
Distant Light – Social Life Hacking

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Distant Light – Social Life Hacking

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I’ve Mapped Out The FOUNDATIONS For Creating A Vibrant Social/Sexual Life REGARDLESS Of Your Current Situation

Imagine living a lifestyle that is filled with constant thrill and adventure. A life where gorgeous women are CHASING YOU while you simply LIVE LIFE and make it a MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE.

I’m talking about…

  • Becoming A “Fascinating Man” who NATURALLY compels women to CHASE HIM and attempt to win him over. Allowing YOU to “truly” choose the women YOU WANT.
  • Becoming A “Fascinating Man” who is both socially and SEXUALLY fearless. Shamelessly building/living the lifestyle YOU WANT because YOU find it most fun and enjoyable
  • Becoming A “Fascinating Man” who intrinsically has HIGH STATUS by simply being and expressing yourself
  • Exploring The “10Lifestyle” Process that allows a person to EXTENSIVELY DESIGN both YOUR social life and sex life in whatever manner YOU think is IDEAL.
  • Understanding “Proof Is In The Pudding” because it’s YOUR LIFE. Either YOU ARE “living life” or merely surviving.

This Is YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Start Living Life

The “window of opportunity” is wide open and I’m here to help you. FIRST, I want to EXPOSE that majority of the celebrities and wealthy people who through social media created this “illusion” of living life. I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that majority of them live a rather mundane/boring lifestyle while the other handful live a life of “inconsistency”. Even some of the people I knew and learnt from were NOT living life on a consistent basis. This for me was one of the saddest realizations since I learnt that “to them” I was the one living life. O yea, and those women you find on social media taking all those selfies. Let’s just say, the process of them taking a selfie was generally the “highlight” of their night.

Regardless, people in general live mundane and boring lives. Just ask any random person how their social and/or sex life is looking. Which is why it is YOUR DUTY to inspire them by simply GOING FIRST and becoming that “Fascinating Man” who gives others THE OPPORTUNITY to come along into his lifestyle.

Society, Culture, And The Dating Industry Have It All Wrong

One of the biggest issues when it comes to lifestyle design and dating in general is the swarms of dogmatic beliefs ranging from “social norms” to the “seduction community”. People are giving advice with little to no FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. Simply throwing out assumptions and logical theory with attempts to seem intellectually knowledgeable. They’re just making the situation worst.

Did You Know That…

  • Women actually LOVE SEX
  • While focusing on living an amazing life, women who you’re highly attracted to could be CHASING YOU
  • You can have an abundance of women without having to chase them
  • You can “agree” to hookup with someone in the span of 5 minutes
  • You can “hookup” with a woman just off the basis of having a fun time together
  • You don’t need to ever go on a “date”
  • You can go out EXPLORING the mindset of being a “Fascinating Man” and actually experience all of the above

You wouldn’t know at this “current” moment since YOU LACK THE EXPERIENCE of being a “Fascinating Man”. However, YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS COMING…