
Carlos Xuma – Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion

Archive : Carlos Xuma – Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion

Are you ready to learn the communication
strategies of confident men?

Learn the Art of Conversation and
Persuasion with Women — or anyone!

No More Uncomfortable Silences With Women…

Advanced Communication Secrets:
Handle Difficult Women With Ease – Shut Down Aggro Jerk Guys –
Be Funny and Banter With Women – Build Unstoppable Trust & Rapport –
Persuade and Influence ANYONE – Quickly and Easily……

Are you ready to learn the communication
strategies of confident men?

Learn the Art of Conversation and
Persuasion with Women — or anyone!

No More Uncomfortable Silences With Women…

Advanced Communication Secrets:
Handle Difficult Women With Ease – Shut Down Aggro Jerk Guys –
Be Funny and Banter With Women – Build Unstoppable Trust & Rapport –
Persuade and Influence ANYONE – Quickly and Easily……

This could make all the difference in your social life – and how you communicate.

Ask yourself these questions. Take a moment to really think how you’d answer them:

  • Do you know how to talk to large groups so that your ideas are heard, your influence is felt, and your power and authority is understood and accepted?
  • Do you want to be funnier and develop your sense of humor so that people think of you as fun to be around?
  • Do you feel like you know how conversations really work from the inside out? Do you understand how people are motivated and why they say the things they do?
  • Do you know how to know how to write emails more effectively to get women interested when you’re dating online?
  • Do you know how to use personality reading techniques to get faster understanding of people and build rapport in minutes instead of HOURS?
  • Do you know which topics that are guaranteed to start a good, long conversation?
  • Do you know how to be memorable to anyone you meet within the first 30 seconds?

These are the essential skills that some guys got naturally, and maybe you once had and lost.

Or maybe you never had them at all.

“Imagine If You Could Talk To Any Woman – or ANYBODY – And Know That You Could Get Them Talking, Laughing, and Liking You in Just a Few Minutes…”

The most amazing realization of the last 20 years is that conversation and social skills can be built up from scratch. You don’t have to be a “natural” to be good in conversation and persuasion.

And in fact, it’s better if you’re , because you will understand the principles that “naturals” take for granted. AND you’ll be able to improve your skills beyond even their ability.

When I was a kid growing up in upstate New York, I remember that I felt very awkward in a lot of conversations with people. I was usually afraid of:

    • Saying something dumb and having everyone think I was an idiot…
    • Saying something wrong and having everyone think I was clueless…
    • Not knowing what to say when someone was insulting me or giving me a hard time…
    • Feeling weird, embarrassed, and inferior when I was talking in a group of people…

Or sometimes I’d just be afraid that everyone in my group would just forget me or push me into the background.

And a lot of the time, that really did happen. I had certain friends that would grab the biggest share of the conversation and then proceed to hog it all when they could. And I would feel like I was just another spectator.

After a while, though, I learned some techniques that helped me build up my ability to talk with people, and handle any situation they threw at me. Fast-forward a few years and you would see a very different guy than the one who couldn’t even get a word in on the side without looking like a complete dork.

Let me show you…

“The 5 Mistakes Most Guys Make In Everyday Conversations…”

MISTAKE 1: Not seeing or noticing the right “vibe” in the conversation.

I’m REALLY guilty of this one.

I once walked up to a group of people in the break room at work that looked really serious. As I got some water from the cooler I said, “Hey, you guys need to lighten up. Who died?” And one of them said, “Uh, my brother.”

Ooooof. I’m cringing now as I type this. That was a very embarrassing moment.

And the fact is that I could have saved myself the pain of that experience by just by noticing that they all did look serious, and it was probably for a reason. It was not a time to be clever and funny.

There’s a lot of times that we overlook these signals and cues, especially when we’re making conversation with women. Many times, a guy will not calibrate or adjust his approach to a woman when he’s talking to her. As a result she brushes him off.

It’s not hard to avoid these mistakes in your conversations. Simply listening for how a woman chooses certain words will usually help you figure out what you should be talking about with her.

If she’s asking you questions about you, that’s not just a sign of interest. Usually it’s also an indication that she needs more facts and information about you to help develop her TRUST.

A lot of guys deflect a woman’s questions, or challenge her too much – thinking that she’s just “testing” him. As a result, they miss out on a connection with her that she was actually HELPING him to make.

The next mistake guys make is…

MISTAKE 2: Holding back on revealing your personality.

This might seem a little obvious, but when you hide your personality from a woman, she can sense that you’re not being open. In fact, the ability to project your personality from the inside out is a very attractive thing.

I’ve gotten in conversations with women numerous times, talking about the “dorky” or even “geeky” things that I enjoy, and they’re still interested because of the energy that I’m putting out. (I sometimes try to talk about a computer game with a woman as a challenge to myself to see if I can still keep her interest.)

The interesting thing about people that are holding themselves back is that they appear to be playing the social game of life with “scared money.” This means that just like a gambler at the poker table, they can’t afford to be playing the game as if every dollar was their last.

That’s a sure-fire recipe for disaster. Ask anyone who knows how to play poker about this. If you’re scared to lose, you’ll be an easy target for everyone else who can sense it from your hesitant manner.

When you hesitate to show yourself to others, they think you’re scared about life and don’t have the reserves to put yourself out there.

“Hmmm, this guy is closed off. Guarded. He must be sensitive or insecure about something.”

And that energy pushes people away. We want people in our lives that have a natural giving energy. We’re drawn to it.

Which is why you must not be afraid to reveal your personality to other people. I’m not talking about “opening your robe” and showing it all. You need to use discretion to decide what will be best for you to reveal.

Certain facts will attract women (and other people in general) to you, and certain other facts will push them away. The key is in knowing which is which.

Another mistake most guys make is…

MISTAKE 3: Trying too hard to be noticed or “important” in the conversation.

It’s been said that we are often more scared of losing something than we are of not getting something. This is VERY true when it comes to attention.

In our desperate attempts to not be “forgotten” and pushed to the back of a conversation, we sometimes say anything to make sure that we’re not left out.

It’s a painful feeling when you realize that other people are not paying attention to you. Feeling ignored just sucks, no matter how you look at it.

So it’s no surprise that many guys will go to extreme lengths to avoid this happening to them.

Some of the ways that guys try too hard are:

  • Bragging
  • Talking out of turn, or interrupting
  • Being too obnoxious or abrasive
  • Using humor inappropriately – such as telling a dirty joke

It’s essential that you don’t fall victim to this urge to jump around and wave your hands – saying “Look at me! Look at me!” the way we did when we were kids. You might not be doing that with your hands, but we often do it with the tiny body language signals and our choice of words – and probably without realizing it.

Attention must be shared in conversation. And when it’s appropriate, there are strategies to regain the attention and the focus within a group.

The next mistake is…