
How I Control Relationships With Women by Allen “Gunwitch” Reyes

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How I Control Relationships With Women by Allen “Gunwitch” Reyes

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Lets quickly analyze together, the language used by this popular mens rights movement,

Where are they going? Off in to some other dimension with no women there? Someplace with no women to tempt them with the dreaded “relationship from hell” or the “psycho chick”? Someplace where they can forget their real true base desire to have a woman in their bed regular?

You just gotta laugh. The reality is different than the wording.

Men are REALLY “going their own way” because they don’t know how to control the women they are dealing with.

Westernized women arguably are the least happy, most dramatic women in any era of history. Great equality and opportunity has been handed to them, and it has brought with it, entitlement, resentment and anger. All those things, directed at men. The divorce rate is now 60%, and 4 out of 5 of those divorces are filed by women. Outside of marriage, women in relationships will still completely suck a guys soul out and flush it down the toilet, via emotional drama and stress.