
Mahamudra for the Modern World from Reginald Ray

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Mahamudra for the Modern World from Reginald Ray

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An Unprecedented Training Course on the Pinnacle Teachings of Tibetan Buddhism

What if you could learn the ultimate teachings of Tibetan Buddhism as they were meant to be received—guided every step of the way by an experienced master? This practice, known as Mahamudra or “The Great Revelation,” was once taught only to elite students in secluded monasteries and cloisters. Now renowned teacher Dr. Reginald Ray has created an unprecedented audio learning course to make this profoundly transformative path available to listeners everywhere with Mahamudra for the Modern World. Spanning 33 CDs and featuring meditations and insights never before available to a general audience, this extraordinary audio training includes:

  • A complete toolbox of body-based shamatha meditations to still the mind and set the foundation for exploring the immeasurable expanse of being
  • Vipashyana meditations that take you on a progressive path of inquiry into the nature of awareness itself
  • Innovative teachings on dismantling the klesas (difficult emotions) through heightening our experience of them
  • More than 40 guided meditations unfolded through a series of increasingly subtle and profound practices

Mahamudra is revered in Tibetan Buddhism as the most direct route to seeing the world in all its transcendent beauty, power, and perfection. With his gift for distilling esoteric teachings for today’s student, Dr. Ray has created a powerful training program for anyone seeking to engage in this life-altering journey, allowing us to discover this unsurpassed tradition for meeting ultimate reality—and awakening to the boundless freedom that is our fundamental nature.


  • Why the 16th Karmapa predicted that the Mahamudra teachings were the most important Tibetan teachings for the modern world
  • Practicing the depth of the Mahamudra teachings without the constraints of Tibetan culture
  • How to become a true person—a unique, unprecedented, unfolding process
  • The 12 points of the Mahamudra posture
  • The “Mahamudra entry protocol” – a series of guided practices that enable us to quickly enter into direct, non-conceptual experience
  • Ground Mahamudra Transmission: A turning point on the path in which we are directly introduced to the awakened state
  • The fruition of Mahamudra: Living in amazement as the three bodies of the Buddha
  • The role of the teacher in the modern world
  • Obstacles on the journey, and how to overcome them
  • How reality works through our everyday life
  • Indestructible positivity: Discovering unconditional trust in everything that happens
  • Investigating thoughts as “explosions of energy”
  • How to “de-activate” ourselves during neurotic upheavals (klesa attacks) and return to the natural state
  • Guided instruction in three Mahamudra enhancing practices: “Exploring the Unborn Light,” “Yin Breathing,” and “Exploring the Chakras”
  • Markers on the path