
Manifestation Babe Academy from Kathrin Zenkina


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Manifestation Babe Academy from Kathrin Zenkina

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  • Are you stuck in inaction? Paralyzed by fear? Overwhelmed in the Self-Help and Spirituality department?
  • Giving up on the complex theories that other Law of Attraction gurus are throwing at you?
  • Need someone to make things simple? To show you the way? To prove to you that, YES, you can do it too?
  • Feeling frustrated from a lack of results in your life? A lack of inspiration? A lack of drive in fulfilling your dreams?
  • Looking for clarity on your life purpose and what you’re “supposed” to be doing?
  • Is fear sitting in the driver’s seat of your life?
  • Sick of re-living the same uneventful year over and over again?
  • Ready to make Manifestation second-nature and finally get your big break?

Just two years ago, I found myself paralyzed by fear.

I was living on my grandma’s couch wondering when would be the moment when I would finally GET IT. When the switch would finally flip. Where I’d finally get my “big break.”

I was $25,000 in debt, working a $15 an hour job as a receptionist, and embarrassed that this is what my “big move” to Los Angeles looked like.

By this point, I had almost a decade’s worth of knowledge on Manifestation and the Law of Attraction. 8 years of reading every single book, watching every single video, and listening to every single podcast. You name a guru, I’ve read all their work.

Yet looking at my life from the outside? You’d think I was completely unaware.

I “KNEW” it, but I didn’t “DO” it! And I’m certain that maybe you can relate.

I was so afraid of what COULD happen if I gave it 100%, that I ended up paralyzed by fear and stuck in inaction.

I didn’t know how to apply this knowledge. Fear was in the driver’s seat for me.

Until one day, I just snapped.

 I don’t know if this is how you feel right now, but I’m guessing that if you’re on this page right now… you’re CRAVING results.

Your life has become stagnant. Your relationships are losing their passion. You’ve become disinterested in your career or business. But… somewhere deep inside of you… you still KNOW you were meant for more.

You’ve been watching others live glamorous lives of freedom, luxury, travel, and fun. You’ve been stalking them on Instagram, on YouTube, and on Facebook. Perhaps, obsessing over their lives.

They all say they manifested their lives to be this way… and that if they could do it, so could you. But for some reason? It’s not clicking for YOU.

And even though you are TRYING to make things happen… nothing is actually shifting in your physical reality. 

But you know this isn’t how your life is going to be forever. You have this inner knowing that even though things aren’t quite 100% amazing right now, one day they WILL be.

There’s a whisper–a tiny little voice–urging you to trust yourself. To take action.

And now you’ve been led to this very page.

So what changed for me? What turned me into a self-made millionaire? What turned me into a master manifestor? What was the switch that flipped that took me from making $1500 a month unable to afford Los Angeles rent to traveling the world full-time with the love of my life, earning over 6 figures every month?


I demystified manifestation. I made it easy to understand. SO EASY, that I became known as an EXPERT for my ability to take complex metaphysical subjects and bring them back to the modern day world– the 21st century.

You see, humans like to make everything harder than it needs to be. We have been conditioned via thousands of generations to believe that success is a struggle, complex, and our fate is handed to us. We have been conditioned to believe that we have no control in our dreams… that we have to be lucky, or, if we aren’t graced with luck, slave away to make things “happen.”

Girlfriend, it doesn’t have to be that way. 

I thank my mentor, Tony Robbins for teaching me that, “COMPLEXITY is the ENEMY of EXECUTION.” 

Manifestation is easy. Creating the life of your wildest dreams is so much simpler than you think. 

Lose the complexity and come learn how it can be done in an easier way. 

If I could do it, it means that so can you. And yes, I know you’re rolling your eyes right now. But unlike other self-proclaimed “Gurus”….. I truly mean it.

I’m just a girl who decided to go for it. I’m a previously shy and introverted girl who went from not believing in herself, to fully stepping into her role as a powerful manifestor of ANYTHING she desired.


Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of the Manifestation Babe Academy. 

