
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading – Quantra

Original price was: $699.00.Current price is: $82.00.

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Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading by Quantra

Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading by Quantra sheds light on the best practices of reinforcement learning to accelerate the creation, backtesting, paper trading as well as application of strategies. A comprehensive walk – through on hands – on course in Python is also packaged in this course for the effective implementation of techniques.

The skills covered in the Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading by Quantra:

  • The skills of Finance and Math: the drawdowns of Returns and Maximum, the Stochastic gradient descent, the Mean squared error, and so on.
  • Python: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, datetime, TA-lib, Tensorflow, Keras, SGD, etc.
  • Reinforcement Learning: Double Q – Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, State, Rewards, Actions, Experience Replay, Exploration vs. Exploitation.

It levels up from the basic level of trading.

Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading by Quantra is an ideal course for the traders who have mastered the fundamentals of the financial markets, including the act of buying and selling securities. Moreover, you also need to understand the basics of pandas dataframe, keras, matplotlib, Python for Trading as well as machine learning for trading, etc. Such prerequisites help you gain the best out of this course.

What can you expect from the Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading by Quantra?

  • Introduction on deep reinforcement learning methods and the advantages that they can provide you for your trading.
  • A comprehensive walk – through on Input Features is shared so that you can utilise the construction of a state, such as candlesticks, technical indicators and time signatures.
  • Instructions on how to construct and assemble state, including the creation of input features in Python, how to leverage the neutral network to project the price actions, and so on.
  • Artificial Neural Network Concepts: you will gain insights into an Artificial Neural Network for the multiplication of inputs, etc.
  • Backtesting Logic: instructs you on the combination of the different elements of the reinforcement learning model.
  • Performance Analysis – Synthetic Data: you will learn the generating patterns for RL Model, how to use random data generator, pure sine wave and trend series, the patterns of synthetic time series, and so on.
  • Automated Trading Strategy: you will learn how to take advantage of the understanding about the trading market to generate ingredients for the development of strategies and set them automatically.
  • Instructions on how to install Python in your local machine.
  • And so much more!

About Quantra

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Quantra is an online trading educational platform which can help you level up your trading with the aid of instructions on new trading ideas, strategy application and how to multiply your portfolio, and so on. Quantra has a powerful team of instructors who are professional traders with years of trading as well as the consistency of high profitability.

About the instructor of the Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading by Quantra

Dr. Thomas Starke is your instructor in this course. He is the leader of the quant – trading team in AAAQuants, the top prop-trading company. Before that, Dr. Thomas Starke had experience of working at the Vivienne Court, Memjet Australia, and so on. In addition, Dr. Thomas Starke has been working on the research projects for Rolls – Royce PLC as well as the foundation and development of the microchip design company.

For further information about Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading by Quantra, in terms of price, samples, etc. or other courses sharing the same topic, you can reach out to our support team via Email, Skype or live chat on our website.