
Karen Anderson – Ignite the Light

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $37.00.


Karen Anderson – Ignite the Light

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Get Karen Anderson – Ignite the Light at bestoftrader.com

Have you ever wondered whether or not someone is attracted to you? Do you get mixed signals from someone you are attracted to, but worry they might not feel the same way?

Perhaps you are misreading them.

World-renowned expert in dating and attraction Adam Lyons has developed a comprehensive video series illustrating the universal signs of attraction, and how to interpret subtle signals in a person’s body language, before making your first move.

Based on classic psychological research, this 27-part streaming video series gives you the fundamentals you will need to identify which personality types are most attracted to you, and how to get those that aren’t (yet).
Learn what it means when a person:

– Glances around the room
– Plays with their hair
– Laughs at your (bad) jokes