Manifestation Babe Academy is a 4-week online course taught exclusively by Kathrin Zenkina, Manifestation Expert, CEO of Manifestation Babe, coach, and best-selling author of “Unleash Your Inner Money Babe.” The course is intentionally curated to give you the best of the best when it comes to Law of Attraction information — Information that is results-driven.

Rather than throwing a ton of meaningless material at you, Kathrin teaches you ONLY what you need to know to implement what’s taught ASAP. It’s simple, easy-to-digest, and taught using modern-day language. This is THE COURSE, that will give you an MBA in Manifestation, and a Ph.D in the RESULTS you DESERVE.

Each module is pre-recorded and accessed via a student-only portal every single week for 4 weeks. There are juicy Q&A calls that are done livestream-style in a closed Facebook group once per week. This is where you’ll be able to get all your juicy manifestation questions answered. The recordings are then sent out to members of the course via email. Lifetime access to every module is given to members at the end of the 4 weeks along with all of the bonuses that are revealed on this page.

In Module One, we will dissect the concept of Manifestation and answer the following questions:

  • What is the Law of Attraction?
  • How exactly does it work?
  • What is the subconscious mind and how does it impact manifestation?
  • Creating a compelling and clear vision for all areas of your life
  • Getting crystal clear on what you want
  • Common misconceptions around manifestation (like, no, it’s not JUST about positive thinking & focusing on what you want)
  • How to implement manifestation quickly, easily, and as fast as TODAY

In this module, I will share with you the ONLY thing that’s holding you back from manifesting a reality wilder than your wildest dreams.Yes, there is only one thing, and yes, it affects all of us the same way. In Module Two, I’ll also be diving into:

  • How your past impacts manifestation and how to finally LET GO and forgive old wounds
  • The power of identity and how it affects our values, beliefs, behaviours, and environment.
  • How to quickly shift yourself from a disempowering belief/state to an empowering one
  • How to eliminate the limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your dreams… for good!
  • The power of repetition & how to reprogram your subconscious mind for success
  • Creating customized affirmations & mantras for success

In Module Three, we’ll be breaking down Manifestation in DETAIL. In this module I’ll be covering things like:

  • My SIGNATURE 3-Step Manifesting Process that’s never failed my clients
  • Quantum manifesting and how to have your desires RIGHT NOW
  • The power of surrendering and letting go of the “how”
  • How to go from a place of NEEDINESS to a place of ALLOWING
  • Releasing negative energy via tapping, journaling, and other proven methods
  • The power of polarity and negative thinking
  • Manifestation rituals that speed up the process
  • Creating a vision board that actually works for YOUR VISION

In Module Four, we will be covering more advanced manifestation topics like:

  • Daily practices to keep your vibration elevated through ANYTHING
  • 11 additional laws no one talks about that impact manifestation — what are they and how to become a master manifestor using them
  • How to handle a less than ideal environment and how to create positive friendships, relationships, physical environments.
  • Dealing with people who “just don’t get it.”
  • Orgasmic manifesting –> yep, I’ve NEVER shared this before outside of MBA
  • How to handle “oh shit” moments & what it means when you manifest what you DON’T want
  • + All of Kathrin’s personal resource library to keep the journey going

The first bonus for MBA is an exclusive module on the topic of how to get your PARTNER on board with Manifestation. Struggling with an unsupportive spouse, friend, or family member? Brennan (my Fiance) and I got you! We will share with you our journey & a breakdown of how to go from feeling alone to feeling fully supported in your journey. You won’t want to miss this exclusive bonus offered nowhere else! This bonus is valued at $997.

