
Love, Sex, Relationship Magic by Bryan Reeves

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Love, Sex, Relationship Magic by Bryan Reeves

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Love, Sex, Relationship Magic

~ An Audio Program to Enlighten You In Love ~

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Do you know why relationships too often suck?

Because no one taught us how to do them any better.

If you’re like most people, you’re probably doing relationship with such unnecessary ignorance that you actually push away the love you want.

That was definitely me for 2 decades.

In 2012, after suffering through yet another awful breakup, I began to awaken from my ignorance.

I started exploring essential insights and practices for successful love that … really … someone should have fucking taught me BEFORE I stumbled clueless into the utterly perplexing realm of dating, intimacy, sex, and love.

Since then, I’ve coached over a thousand individuals & couples on their own journey into a profound authentic love they never even knew possible.

This 10+ hour audio program is the best of what I use with my clients and my own exquisite partner. It shows you what exquisite, authentic love looks like and how to create it yourself.

This is only for people who are genuinely ready for an authentic relationship rooted in mutual trust, respect and appreciation, generosity and heart connection … and raw, real love.

If you’re truly ready for that deeply sexy, courageous intimate partnership you may not even be convinced is possible … download Love Sex Relationship Magic” now.

Your Instructor


Bryan Reeves

Bryan Reeves

A former US Air Force Captain turned Author / Coach / Speaker, Bryan Reeves has triumphed through multiple dark nights of the soul after hurling himself into the transformational fires of intimate relationship over and over again. With a Masters Degree in Human Relations, Bryan now coaches men, women and couples in creating thriving lives and relationships. He’s the author of the viral blog, “Choose Her Every Day or Leave Her” and two books, including ”Tell The Truth, Let The Peace Fall Where It May.

Course Curriculum


Main Content Modules

    The Beginning – My Story


    Taking Your Relationship Inventory


    Honoring the Masculine, Cherishing the Feminine


    The 3 Stages of Love


    Self Love & Deeper into Stage 3


    The Basic & Often Ignored Foundations For Successful Relationship


    Tools, Practices & The Self-Love Diet


    Making Magic with a Mindset of Love

Additional Insight Modules

    The Sexiest 3 Words a Man Can Say


    The Sexiest 3 Words a Woman Can Say


    The One Thing Women Are Most Afraid of in Men


    Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her)


    Learn to Feel Your Woman or Lose Her


    You’re a GodDamn Warrior, You’re Ready for All of Her


    Mastering Relationships, Conscious Living Podcast


    After Divorce, Interview


    Porn Addiction Interview, GET BOLD Podcast


    What Women Say They Want (But Don’t Really) Interview, GET BOLD Podcast


    Knowledge For Men, Interview


    Men Getting The Gold in Divorce, Interview


    Relationships, Self-Love & Shifting Your Mindset (Interview)


    The One Engagement That Really Matters (The One With Yourself) (Interview)


    Couples Coaching Session, Live Recording


    Meditation – “Surrender & Trust”


    Meditation – “Connecting to Heart” (solo or with partner)

 Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
If you do the program in 14 days and it does not give you any useful clarity on love and intimacy, I’ll refund your money. Just email [email protected] and tell us you listened to all the modules, did the exercises, and it just didn’t serve you. We’ll issue your refund, no further questions asked.
Will this course really work for me?
If you think this is too good to be true or it won’t work, I get it. I once thought relationships were a mystery with no code to crack, a domain of gloom and doom where even simple contentment is elusive, never mind true happiness. But in this program are profound insights few people know that you must have! I’ve worked with therapists who don’t even know this stuff, and been frustrated by the lack of useful results. If you practice what you learn here, I promise things will NEVER BE THE SAME. I know, because these insights continue helping me create an extraordinary relationship with my own partner every damn day.