
Liam McRae & Sasha Daygame Webinar – Direct Dating Academy

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Liam McRae & Sasha Daygame Webinar – Direct Dating Academy

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Hey brother,

Twenty-five years ago, two young men graduated from the same university. They were very much alike, these two friends. Both were considered intelligent, polite and ‘nice guys.’ Both preferred discussions about ‘nerdy’ intellectual issues and philosophizing with their circle of close friends.

They both played a bit of sport, took care of their health, fitness and style, and got into self-improvement and bettering themselves physically and mentally. Despite all of this, neither one had ever been in a long-term relationship, and they certainly weren’t the type to stay out night after night getting “crazy drunk” and having one night stands.

Recently, these two old friends returned to their university for their 25th reunion.

They were still very much alike: Both were successful in their business lives. In fact, both had even moved up steadily through the ranks of top engineering firms in the country. They still loved many of the same intellectual pursuits and hobbies, and hadn’t been out to a seedy, loud nightclub in decades.

But there was a difference: One of the men turned up alone and without a date (as usual!) The other arrived arm-in-arm with a woman so stunningly beautiful, every single one of his classmates stopped and turned their head (in awe and envy) as she elegantly strolled past with him.

What Made The Difference?

Have you ever wondered what makes this kind of huge difference in men’s lives? It isn’t that they were just born with confidence, intelligence or good looks. It isn’t that one guy really wants a beautiful girlfriend and the other doesn’t.

The difference lies in what each man knows, and how he makes use of that knowledge.

And that’s why I’m writing to you today about the Direct Dating Academy. Because that’s the whole purpose of the Academy: to give you the exact knowledge you can use to succeed in your dating life, for the rest of your life.

An Online Membership Program Like No Other

You see, the Direct Dating Academy is a revolutionary programme. It’s the only monthly membership course that includes four unique, synergistic elements that are designed to produce an unprecedented increase in the quality of your sex life…

  1. The Direct Dating Academy members’ area provides you with one full-length, high-definition seminar per week, from one of the world’s expert seduction coaches. So you get exactly enough material to keep you progressing, but not too much to cause dreaded ‘information overload!’
  2. Each weekly seminar comes with its own homework missions. Instead of suffering from ‘paralysis by analysis’ by watching hours of material at home…and never trying any of it, your weekly missions ensure you’re constantly implementing the mindsets, principles and techniques you learn in each module.
  3. Every month, one of the speakers from the core modules hops on a members-only webinar for a no-holds-barred interactive discussion where you can get your questions answered. This is as close to personalised 1:1 coaching with one of the world’s foremost dating experts as you can get (without paying at least $300+ per hour for their time and expertise of course!)
  4. From the first day you enter the Academy, we give you access to the private members mastermind group. Inside this confidential inner-circle, you’ll be able to ask any question, post your stories, struggles and successes. Then, our team of expert coaches and your fellow Academy members – a growing fraternity of like-minded action-takers – will be there to support you, provide insightful feedback, and even give you that perfect text reply or opening line to go out and use right away!

The Direct Dating Academy gives you the exact tools you need to catapult your dating life to the next level, exactly when you need them!