounts…
But with that being said, every single investment comes with a caveat…
Cashflow real estate is a great investment if you’re buying in the right states, and have the right tenants.
Markets like Texas are experiencing an unprecedented real estate bull market right now, while landlords in other states have homes filled with tenants who can’t pay their rent.
If you owned an RV park right now, you’d be making record profits.
And stocks? Well stocks have been doing incredibly well, but they’re in bubble territory so there’s no telling what they’ll do next.
Investing in crypto assets can be great if you understand the industry and how to time the market cycles. In fact, my crypto portfolio is up more than 1,200% in the last 12 months…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

And then you can hold cash cash on the side to take advantage of strategic opportunities which is a great idea, but inflation is eating away the value of those dollars at an incredible rate.
So what do you do? How do you make any kind of educated decisions when it comes to your money when things are so unstable?
We’ll talk about that here today…
And the third reason, which is in my opinion, the most important, is because I realized that I was making all of my financial decisions from a completely unconscious set of programs, and once I saw that and became aware of that fact, it’s like seeing through the Matrix.
You simply can’t go back to looking at your life, your decisions, and the world the same way again.

And What I Realized Is That My Personal
Patterns With Money, Are Incredibly Common Among Entrepreneurs In General…

I’ve had the privilege of knowing and working with thousands of other entrepreneurs during my career, and here’s what I’ve observed…
We are wired differently than the rest of the people in society.

In Fact, If You Are An Entrepreneur, I’ll
Bet This Describes You Pretty Well…

  • To one degree or another, you had a rough childhood growing up. You were either picked on, or bullied, or abused and you did not get the kind of love or support that you needed.
  • At one point when you were pretty young, you realized you were more intelligent than most of the other people around you, and that you looked at the world in a different way than they did.
  • As you got older, you decided that you were going to take control of your life into your own hands, and that you were going to prove to yourself and to everyone else that you were good enough, and that achievement would become your tool of choice.
  • You don’t like being told what to do, or when you have to be somewhere, or that you have to follow the rules.
  • You are competitive and you like to win.
  • Most people might describe you as intense, obsessive, or an A-Type personality.
  • You are a self-motivated problem solver. When you or someone else runs into a problem, you proactively go figure out the solution even if you have no idea where to start.
  • You believe in yourself and once you get an inspiring idea or a vision in your head, nothing is going to stop you until you bring it to life.

Sound familiar? If so, I get it, because it describes me as well.
And that simply means that you’re wired to be an entrepreneur.
Now from a business perspective, these characteristics are amazing because they’re the exact traits someone needs to start a business, take risks, invent solutions to the world’s problems, and get paid handsomely for doing so.
And then you give someone like us a tool like the internet, and BOOM!
In the past 20 years alone, you literally have millions of people around the world who are making millions of dollars for the first time in their family tree, and that’s the moment when things start to go sideways.
I personally know hundreds of entrepreneurs who make at least a million dollars per year, and do you know how many of them could retire and never have to work again tomorrow if they wanted to?
I’d estimate less than 10% of them.
These are smart people making millions of dollars, and almost none of them have the ability to retire and maintain their current lifestyle.
Celebrities and athletes are entrepreneurs in their own right, and they experience the exact same challenge… Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson, MC Hammer, 50 Cent, Nicolas Cage, Kim Basinger, Stephen Baldwin, and even Mark Twain, have all filed for bankruptcy…

So why does this happen?
Because they all fell into a vicious cycle, and they never realized why that happened, or how to get out of it…

The “Make It, Spend It” Cycle…

People with this personality type can get very good at making money, but then they spend it on everything they’ve had on their vision board for years like the cars, the house, and the luxury lifestyle.
Or they lose it taking risks on new business ideas or investments in their friend’s new startup.
Or they get behind on their taxes.
Then they make it back and then lose it. Make it, lose it. Make it. Lose it.
This cycle causes all kinds of problems and forces you to make all kinds of short term business and financial decisions that have long term consequences…
The freedom we want and that drives us… The freedom to do what we want, with who we want, how we want, turns into an illusion like an oasis in the desert that’s always one more product, idea, marketing campaign, or launch away.
So why does this happen?
Well when you take the very traits that make you so effective at making money, like your drive, and your willingness to take huge risks, and you apply those same personality traits to investing and conservatively managing your money, it doesn’t work.
It’s not a part of your current programming… It’s like asking a shark to stop eating other fish.
You make your money by taking risks as an entrepreneur, so why wouldn’t you apply the same approach to managing and investing your money, especially if it’s worked out so far?

