
Hands-On Web Development with Vue.js

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Hands-On Web Development with Vue.js

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Get Hands-On Web Development with Vue.js at bestoftrader.com


Vue.js is an open-source progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. The main features that make Vue.js stand out are that it is approachable, versatile and performant.

This course will show you how to build rich web applications quickly using Vue.js. You will start in the simplest way possible so you can get up-and-running with Vue within minutes. You will understand the fundamentals of how to use a Vue instance and dig deeper into the Vue environment. Start the journey with vue-cli by building a personal CRM application with Vue libraries such as VueX and Vue Router. Learn the concepts of clean state management and testing Vue components using tools such as Jest along with vue-test-utils. Using child components with vue-test-utils, level up your Vue skills for production readiness. Finally, learn the real world tips and tricks of working with Vue.js efficiently.

By the end of this course, you will be able to write well tested, clean code to provide your web application with rich and interactive experience.