
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee

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Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee – Instant download!

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee 

In this course, you’ll learn how to turn your zone of genius into a digital planner and use your digital planner as a launching pad to a business full of raving fans while honoring your desires, your personality, and your joy in the journey every step of the way.

Students in Passive Income Planner Girl
Hey girl hey!

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee

We’re Michelle and Aimee and we teach this course together.

We find joy in helping women tap into their zone of geniuses and create businesses and lives from a place of being fully in alignment with WHO YOU ARE.

Fun fact: Aimee was Michelle’s student of the first edition of this course and now they’re business partners!

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee
When I first joined Passive Income Planner Girl, I thought I was going to learn how to create a planner and hopefully make a little extra money. What I didn’t realize was that I had been given the opportunity to design a successful business that brought out the best in me! We each have something special and unique that the world needs and with the right tools we can learn how to bravely and confidently share our sparkle! For me, that has absolutely been Passive Income Planner Girl! 

– Jayme Ballard

The thing I love most about Passive Income Planner Girl is how authentic Michelle and Aimee are. They embrace who they are 100% and encourage us to do the same. They’re great examples of how we can create businesses we freaking love that supports the life we want to live. They take the “rules” and burn them down to the ground. My best piece of advice I learned from this course is to go 100% in on who you are, even if it’s scary. Like Michelle always says, the magic is you. 

– Michelle Simpkin

The magic of Passive Income Planner Girl is that it has a beautiful message hidden inside like a treasure. You might join and think: “I am going to learn how to create digital planners”, but as you listen to Michelle and Aimee’s conversations, you discover it is more than that. They are inviting you to find your zone of genius, truly believe in yourself, and create a business YOUR way. 

– Maria Alejandra

Testimonials from Our Lovely Students
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee This community is my absolute favorite. The diversity and support in finding our own zone of genius and thriving in it is phenomenal. I have had the biggest growth in myself  and business thanks to the guidance, empowerment and love in this space. It’s wonderful. 

– Erika Barrica

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee This is so much more than a course… Michelle and Aimee have created a whole journey of learning to make planners that you can sell as a business, but there is so much more. Lots of work on self development and personal growth to uplevel you. You will not be the same person you were before this course. You will have grown in so many ways while having FUN! It’s the best course I have ever bought. 

– Anna Monika

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee Michelle and Aimee will take you on an unforgettable journey to the deepest, purest version of yourself that was buried under overwhelm, burden of past experiences and beliefs you didn’t know were false.
It’s an emotional journey full of laughs through tears and “Aha!” moments…
Reconnecting with your truest self is a precious gift from Aimee and Michelle who are there with you (and for you).
Be brave, let them guide you and get ready for a serious declutter of your soul because it’s gonna be worth it.
It’s time to embrace your creativity and start building from there.
Cheers to our best and truest selves!– Barbs Freedman
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee 

Are you ready for a fresh start?
A new beginning?

In Passive Income Planner Girl, we walk you through 8 milestones of self-transformation and taking action from a place of self-alignment. 

We know that the inner work is more important than the outer work. For this reason, the only part of the course that is really “tutorial-heavy” is the section where we teach you how to make your zone of genius planner.

Throughout the rest of the course, we care more about REMOVING all the stuff that you think you’re “supposed to do” and we help you realize that YOU are more important than your to do list.

Being WHO YOU REALLY ARE is always going to be more powerful than how many boxes you check off.

We’re never going to tell you to “pick a niche” and “serve your audience” because we believe that that puts your focus on the wrong place and you just end up drained, burnt out, and resentful.

We put the focus on YOU.

We believe that a niche is something you ATTRACT just by BEING WHO YOU ARE. You don’t have to figure out who they are or how they think or what they want. You just need to keep going all in on WHO YOU ARE and the energy you radiate from that place will attract your true fans. 

We believe that serving your audience is a natural byproduct of TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF. When you put yourself first, we all get to come first. Instead of obsessing over “what does my audience want?”, we encourage you to ask yourself, “what do I want?” Your desires matter and when you honor your desires, your audience, your family, the world benefits without you even trying. That’s how powerful you are.

YOU are the most important ingredient in your recipe for success.

We want to help you turn your magic ALL THE WAY UP so that you can stop doing crap you hate doing in your business and BE more and enjoy the process of acting from your intuition and from what feels good FOR YOU.

What if we told you…
You already have a million dollar product inside of you.

You already know what to do.

You already have what it takes.

You are a freaking genius.

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee This is not a course about how to become an expert at Etsy SEO. It’s about how to show up as the expert on YOU. 

This is not a course about how to figure out what’s trending in search results so that you can offer the product “of the moment.” It’s about how you can create products that you actually give a damn about and can sell with passion for years and years, and enjoy making it better and better.

This is not a course about how to pick the perfect niche and customer avatar. It’s about how you can attract raving, lifelong fans to WHO YOU REALLY ARE as an ever evolving human being.