This Is The Dirty Little Secret
About Entrepreneurs That No One
Wants To Talk About…

And it’s affected nearly all of us at one time or another, but here’s the simple truth of the matter…
If you do not solve this problem in your life, you are doomed to repeat this extremely stressful cycle over and over again until you push your body past it’s breaking point.
So during the rest of this training video, I’m going to show you why we all make the decisions we do when it comes to money.
If you’re good at making money, but you’re stuck in the make it, spend it cycle, I’ll show you why that’s happening…
If you’re trying to make more money in your life, but you continue to struggle and keep hitting a glass ceiling, I’ll show you why…
Once you understand why these habits and cycles are taking place, I’m going to teach you how to fix them.
And once we fix them together…

I’m Going To Show You How To Build Real, Stable, Passive Income In Your Life…

In fact, I’m going to show you how to get a little richer every single day, and as a result of this system and these practices, you will end up building real wealth and real financial freedom in your life.
This is money that will continue to come in no matter what’s happening in your life or your business, or in the economy, and this is a process you can start to use immediately, no matter how much money, or how little, you currently make.
Personally, my goal is to use this system to hit $100,000 per month in passive investment income in the next 5 years, so if you’d like to see how that’s done, let’s dive in and get started…

And by the way, you already know this, but I’m not a financial advisor, this is not personal financial advice, and investing always involves risk.

Alright, with that being said…

Here’s How I Discovered All Of This…

In order to heal my brain from the toxic mold injury, I spent over two years pursuing every kind of therapy available from hypnotherapy, to NLP, to transcranial magnetic to, EMDR, to meditation and plant medicines.
And while my primary goal was to heal from the health crisis, I ended up mastering the human nervous system and the subconscious mind in the process.
At the same time, I spent hours a day studying, evaluating, and learning about all of the different ways to build a significant amount of passive investment income.
What I realized is that everything being taught about money is broken, and in fact it’s completely missing the two most important components that are required to change someone’s financial results in life.
Every book our course out there when it comes to making money or investing has to do with mindset or a specific investing strategy.
For example, Robert Kiyosaki will teach you to invest in cash flow real estate which is a great strategy.
Dave Ramsey will teach you how to create a budget and get out of debt, which is based on a certain kind of mindset.
But if they’re so effective, then why are so many people who’ve read their books, still struggling with money? Why aren’t they building life-long wealth and financial freedom?
If making money was just about mindset, and if building wealth was just about a strategy, then why aren’t you one of the wealthiest people in the world? Why aren’t you financially free?
I’ll tell you…

Finding The Right Investing Strategy Is Only One Part Of A Three Piece Puzzle, And In Fact, It’s The Last Piece…

If you want to truly change your financial situation in life in an effective and lasting way, you have to master the other two pieces of the equation…
Ultimately, your reality and the life you currently live, is a direct result of the thoughts and decisions you make on a daily basis.
Better decisions lead to better results, so if you’re not experiencing the kind of financial abundance you want in your life, then you need to make better decisions.
But what most people don’t realize, is that every decision you make is primarily driven by two invisible factors…

The First Is Your Neuro-Chemistry…

Every action we take in life is driven by 5 hormones…

The first is Dopamine…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

Dopamine is our primary feel good hormone…
The brain releases it when we eat food that we crave or when we have sex. The release of Dopamine causes us to feel pleasure and satisfaction as part of the brain’s reward system.
Dopamine is also released when you make money. Money buys resources, food, and shelter, so you feel pleasure whenever you make a sale or buy anything that your brain sees as a resource.
If you’ve ever launched a product and hit the refresh button over and over again on your shopping cart as you watch your sales go up, you are getting a hit of dopamine every single time it does.
And firing up Amazon and going shopping is the modern day equivalent of finding a bush full of berries, or hunting an animal for dinner.
Simply put, Dopamine motivates you to seek rewards and get what you need, even if that takes a lot of effort.

The next is Serotonin…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

Serotonin is the hormone our brain uses to produce the feeling of pride, confidence, and respect.
Serotonin is also why your mammal brain is constantly comparing your level of status to others.
In the past, status was directly correlated to your chances of survival and procreation. This is why it’s nearly impossible to stop comparing yourself to others.
When your level of status is high, you feel good. When it’s not as high as others, you literally feel bad.
Serotonin is what drives you to want to buy things like cars, clothing, and other material goods that demonstrate your level of status.

