
Essential Skills – On Blade Hat Manipulation

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Some of you may be asking, why now? Like many seminars it has to do with what is going on in our lives right now. We had the need to pull some black hat stuff out of the closet in order to get a tenant to move out of a house.

What was a six month drama was becoming distracting and increasingly aggressive. I rented a house for my brother and became the point of contact for the lease. That started six months of hell that was punctuated by the tenant having fits of anger followed by calm friendliness. Finally the communication became so aggressive that something had to be done. He had to go.

We like to treat people well. We like to be fair. Most people appreciate that but occasionally you find someone that just keeps pushing and pushing for more. When that happens you have to take control of the situation. You have to manipulate them.

I was at one of those 7:30 AM networking meetings to give a talk on persuasion. I did something that was…unexpected. I was honest. I said, ” What we are really talking about here is manipulation, You want to manipulate your clients, employees and even some people in your private lives. You can call it anything you want. You can pretend it is leadership. You can pretend is is sales skills. You can use any word you want but what we are really wanting to to is control the outcome.”

Well…. after the presentation one guy comes up to me and says that I should never use that word. It is too aggressive. I told him very simply that those people who think that are the ones that just don’t trust THEMSELVES with that kind of power. So they lie to themselves to make the truth sound more noble.

Some people have things they want to believe about themselves. They want to believe that they are fair. They want to believe that people like them and do things for them because of that. They want to believe that once they explain things that people will happily do what they are asked.

The only problem is that it is all a lie. It is the most powerful lie that people tell themselves. It is delusional.

It is also one of the doorways to manipulating them. They self image is one of the keys to leading someone into action. Cults use this all the time. They give people a self image of being part of something special that has special knowledge or power. Then they use that self image to start them down a path to total devotion.

Look folks this is a powerful skill. Used correctly it can generate a lot of prosperity in your life. Used incorrectly and it will backfire on you in the Kool-Aide drinking kind of way.