The Passive Income Planner Girl Framework:
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee Catching the Vision
See the big picture for going from selling a planner on Etsy to building a heart-centered, full-time business. Become aware of the MINDSET you need to cultivate along the way in order to actually move upward instead of around in circles.
Tapping into Your Zone of Genius
Wondering how on earth to identify your zone of genius? It’s already inside of you just waiting for you to shine a light on it. In this milestone, we dive into the mindset shifts needed to turn that light on full blast!
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee
Creating Your Zone of Genius Planner Turn your zone of genius into a digital planner. This is an exciting first step in creating a minimal viable product that attracts your true fans into a customer journey with you. Creating Your Zone of Genius Planner
Turn your zone of genius into a digital planner. This is an exciting first step in creating a minimal viable product that attracts your true fans into a customer journey with you
Launching Your Shop on Etsy
You don’t need to spend any time trying to build a shop from scratch when you’re just starting out. Get up and running on Etsy quickly and easily with our tips + templates so that you can keep moving and start selling!
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee Market Your Planners on Pinterest
Tap into the most powerful platform for generating traffic from a place of pinning what YOU love. We share how not restricting ourselves to pinning for a single niche has actually been one of the biggest reasons for why Pinterest has worked so well for us.
Open the Door to Money with a Customer Hub
At this point in your journey, you’re making a few sales a week on Etsy and you’re ready to take your customers to the next level with a Customer Hub! We explain why having a hub for your Etsy customers to sign into is so pivotal to growing your business BEYOND Etsy.
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee Create Your Quick & Dirty Mini Course
It’s time to create your quick and dirty mini course. Your customers want to take the next step with you! It is far easier to sell more to the customers you already have than it is to constantly try to create new customers. It’s time to create the next step in their journey.
Stepping into Abundance with Affiliates
Offer your products as an affiliate opportunity for your customers. The best form of marketing is customer marketing. Expand your business beyond your own efforts by building your affiliate army of happy customers!
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee Holding Space for Your Super Fans
Holding space for your online community of super fans (aka customers) starts with holding space for YOURSELF. Being honest about who you are and what gives you energy so that you can step out of people pleasing and step into enjoying the party. This module includes our thought process around our decision to quit social media as well
140+ Canva Templates for Etsy and Pinterest
73 Etsy Templates 

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee

71 Pinterest Templates 

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee

Step by Step Tutorials for creating your zone of genius digital planner. 

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee

To create your digital planner or workbook, you’ll need either Affinity Publisher for Mac or PC computers, or Apple Keynote for Mac computers.
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee 

Aimee teaches designing your digital planner/workbook in Affinity Publisher for PC or Mac users.

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee 

Michelle teaches designing your digital planner/workbook in Apple Keynote for Mac users.

What is a digital planner?

  • A digital planner is a PDF designed to look like a realistic planner giving all of the joy of paper planning without all the paper.
  • It’s mostly used on tablets that work with a stylus, such as the iPad with an Apple Pencil.
  • The customer uses their digital planner on a PDF annotation app such as Goodnotes or Noteshelf.
  • Different parts of the planner are hyperlinked (such as the tabs) in order to create a flip-through experience.

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee

Passive Income Planner Girl is not about how to get rich on Etsy.
We prefer to use Etsy as a launching pad and a gateway to building a business BEYOND Etsy. 

Our focus is on helping you craft your very own “Customer Journey”.

Your Customer Journey starts with your “Zone of Genius Planner” and ascends into offerings that allow your customers to experience greater levels of self-transformation.

But it starts with YOU.

It starts with YOU accepting the fact that you’re a freaking genius and turning your magic all the way up.

When you create from THAT place, you will ATTRACT customers who will love you for YOU and want to buy everything you make.

That is the definition of a true fan. 

If you had 1000 true fans buy $100 worth of products from you over the period of a year, you would make $100,000!

If they buy $1000 worth of products from you, that’s a million dollar business.

So how do you attract 1000 true fans? How do you create $1000 worth of products? How do you grow your planner business BEYOND Etsy?

That is what we’re here to teach in this course.

It’s time to unlock your magic.

It’s time to create from what lights YOU up.

This course will show you how to build your customer journey as an expression of honoring who you really are and what you really love, instead of trying to fit yourself in a box to please a niche. It’s time to attract customers to WHO you are as a fully expressed human. That’s the energy that creates raving, true, lifelong fans.
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee 

It can all start with a planner, but it definitely doesn’t end there…

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee 

  • honor your zone of genius?
  • listen to your intuition?
  • go all in on what lights YOU up?
  • create magic from a place of self-alignment?
Before you buy, make sure you understand the following:
This course teaches you how to create a digital planner from scratch so that you can have a totally unique planner from your zone of genius. This course is not going to help you get rich quick. It’s going to help you enjoy the time it takes to build a sustainable business by honoring yourself. To create your digital planner or workbook, you’ll need either Affinity Publisher for Mac or PC computers, or Apple Keynote for Mac computers.
Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee 

“This is so much more than a course. You will not be the same person you were before this course.”

Barbs Freedman

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee 

“I’m loving this course. What I love most is that you’re encouraging me “to be me.” You’re not giving me “guaranteed scripts that will sell.” You’re forcing me to find what really matters to me and you’re helping me find a cohesive way to build on my own interests and talents. A thousand thank you’s.”

Toni Kenyon, Life, Love, & Lettuce

Passive Income Planner Girl By Michelle & Aimee, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!) 

  • Welcome
  • Meet Our Planner Girls
  • Catching The Vision 
  •  Tapping Into Your Zone of Genius
  • Creating Your Zone of Genius
  • Launching Your Shop On Etsy
  • Marketing on Pinterest
  • More Money With Your Customer Hub
  • Create Your Quick & Dirty Mini Course
  • Stepping Into Abundance with Affiliate
  • Holding Space For Your Super Fans
  • Simplified Sales Page
  • Tip- Uploading Your Planner to Etsy