Next we have Oxytocin which produces feelings of safety, trust, belonging, and love…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

Then there are Endorphins which mask pain and can create a feeling of euphoria…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

It’s what your body uses to allow you to take the action you need to take, in order to remove yourself from a threat.
Now on the other end of the spectrum from these feel good hormones, is cortisol…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

Your body releases cortisol when it feels threatened.
It forces you to stop and pay attention to what’s happening. When your cortisol level is extremely high, you feel fear. When it’s lower, you feel stress or anxiety.
And finally there’s Adrenaline.
Adrenaline is not a hormone itself, bur rather an amplifier of the other hormones.
Your adrenaline will amplify serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, or cortisol all the same.
So here’s a quick example of how this works…

Have You Ever Wondered Why So Many Entrepreneurs Are Compelled To Spend Money And Buy Material Goods Like A Big House, A Supercar?

Or ladies… A designer purse or pair of shoes, as soon as you can afford to?
Well at the end of the day, your primitive brain only wants two things…
It wants you to survive, and procreate.
That’s it.
And it will drive you to do whatever it thinks will increase your chances of achieving those two goals.
Your brain knows that the more resources you acquire, the higher your chances of survival will increase.
In our modern world, shopping is the equivalent of acquiring valuable resources like food, or weapons, or shelter, or clothing in the past, which were all required for survival.
So what happens when you spend your money on a Ferrari? You get a dopamine hit. Your brain says, “hey, good job acquiring more resources.”

And then what happens when you take a seat in that Ferrari for the very first time and fire up the engine?
You get a rush of endorphins and adrenaline as the monstrous engine fires up, and the car comes alive with power.
The moment you step on the gas, it catapults you back into your seat like a roller coaster…
If you’ve ever had a chance to purchase your dream car, you know the feeling I’m talking about.
Now why do most men and women desire luxury goods?
Well the primitive tribal parts of our mind know that the more resources you have, the higher your level of status and power in the tribe, and this higher level of status comes with power, influence, protection, and resources, which all directly correlate to your ability to survive and find a suitable mate.
Your brain says, “hey, if this person has lots of resources and power within their tribe, they’d make a great mate and the chances of our children surviving would increase.”

So Your Brain Literally Forces You To Seek These Things Out, And It Does So Through The Use Of Serotonin…

Now if Serotonin is what you feel when you feel confidence, status, and power, what’s the fastest, easiest, and most efficient way to demonstrate your level of status in the modern world we live in?
It’s through the car you drive, the house you live in, and the clothes you wear.
The reason your brain drives you to spend money on material status symbols, is because those items are sending clearly visible signals to the other humans around you, while your investment account is invisible.
Your brain doesn’t care about your retirement goals 20 years from now because you might not live that long to begin with, so all it cares about is motivating you to acquire the things it views as important to your survival and your ability to attract a mate.
Assuming you get positive feedback from these purchases and from demonstrating your new level of status, (which you will at an unprecedented level thanks to social media today), that’s going to release more dopamine and serotonin, which is going to start to strengthen these neural connections.
As you’ve probably heard, neurons that fire together, wire together.
So now your brain is getting trained to associate spending money with the release of all of these happy chemicals, and it starts to create a viral feedback loop…

Which Ultimately Results In Something Called Parkinson’s Law…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

Basically, Parkinson’s Law states that your expenditures will rise to meet your income.
The more money you make, the more money you’ll start to spend. Why?
Well unfortunately your brain will start to become numb to the dose it’s receiving, which is why it takes a more and more expensive car to feel that sense of satisfaction, just like it takes more coffee to get your caffeine buzz over time.
This is also why making millions of dollars for entrepreneurs is never enough.
In order to get the same hit you got when you made your first million, well now you need to make what?
$10 million right?
And then $100 million.
It creates a vicious cycle where you never have enough, and you’re never satisfied.
This is your brain’s primitive chemical addiction in action, and 99% of people in the world are completely unaware that it’s driving all of their decisions.
But these neuro chemicals are only the first part of the equation…

There’s An Even More Powerful
Factor That Comes Into Play Here,
And That’s Your Subconscious…

While we all have these chemicals circulating in our brains and bodies at all times, some people like Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, or Dwayne Johnson make radically different decisions than others.
And that’s because we all interpret these desires through a filter that’s completely unique to us, which is our subconscious.
Your subconscious is the collection of all of your life’s previous experiences and beliefs, and it is the invisible decision maker that ultimately decides which choices we make when we feel an urge that’s created by our neuro-chemistry.
That’s why you can hand 100 people the same book, the same amount of money, and the same investment strategies, and you’re still going to get 100 different results.
People are making decisions based on neuro-chemical addictions they don’t understand, and subconscious programming they’re completely unaware of.
This is also why so many people, and especially entrepreneurs, repeat the same pattern and cycles with money over and over again.
They’re making the best logical decisions they can with their conscious mind, without the understanding that 95% of that decision is being made by these two invisible forces.
So when it comes to building wealth and investing, yes your investment strategy is important, but it’s the last step in the process.

