
Divi Business Expert by WPGears

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Divi Business Expert by WPGears

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Get Divi Business Expert by WPGears at bestoftrader.com


From $0 to 6 Figures— The Divi Business Course You’ve Been Waiting For! Learn how to become a Divi Business Expert!

Do Any of These Sound Like You?

New to Divi/WordPress – You’re brand new to Divi/WordPress but wanting to make money creating websites.

Can’t get clients – You’re spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to grow your clientele.

Want to grow – You’re interested in scaling your business by learning how to optimize workflow, outsource, and get better higher paying clients.

Want to start an agency – You’re experienced with creating websites, but wanting to take your business to the next level.

Not technical enough – You’re struggling with the technical side of things, such as CSS, hosting, DNS & FTP.

Want to work from home – You like the idea of creating an “at-home, work when you want” business centered around WordPress and Divi but don’t know where to start.

Now is the perfect time to build a Divi WordPress Business!



WordPress powers nearly 30% of all websites!

This means there is a huge demand for professionals like you!



Divi is the most popular WordPress theme in the world.

This means there are millions of sites using Divi, and many small business owners specifically seek out experts in Divi to build or maintain their website.



30% of small businesses (in the US alone) still don’t have a website!

This means there’s huge potential for helping businesses get a website, or to help businesses with outdated websites with redesigns.



When used properly, Divi is a powerhouse of efficiency, and flexibility in terms of design & functionality.

This means that with the right training, you can use Divi & WordPress to create better websites faster, and for more money.

What This All Means

There Has Never Been a Better Time to Start or Grow a Divi Web Design Business

Imagine What a Successful Divi Business Could Mean for You…

Work from home, or anywhere you want at anytime you want.

Help dozens of companies a year grow their business by having an effective web presence

Travel the world

Spend more time with your family

Work with better clients that value your time, skills and experience, and are willing to pay you what you deserve.

Grow a business that you can sell some day

If any of these are you, David and Tim are here to help!

“The course was more than I expected! I loved it, and I recommend it to anyone looking to streamline their web design process.”

Anthea Anclade, Designs by Anthea:

Anthea has been a designer for over 10 years, but just recently made the decision to go full time with her business. She joined the Divi Business Expert course in hopes of learning how to streamline a web design process; and as she puts it, “that’s exactly what I got from this course, and a lot more!” From learning about Divi, to project management, pricing, proposal writing, Anthea learned the skills she needed to go from designer to business owner.

Anthea was also appreciative of David and Tim’s willingness to answer questions. Plus, the private Facebook group was also a highlight. Being around a community of other enthusiastic professionals with the same goals, that are all willing to help, is priceless!

“Totally worth the money for anyone that wants to elevate and take their business to the next level”

Alex Khrapov, CEO of Headway Coaching Group:

Alex and his company offer marketing services and web design for coaches. Already having an established business (founded in 2007), Alex was hoping to gain new ideas and strategies on how to achieve recurring revenue with maintenance plans, as well as a regular stream of referrals. And as Alex describes in the video, that’s exactly what happened from being a part of Divi Business Expert!

Watch the video as Alex describes his experience and what the course has done for his business, and how it’s helped him apply strategies in his company that he previously was unsure about.

Alex also makes a great point regarding the dynamic of having two instructors. He mentions how David and Tim’s different life and business experiences makes the material extremely interesting and very helpful with the two different perspectives!

“I can’t say enough AMAZING things about David and Tim’s knowledge, teaching abilities, and tactical action steps inside of this course”

“To say this course is worth the money would be a massive understatement!”

Keegan Lanier, Keegan Lanier Media:

A Soloprenuer from South Louisiana, Keegan was one of our first students to join Divi Business Expert! Keegan is transitioning from the Restaurant industry, into business ownership as a web designer and developer, and the Divi Business Expert course has been a huge part of his journey.

Keegan’s favorite part of the course was the Divi Business Expert community within the private Facebook group. He thinks it’s worth the cost of the course alone!

Watch Keegan’s video as he encourages anyone that’s interested in building a business around creating websites, to take the leap and take the course, and start engaging in the Facebook group, and as Keegan states, “you’ll get the return you’re looking for!”

“I can’t recommend the course more. It’s really given me a leg up, and a community go-to to ask questions about web development and business.”

John Chvatal, Trinity Aviation Solutions:

John recently changed career paths, and came across the Divi Business Expert course while researching. What sealed the deal for John originally was the “Docs in a Box” bonus that comes with Divi Business Expert. The savings from the contract templates that are included compared to hiring a lawyer is astronomical, and worth the cost of the course alone!

Watch the video to hear John describe how purchasing the course has allowed him to profit from David and Tim’s years of experience! And being a part of the Divi Business Expert community has been a huge step in his learning.

Introducing The Divi Business Expert Course

We’ve carefully crafted Divi Business Expert to be the ultimate course for creating a web design and development business around WordPress and Divi! From the ground up, you’ll learn how to efficiently build gorgeous websites with Divi, how to find (and close) high paying clients, as well as how to build sustainable recurring revenue for your business. We hold nothing back, and share all of our secrets. Learn from our successes, and even our failures too, as we take you on the journey from $0 to 6 figures with Divi and WordPress. Below you’ll find a summary of the modules and lessons that have been strategically designed to make you a Divi business expert!

The Divi Business Expert Course

Join now
  • Everything You Need to Know About Running a Divi Business
  • Coaching Calls Weeks 3, 6 and 9
  • Agency Website Startup Kit
  • Docs In a Box
  • Divi Business Expert Certificate
  • Risk-Free: 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Module #1

Understanding the Power of Divi & Effective Site Building

  • Everything You Need to Know About Hosting
  • Divi Theme Framework Overview
  • The Divi Pro’s Perfected Process for Building Websites
  • Building Your Portfolio
  • Powerful Plugins that Compliment Divi
  • Design Fundamentals for Divi Websites

Module #2

How to Effectively Run a Divi Business

  • Project Management & Communication Tools
  • Client Management & How to Avoid Scope Creep
  • Timesaving Tips for Ultimate Efficiency
  • Best Practice for Client Site Handoffs
  • Launching & Migrating Client Sites (checklist)

Module #3

Sales: Getting Leads & Closing Deals

  • How to Get Your First Few Clients
  • Sales Pipelines
  • Client Prospecting
  • How to Close More Deals Through Proper Client Education
  • How to Get a Consistent Flow of Referrals

Module #4


  • Testimonials
  • Endorsements
  • Site Architecture
  • Community, WordCamps, Facebook Groups

Module #5

Creating & Sustaining Recurring Revenue

  • Maintenance/Service Agreements
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Other Ongoing Services
  • Retainers Agreements

Business online course

Information about business:

Business is the activity of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
[need quotation to verify] Simply put, it is “any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.
It does not mean it is a company, a corporation, partnership, or have any such formal organization, but it can range from a street peddler to General Motors.”

Having a business name does not separate the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner of the business is responsible and liable for debts incurred by the business.
If the business acquires debts, the creditors can go after the owner’s personal possessions.
A business structure does not allow for corporate tax rates. The proprietor is personally taxed on all income from the business.

Get Divi Business Expert by WPGears at bestoftrader.com