
Energy Mindfulness for Awakening Consciousness (AM Class)

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Energy Mindfulness for Awakening Consciousness (AM Class)

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Self Help – Self Help online course

More information about Self Help:

Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvement—economically, intellectually, or emotionally—often with a substantial psychological basis.
Many different self-help group programs exist, each with its own focus, techniques, associated beliefs, proponents and in some cases, leaders.
Concepts and terms originating in self-help culture and Twelve-Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and codependency have become firmly integrated in mainstream language.

Self-help often utilizes publicly available information or support groups, on the Internet as well as in person, where people in similar situations join together.
From early examples in self-driven legal practice and home-spun advice, the connotations of the word have spread and often apply particularly to education, business,
psychology and psychotherapy, commonly distributed through the popular genre of self-help books.
According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, potential benefits of self-help groups that professionals may not be able to provide include friendship,
emotional support, experiential knowledge, identity, meaningful roles, and a sense of belonging.

Christy Whitman and the QSCA present The Master Certification Program:

Energy Mindfulness Awakening Consciousness

  • Are you drawn to helping people?
  • Are you already a coach, teacher, healer, practitioner, or counselor?
  • Do you value personal development and desire to extend that to your clients?
  • Are you ready to go to an entirely different level in your business by working with energy?

Then consider working with Karen Lamark Wilson, a depth mentor who has over thirty years of experience. She will help you go deeper so you can then go higher and expand!

The most important thing you can do to create a successful coaching practice is to go within and connect with your own energy and then take that out into the world. Why? Because everything is energy! All outer expressions of love, abundance, success, and prosperity are born from the essence of the energy that exists between you and others. The biggest problem is that most of us are connected personality to personality, rather than heart to heart. We don’t know how to manage our own energy and many of us stay amateur healers or coaches. In order to continue to grow and expand in our knowledge and understanding, we need a mentor—a depth mentor. We need to go deeper before we can go higher.

Look at a tree in nature. Before the tree can go higher, the roots need to be strong and deep so that the tree can grow to a higher level.

So I am truly excited to introduce you to Karen’s work through a 12-month master certification program called Energy Mindfulness Awakening Consciousness.

How does it work?

Energy Mindfulness Awakening Consciousness includes:

  • 36 core teleconference training classes, lasting 60-90 minutes each, that are conducted 3 times per month over the course of the year
  • Instruction for all 36 core classes provided by Karen Lamark Wilson, well-sought out healer and depth mentor with over 30 years of experience. Karen is the CEO of Just Energy Enterprises, Inc. and the president and founder of the International Academy of Intuitive Entrepreneurs.
  • Recordings of each and every call in case you are unable to attend the regularly scheduled class (live attendance to at least 32 of the 36 classes is required)
  • Weekly peer group support calls for the duration of the program
  • Coaching assignments to help you understand and experience the success principles both in your own life and also with coaching your clients
  • One coaching feedback session per month
  • Downloadable lessons, forms, archived class recordings, a reading list, as well as a manual to support the class material (all information will be password-protected in the program website’s member center)
  • The convenience of participating in the entire program from the comfort of your home or office!

Energy Mindfulness Awakening Consciousness consists of 4 modules:

Module One: Reflect

Month 1: Everything is Energy: What is information energy? Feel, see, read, gather and utilize energy.

Month 2: Your Original Nature: How your nervous system, meridians, chakras, brain waves, and development works

Month 3: Energy of Integrity: Being formed and informed by all of your parts

Module Two: Connect

Month 4: Neutral Energy: Listening to energy

Month 5: Feeling Energy: Emotions and intuition

Month 6: Sorting Energy: Detangling patterns

Module Three: Heal

Month 7: Energy Edges: Learn about healthy boundaries, expansion/contraction, secrets to healthy relationships

Month 8: Energy Management/Organization: Focus, simplicity, what is “healthy selfish”?

Month 9: Energy Healing: Help grow your clients

Module Four: Manifest

Month 10: Praxis: “Spiritual Energy Practices”

Month 11: Energy Regeneration: Receptivity and deeper knowledge leading to manifestation

Month 12: Energy Ease: Putting it all together

The master sees things as they are (Reflect)
And does not try to control them (Connect)
S/He lets them go their own way (Heal)
And resides in the center of the circle (Manifest)

This course has many benefits. It will allow you to:


  • Feel connected to your own energy and true power
  • Return back to your true nature
  • Release many of the patterns that are no longer serving you
  • Be informed by all of your parts so that you can expand or change each area, thus experience healing at a deep level
  • Have a deeper connection not only to yourself, but also to everyone you are in a relationship with, including your clients
  • Become a more masterful manifester and create what you want in all aspects of your life, including your business
  • Gain more confidence in yourself as a coach, which will help you attract better quality clients, make a bigger impact, and increase your income