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

In Step 1, you must become aware of, and then reprogram your neuro-chemical associations.
And then in Step 2, you must uncover and then reprogram your subconscious stories.
Then, and only then, are you ready to start evaluating investment decisions and strategies.

If You Don’t Master The First
Two Steps, You Will Literally Repeat
The Same Patterns You Always Have…

And you’ll continue to experience the same problems which is why so many people who have ready and studied all of the investing books out there, are still broke and struggling.
Why do so many entrepreneurs love to invest in risky startups?
Because the chemical pleasure that would come from the anticipated and outrageous return on that investment is a neuro-chemical cocktail that would send your brain into ecstasy.
It’s your brain’s next big hit, and it wants you to pursue it.
This is why so many entrepreneurs who are great at making millions of dollars, continue to lose it.
They’re brains are literally wired to take big risks, and most of the time, they simply don’t work out.

Now What About Those Of You Who Have
Been Trying To Make More Money For Years…

But you haven’t been able to break through, or you keep hitting a glass ceiling?
That’s happening because you’ve acquired a subsconvious story at some point in your life that you’re completely unaware of, that has caused you to associate success as a threat to your safety or survival, or that you’re not good enough, and unworthy of success.
If your parents or friends or other people in your tribe told you that rich people are evil, or that making money is somehow bad or looked down upon which happens all the time, then guess what…

Your subconscious is not going to allow you to make money because if you do, that means you might be viewed in a negative way, which means you might get thrown out of the tribe, which would mean certain death at any previous point in history.
Consciously and rationally you know that’s not the case, and that making money is an absolutely wonderful thing and it’s the ultimate way you can show love for yourself, but your conscious mind isn’t running the show. Your subconscious is.
Well you are worthy of money and success, but until you identify and then re-write that story, nothing you ever do is going to change your results.
You can buy all the marketing courses in the world, or you could even win the lottery, and guess what… Nothing is going to change.
You’ll be stuck in that place, struggling, and beating yourself up forever.
Now I don’t know about you…

But When I Finally Pieced All Of
This Together, And Then Looked Back
At My Life And The Decisions I’ve Made
When It Comes To Money… Holy Smokes!

I felt shocked, and then I felt amazed at how powerful our programming is.
I mean I’m a guy who’s owned 12 super cars, and who’s made a lot of risky investments in my own businesses and in other startups, and now I finally understood why I made those decisions.
And then I felt incredibly empowered because these invisible forces driving all of my decisions were now visible, which means now they could be managed and directed towards my conscious goals.

So Now That You’ve Been Unplugged From The Matrix, Where Do You Go From Here?

How can you use this information to radically change your financial results in life, starting today?
Well there are three steps or Phases to the process…

Phase 1: Rewiring Your Mind For Wealth…

Is about generating awareness, and reprogramming your mind and body…
We’ve scratched the surface of that subject here today, but there are much deeper levels of depth when it comes to achieving full awareness of why you make the decisions you make.
Once you become aware of your invisible habits, decisions, and chemical associations you need to learn how to interrupt those patterns and create new ones.
This part of the process is the single most important one, because if you don’t get your brain aligned with your goals and aspirations, it will ultimately find a way to sabotage you.
This is exactly what happens when people try to diet, but can’t keep the weight off…
Or when they make a lot of money and then eventually lose it…
Or fall into the make it, spend it cycle of Parkinson’s Law…
They are trying to solve internal problems, with external solutions, and it simply doesn’t work.
If you want to change your outside world, you have to purchase products and services that will help you change your inside world first, and a diet pill doesn’t do that.

Phase 2: Get A Little Richer Every Day…

Once you reprogram your neuro-chemistry and your subconscious stories, you need a simple system and a plan that will allow you to manage your money effectively.
If you do not have a plan for the money you’re making, it will end up in the hands of someone else who does.