Students who sign up for MBA by November 16th at 11:59pm pacific will also get the “Tapping into Massive Wealth” program designed to help you release resistance around your top 5 most crippling limiting beliefs around money, wealth and abundance. As a certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, I will show you one of THE BEST ways to remove energetic disturbances from the body when it comes to resistance around finances (and quite honestly, any other area of your life!). This is the technique that saves me every single time from getting stuck in fear, anxiety and inaction. (This bonus is valued at $1597)

A NEW added bonus for students who are joining the November round of MBA will receive my revolutionary masterclass: “Anxiety Is My Gift: How To Create Massive Success in Spite of Anxiety.” As someone who has personally struggled with anxiety for most of my life, I KNOW how crippling it can be. Over the last couple of years of my personal growth journey, I’ve been able to reduce my anxiety by over 90% and completely stop the debilitating attacks that I would inevitably feel when overcoming a challenge in my life. I’ve noticed so many other women in the Manifestation Babe community struggle with anxiety too, so I’ve made it my MISSION to provide this resource in this course to help you realize that YES… even though it sounds kinda funny to you right now… anxiety can be your biggest and greatest GIFT. This 60-minute masterclass will show you exactly how + provide you with the tools you need to massively reduce anxiety AND be successul in spite of it. If I’ve been able to create a million dollar empire using anxiey as my superpower, SO CAN YOU. You’re going to love this bonus exclusive to the Manifestation Babe Academy! (This bonus is valued at $399)

If you choose the pay-in-full option, you will receive the “I Got My MBA In Manifesting” Affirmation mug in your mailbox during the course as an additional bonus! This bonus is valued at $29. *Also available for Paypal Credit*

“I was hesitant originally to invest in MBA because I thought it was just going to be another course just like all the others. I actually signed up for just the bonus call on how to get your partner on board. I’m so glad because every module was mind blowing. Since the very first module I started getting my very first clients. I got asked by a major media outlet to feature me and all of a sudden my family are really supportive and I was able to quit my job.

MBA is NOT like other courses. Kathrin teaches in a way that anyone can understand. Plus she is the ONLY coach I’ve invested in that includes meditation and hypnosis so it’s nearly impossible to not get results. I think MBA is worth way more then Kathrin is charging for it!”

I have been manifesting “on accident” my entire life–always visualizing what I wanted, and making detailed lists and slowly having them appear into my life. So manifesting was nothing new for me. However, I knew there was so much more I had left to learn, and so much growth possible. That is where Kathrin and The Manifestation Babe Academy came in and changed my entire life. 

This course taught me how to manifest exactly what I wanted in a timely manner. It taught me how to rid the limiting beliefs that have been slowly building up in my subconscious. And most importantly… it taught me forgiveness, and how to forgive PROPERLY. This upleveled my manifesting skills more than I could ever imagine. 

I’m only 21 years old, and I have manifested every single thing I have in my life right now. I created my ENTIRE reality. Even my significant other, who I live with, has seen my progression with manifesting. That I’ve been bringing everything I want into my life, and quickly. And now he has been learning and practicing manifesting & gratitude. We listen to Kathrin’s podcast on every road trip now. And now we both talk about manifesting and our dreams every single night before we fall asleep. It’s an amazing spiral of positive energy, happiness, and a beautiful, abundant life.

Kathrin, thank you for being the key that unlocked all of this abundance for me. I will be watching MBA over and over again for the rest of my life.  

I’m so excited to share a course that’s been on my heart for the last two years. I’ve been passionate about teaching women like you how to program themselves for success and create ANY kind of life that they want.

Manifestation Babe Academy is the culmination of EVERYTHING that helped me manifest the life I have today. I’ve also helped thousands of women manifest more money into their lives, their dream businesses, their soulmates, their health and everything else in between.

I’m a mindset coach, a manifesting expert, a best-selling author, a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner, and the creator of the exploding personal development brand– Manifestation Babe.

Today, Manifestation Babe, LLC serves over 100,000 women collectively and I have faith that I can help you transform your life too.  

If you will trust me, put a little faith in the process, and a whole lot of faith in yourself… your life will never be the same again.

Manifestation Babe Academy is going to be one of those courses that you’ll be thanking yourself for enrolling into for decades to come. Maybe even lifetimes. 

I have certainty that will be the case because of the certainty that I have in my methods and their ability to change the course of your life forever.

Your time to manifest a reality wilder than your wildest dreams is RIGHT NOW.