
Relationship Course Self-Paced Virtual Workshop By Christine Hassler & Stefanos Sifandos

Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $165.00.

File size: 20.9 GB
Media Type: Online Course
Delivery Time: 1-12 hours.
Content proofWatch here!

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Relationship Course Self-Paced Virtual Workshop By Christine Hassler & Stefanos Sifandos – Instant Download!

Relationship Course

Self-Paced Virtual Workshop

Led by Christine Hassler & Stefanos Sifandos

Everybody wants a “healthy” relationship. But what does even mean?

Some experts say it’s all about communication. Others insist that a great sex life is key. Fighting fair, not fighting. Having more fun together, date nights, learning your love languages, embracing your masculine or feminine…

The amount of advice out there is dizzying!

The truth is what makes a healthy relationship is desire, intention, and two willing partners.

Join us, Christine Hassler & Stefanos Sifandos, for a one-of-a-kind virtual course dedicated to giving you tools that work in YOUR relationship.


  • Healthy tools for navigating conflict
  • How childhood trauma shows up and impacts your relationship
  • Masculine and Feminine Dynamics
  • Aligning values and goals as a couple
  • How to bring polarity into your relationship
  • Tips for better passion
  • What to do when one of you is growing and the other isn’t
  • Having healthy and separate lives as a couple
  • Understanding one another’s needs
  • And much more!!

Create the intimacy, closeness, and connection you desire in your relationship.

Whether you are single or currently in a relationship, whether your partner is willing to attend with you or not, this course will give you foundational pieces for a vibrant and satisfying relationship.

We’ll explore some of the life circumstances that can bring challenges to the relationship and how to deal with them, such as:

  • Major changes to your household (such as having children, moves, and career changes)
  • Financial changes and disappointments
  • Intimacy ebbs & flows and what to do when as partners you have different needs
  • Difficult family members and staying unified as a couple
  • Career and responsibility dynamics and navigating changes
  • Creating agreements and couples’ contracts

Both individually and together, Christine and Stef bring such light to the world and give us the gift of and guidance for going within, embracing our wholeness and emerging freer than ever, and open to be the love that we are and to receive the love that we all deserve. I wholeheartedly and from my soul to yours, recommend that you say ‘YES’ to what Christine and Stef are gifting us with. This is for everyone who has ever had a childhood, parents or caretakers and relationships. And that is – everyone.

It was such a privilege to witness and receive Christine’s and Stef’s teachings and your support.

Christine and Stef are the embodiment of 1+1 = 3. Thank you for the light that you are and that you shine upon the world.


Christine and Stefanos offer absolutely top notch information, guidance, and support. The workshop was amazing and the breathwork practices are life changing! With whole-hearted integrity and grace, they consistently provide valued insight, compassion, and clarity. Thank you both for your willingness to share and help heal. I am so incredibly grateful for you both.


“When we began working with Stef, we had overcome betrayal and addiction but our marriage was still in a state of survival. We felt stuck, unsure of our future and didn’t know where to turn. We wanted change but couldn’t seem to get there.

Immediately after starting with Stef, huge shifts began to take place within both of us. Long established patterns in our relationship transformed. Deeper healing came for us both as individuals and as a couple. We are happier, more playful, more connected and more understanding of each other at a heart level. Learning about masculine and feminine energy in a marriage setting was a revolutionary shift for us. The spark is back in our marriage again and we are excited for the future.

Stefanos blew us away with his insight, his level of care and depth of understanding. We would not be here today without coaching with him.

Working with him is a once in a lifetime experience and we highly recommend him for any couple looking to transform their relationship.

We love you, Stef.”

-Peter H. & Joy H

“You have helped me more in one weekend than years of on and off therapy:) That “Aha” moment that came to me because of your workshop allowed me to take control of life. Now when I get those knee jerk reactions to a situation occurring, I can take a breath, know where they are coming from, and proceed rationally and healthy to obtain a positive and calm result. Thank you! Truly…thank you.”


Relationship Course Self-Paced Virtual Workshop By Christine Hassler & Stefanos Sifandos, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)

  • Relationship 1
  • Relationship 2
  • Relationship 3
  • Relationship 4
  • Relationship 5
  • Relationship 6
  • Relationship 7
  • Relationship 8
  • Relationship 9, 10