Your Favorite Companies In The World…
Apple, Ferrari, Porsche, Gucci… All
Of Them Have Plans For Your Money…

Well we have a different plan… And the plan that we’ve created for our money is designed to do one thing…
Which is to make us a little richer every day.
Using the Richer Every Day System, we use a series of 6 bank accounts, and one of those is called the Richer Every Day account.
Every single day, we take a % of our income, and we make transfers into these 6 accounts.
The Richer Every Day account is our investment account.
This system does a few very important things…
First, it ensures we never get behind on our taxes, and it ensures we get a little richer every single day.
Second, it’s also an extremely important part of rewiring your neural-connections and chemical associations.
We’re training our brains to get a dopamine hit every single day we transfer money into this account.
And third, once you start using this system, something pretty awesome is going to start to happen…
You’re obviously going to start accumulating cash in this account on a daily basis…
The balance is going to grow, and grow, and grow, which is going to have all kinds of positive impacts on your neuro-chemistry, and your financial security.
Which brings us to the third Phase of our process…

Phase 3: Turning The Money You Make Today, Into Money That Pays You Forever…

At this point we’ve rewired your mind and body for wealth.
And we’ve set up an automated system that ensures you’re going to get a little richer every single day.
Now, and only now, are you ready to start thinking about specific investment strategies…

So What Should You Invest In?
Well there are several options, but our primary goal is to pursue investments that generate passive income.
Investing in stocks with the expectation that they’re going to go up in value can be effective if you choose the right stocks at the right time, but at the end of the day, it’s a bet.
And making any kind of bet is always a form of gambling.
Investing in stocks or other assets like real estate that generate passive income no matter what happens, isn’t gambling, it’s real investing.
Many of you have invested in crypto-assets like I have over the past few years. While it represents a huge opportunity, it’s also been pure speculation until recently…
But now in the past year, a few financial companies have launched services that will pay you a 5% to 14% return per year on your crypto assets.
So if you deposit $1 million in crypto into one of these accounts instead of simply holding it in your wallet, you could be earning $100,000 or more per year in passive income for doing absolutely nothing.

Ultimately, Our Primary Focus Is To Invest In Assets That Produce Passive Income…
And our goal is to hit your “Freedom Number”, which is when the amount of money you’re making passively each month from investments, covers your monthly bills.
The moment you hit your Freedom Number, you are financially free, and you’ll never have to worry about money again.

Once I Figured All Of This Out For Myself, I Jumped In And I Started To Make Changes Immediately…
I retrained my body to create new neural-chemical associations, so now my brain gets the dopamine and serotonin it wants whenever I invest money, instead of spending it.
Instead of buying sports cars, I go buy sources of passive income.
As those investments produce passive income, I revinest that money to buy even more passive income, which means my money is now making me even more money, automatically.
Next, I reprogrammed my subconscious to remove the old stories from my childhood that were preventing me from breaking through my old growth ceiling.
And finally, I created a financial strategy that does two very important things…
The first is that it literally makes me a little richer every single day, and the second is that it is creating a larger and larger amount of purely passive income through very specific investments, on a monthly basis.
I call this process the Richer Every Day System, and as a result of applying it in my life, I now have more financial security than I’ve ever had before.
Our personal goal is to hit $100,000 per month in passive investment income that comes in every single month whether I have a business or not, within the next 5 years.

So Here’s My Question For You…
Have you been able to make a lot of money, but had trouble keeping it?
Have you made a lot of money, but for some reason you’re not financially free yet because you don’t know how to invest the money you’re making?
Or have you been trying to make more money for years, but it’s just alluded you for some reason?
If so, then I’d like to help you solve these problems once and for all…

Introducing, Richer Every Day…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard

Richer Every Day is for entrepreneurs who’ve made millions of dollars, but who’ve struggled to create real freedom because you haven’t learned how to turn your active business income into passive income.
It’s for those of you who are addicted to taking risks in your business, or with your money.
It’s for those of you who have been caught in the make-it, spend it cycle…
And it’s for those of you who simply don’t have a plan for your money. You don’t know how to invest it, or how to create passive income.
Richer Every Day is also for you if you don’t have a business yet, or if you’ve been trying to build one for years, but have never been able to make it happen.
For one reason or another, making money has simply alluded you, and you haven’t been able to figure out why.
No matter which category you’re in, our goal is simple…
It’s to teach you how to turn your active income into passive income, so you can experience real freedom, and real financial security in your life without the stress that comes from the ups and downs of always trying to grow a business, or from an uncertain economy…

Here’s How We’re Going To Do That…
As you’ve learned during this video, you have to address three separate aspects of money in order to get the results you want…
First, you have to address your chemical habits, and Subconscious stories.
Second, you need a simple plan and management system for your money.
And third, you need to understand how to find and invest in the right strategies and opportunities that will enable you to build passive income.
Richer Every Day is the first and only financial transformation program in the world that addresses all three of these areas of money in a complete and cohesive way.

