
Integrating PMP 3.0 with Your Existing Meditation Practice Webina… by iAwake Technologies

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This is our flagship, foundational meditation program. The innovative, science-based iNET process (exhaustive binaural beats, isochronic tones, biofield entrainment, and more) embedded within the Profound Meditation Program interacts with your brainwaves and biofield to immerse you in deep states of meditation. The complete program includes Primary Meditation Tiers 1-3, Releasing Meditation, Gamma & HyperGamma Meditation, and Epsilon Meditation (6 CDs/19 download tracks/430 total minutes).

+ Establish a daily practice that sticks
+ Enhance your focus, flow, and performance
+ Relieve stress, anxiety, and depression
+ Evolve and deepen your spiritual life
+ The world’s most advanced meditation technology