So In Phase 1, We’re Going To Take A Deep Dive Into Your Chemical Habits And Addictions…
You’re going to learn how your neuro-chemicals like Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, Endorphins, and Cortisol drive all of the impulses, emotions, and decisions you make on a daily basis.
If you are constantly launching new products, or starting new businesses… If you tend to make risky investments, or make impulse purchases…
If you feel compelled to spend your money as soon as you make it, or if you turn towards alcohol, video games, food, or shopping as a distraction, all of these behaviors are driven by unhealthy chemical habits and associations.

  • So the very first thing we’re going to do is teach you how to become aware of your chemical habits, because until you generate awareness, you can’t change anything.

Once you become aware, you’re going to look at every single decision you’ve ever made in your life in a completely new way.

Next, I’m going to teach you how to interrupt those habits, associations, and impulses that are literally wired into your neurology which is why it’s so hard for most people to make any kind of lasting change in their lives.

Once you understand how your neuro-biliogy works, and how to interrupt your current patterns, I’m going to teach you how to create new ones that will ultimately allow you to achieve your goals effortlessly.

  • New behaviors and decisions require effort, because you’re trying to force your body and brain to do something it’s not onboard with.

But once you retrain your brain, taking on new habits, decisions, and behaviors becomes effortless. Any feelings of resistance that you’ve felt before, will simply disappear. Things that were once hard, become easy.

This is how real, lasting transformation is made, and the best part is that you can apply this process to any and every area of your life from your business, to money, to health, and your relationships.

Next, we’re going to dive into your subconscious. Every single one of us have subconscious programs that guide 99% of the decisions we make, but we’re completely unaware of them, which means we’re not in control.

Well in order to achieve the outcomes we want in life, we need to know what those subconscious stories are, and then we need to address them if they’re holding you hostage.

  • So next, I’m going to take you through a simple exercise that will reveal any subconscious stories that are responsible for your relationship and results with money.

Once you’re aware of your programming, we’re going to help you rewrite those stories, and replace them with new ones.

This is one of the single most powerful tools of transformation that I’ve ever experienced in my life.

It is literally like finding buggy code in your operating system that’s been causing you to sabotage yourself, and then replacing it with clean, pristine code that enables you to create financial abundance and wealth in your life in a way that is completely effortless and free of the resistance you’d normally run into.

Next in Phase 1, we’re going to bring your conscious mind into the process, and we’re going to teach you a specific mental model you can use to make the best decisions possible when it comes to money and investing.

This system was created by our friend Brooke who used it to pull herself out of alcoholism, financial scarcity, and a multi-year long depression. Today, just a few years later, she’s built one of the most successful companies in the world which will do over $50 million dollars in revenue this year.

Every conscious decision she makes is filtered through this process, and she’s going to teach it to you personally, here in Richer Every Day.

Learning and applying this model has completely changed my life and Michelle’s when it comes to making financial decisions, and it will absolutely do the same for you as well.

  • By the time you’ve completed Phase 1 in Richer Every Day, you will be fully aware of every decision you make in your life, and why you make it for the very first time.

We’re going to teach you how to interrupt old patterns and stories that are no longer serving you, and we’re going to literally rewire your mind for wealth.

Now if you do not acquire this knowledge or these skills, we already know what your fate is…

You’ll continue to repeat the same patterns, mistakes, and decisions that have always held you back, over, and over again, until it’s too late to do anything about.

Ultimately, the pain will continue until the lesson is learned, and this is your chance to end that pain once and for all.

Next, that brings us to Phase 2…

In Phase 2, I’m Going To Teach You The Richer Every Day System…

  • The entire goal of this program is to help you replace your active business income, with passive income, so you’ll never have to worry about money again.

So the first thing we’re going to do is determine your freedom number.

This is the amount of passive income you need to make each month to cover all of your expenses.

If you don’t know your numbers, and if you don’t have a specific goal or plan to achieve that goal, it’s never going to happen.

  • So do you know how much your monthly expenses are right now? Do you know what your freedom number is?

Do you know how much money you’d need to invest? In which assets, and for how long, in order to hit that number?

In other words, do you have a specific plan for your money?

If you don’t, it will end up in the hands of someone else who does.

Now once we determine your Freedom Number, I’m going to teach you the Richer Every Day System.

If you own a business, it can make it extremely hard to invest and grow your money in a systematic way, because your income changes every single month.

You are also responsible for calculating and paying your taxes which also change every single month, which can make it nearly impossible to start building wealth on a consistent daily basis.

Well if you hate dealing with numbers or spreadsheets, or budgets, and if you invest your money at random times, into random things, with random amounts, that is not a road that leads to financial freedom.

That road leads to stress, and short term, emotion-based financial decisions.

And short term decisions, almost always end up having negative, long term consequences.

I realized that I needed a simple way to take control of my money, and that would allow me to get a little richer every single day.

The Richer Every Day System was the answer to that problem, and it’s as simple as it is effective.

  • There are no complicated spreadsheets, financial statements, or constrictive budgets.

It takes less than 5 minutes to follow each day, and once you start to use it, you will have complete control over your finances, and you will start to accumulate wealth 365 days per year.

Which brings us to a very important question…

At this point you’ve literally rewired your subconscious and conscious mind for wealth, and you’re now accumulating wealth on a daily basis thanks to the Richer Every Day System, but what do you do with that money?

What strategies do you use to safely and reliably turn that money into passive income?

If you don’t know the answer to that question, and if you don’t have the knowledge or the contacts you need to execute your plan, then it’s never going to happen.

You’ll continue to stay stuck, exactly where you are right now, repeating the same patterns and mistakes you’ve been making.

So we’re going to fix that in two different ways…

First, you’re going to learn about every major cash flow investment strategy that’s working right now…

For example, you’ll learn how to invest in cash flow real estate. There’s a reason why real estate is the primary investment of choice for the wealthy…

It’s one of the only investments in the world that can produce cash flow, appreciate in value, and reduce your taxes, all at the same time.

  • But how do you invest in real estate, especially if you don’t have any previous experience?

Should you just put money into a Real Estate Investment Trust that pays out quarterly dividends? Should you buy properties directly? Or should you invest with a private real estate fund?

You’ll finally know the answer to that question here in Richer Every Day.

Next, you’ll learn how to set up unique, and extremely profitable AirBNB properties which can produce up to 500% more profit than a standard long term rental home.

These properties can be set up as little as $35,000, and can make more than $2,000 per month in passive income.

  • If you do that math, that’s a 55% return per year, and the best part, is that there are companies you can buy these properties from, completely turnkey.

They’re designed specifically for short-term rentals, and have all of the amenities and management services setup. There’s no house-hunting involved, or staging and setup required. All you need to do is write a check in order to buy this kind of passive income.

Next, you’ll learn how to invest in some of the most lucrative cash flow investments in the world right now including…

RV Parks, mobile home parks, and storage units.

  • Have you ever driven by a storage unit business and said to yourself, “gosh that has to be such an easy and profitable way to make passive income?”

Well I have, so I learned how to start investing in them in an incredibly easy way, and I’ll show you how to do the same.

I’m also going to show you how to earn up to 8.5% per year in dividends on your crypto assets.

This new kind of service is going to completely change the financial industry…

Right now, the average savings account at your bank pays you 0.05% interest, which is basically nothing. If you had $100,000 sitting in your savings account, you’d make a whopping $500 per year in interest.

  • Well a handful of brand new Federally approved and regulated financial service companies have emerged this past year that pay an incredible rate of passive income on your crypto assets, just for storing them on their platform.

For example, you can make up to 6.5% per year in interest on your Bitcoin, or up to 8.6% per year on stable coins.

This is just like investing in dividend stocks, but it’s even better because you get paid monthly instead of quarterly, there are no hidden fees of any kind, and you can pull your crypto out to sell or trade whenever you want.

Now we can’t forget to have fun either. There are a lot of wealthy people in the world who live like they’re broke, and we have no interest in that kind of scarcity minded lifestyle.

We’re building passive income, but we’re also enjoying life. In fact, we just purchased this off-road camping trailer so we can make some amazing memories with our kids while we still have the chance.

  • But with that being said, there are smart ways to spend money on fun, (especially if you own a business), and there are stupid ways to spend money.

For example, if you incorporate these purchases and experiences into your business, you can use them as a tax write-off, which is exactly what we’re doing.

Using this strategy, we will be able to save thousands in taxes off this purchase, that the average person would have to pay out of pocket. That brings us to phase 3…

Phase 3: How To Turn Today’s Income, Into “Forever Income”…

Next, we’re going to teach you how to protect your assets with an incredibly special kind of trust because none of this matters if you don’t protect the wealth you’re building.

The truly wealthy in the world own nothing, and control everything, and they do that by using corporate entities and trusts.

For example…

If you’re currently investing in stocks on platforms like ETrade, Ameritrade, WeBull or Robinhood… And if that trading account is in your name, (which it probably is), every dollar you have in there is at risk right now.

The same goes for all of your crypto assets on Coinbase, Binance, or Gemini.

  • All of these assets and all of this money is completely naked and exposed without any protection what-so-ever, which means that if you got sued or in a wreck tomorrow, the money you have in those accounts can be taken with the snap of a judge’s finger.

Now when it comes to trusts, you have two options… You can set up a Domestic Trust, or you can set up an off-shore trust.

Domestic trusts are less expensive to create and manage, but they’re basically worthless because they’ve been penetrated so many times by the courts.

On the other hand, off-shore trusts have proven to be bullet-proof and impossible to penetrate, even by the US government. The problem is that they can be expensive to set up and maintain.

Well there is a 3rd option that combines the cost effectiveness and ease of use of a Domestic Trust, with the protection of an off-shore trust, and you’re going to learn how to set up this incredibly effective asset protection strategy from the law firm that created it.

This is the strategy and law firm that Michelle and I personally used to create our Trusts in order to protect our assets.

Now along these same lines, we’re also going to teach you how to set up a second citizenship and offshore bank accounts in order to help increase your financial security and flexibility on a global scale.

  • Right now the US stock market is in a bubble and at record highs. The Fed is printing trillions of dollars in order to keep it propped up, and you can rest assured there will be consequences to these actions.

Learning how to legally acquire assets outside the country, including a foreign passport is going to become an incredibly valuable tool in the years to come, so we’re going to show you how to do that as well.

Because the world is changing so quickly, it’s critical that you have access to the smartest people possible when it comes to the markets and investing. Every quarter I’m going to hold a virtual round-table with my investing mentors and colleagues…

People like Ken McElroy who’s the Founder of MC Companies which owns more than $1 Billion in multi-family real estate…

  • There’s Tom Wheelwright who’s Robert Kiyosaki’s personal tax advisor. Yes, the tax laws are going to be changing under this administration, and you’re going to want to plug into these strategy talks as they take place because they will affect your investment strategy.

Brian Page is going to keep us plugged in on what’s happening in the short-term rental markets…

And we’ll also be joined by some of the world’s best stock market analysts, and crypto investors.

In other words, I’m going to pull together a virtual quarterly mastermind group of the world’s smartest investors, and you’re going to get the opportunity to participate for free as a member of Richer Every Day.

And finally, you’ll get to look over our shoulder as Michelle and I continue to build our passive income.

We’re going to document what we’re doing with our money, and walk you through all of the major investments we make, including the ones that are up over…
And 1,890% in the last 12 months alone.

  • Whenever we invest in an apartment complex, an AirBNB property, or RV park, we’re going to take you on a virtual tour of the property, and walk you through the entire deal.

If you want to see how we’re earning a significant amount of passive income on our crypto assets right now, we pull up our accounts and show you how we’re doing that.

That means that this portion of the program will just continue to get more and more valuable over time.

You know how Tesla is always sending out software updates that improve their cars and give them new features for free?

Well this portion of Richer Every Day is going to feel just like that, as we constantly add to new updates about our investments and strategies.

And the best part, is that we’re going to share our contacts and resources with you every step of the way.

For example, if we’re looking to invest in an apartment complex in Houston right now through a private equity real estate firm that I’ve been investing with for more than 10 years.

  • This deal is incredibly special because it has a 99 year tax abatement, which means we won’t have to pay property taxes for almost 100 years. As a result, we expect to see an annual ROI of around 20%, which is absolutely phenomenal.

We’re going to share deals like this with you as well, and give you a direct contact at their firm in case you’d like to invest in the same opportunity alongside us.

Ultimately, we’re on our way to hitting $100,000 per month, or $1.2 million per year in passive income within the next 5 years, and if you’d like to see exactly how we’re going to do that, this is your chance…
If you are an overworked, stressed-out entrepreneur who’s making millions per year, but you’re tired of the make it spend it cycle, the hustle and grind, or the never-ending launch and promotion rat race, Richer Every Day is your exit plan.
On the other hand, if you’ve been struggling to make money and build wealth in your life and you haven’t been able to figure out why that’s always been the case, Richer Every Day is the solution that will finally address the root cause that’s been holding you back, instead of the symptoms.
Remember… If you want to master your relationship with money and achieve real financial freedom, you need to address all three areas…
First you must take control and rewire your neuro-chemistry and subconscious programming…
Second, you must put an automated wealth building system in place that will make you a little richer every single day,
And third, you have to have a rock-solid passive-investment strategy to follow.
Richer Every Day is the first and only program ever created that gives you the solutions you need to master all three areas in one place…

Richer Every Day By Mike Dillard, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • 02-PHASE 1
  • 03-PHASE 2
  • 04-PHASE 3
  • Mike Dillard – Richer Every Day (UP1)
  • Mike Dillard – Richer Every Day (UP2)
  • Mike Dillard – Richer Every Day (UP3)