
Cannabis Patient Care Certificate Program By Green Flower

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Cannabis Patient Care Certificate Program By Green Flower – Instant Download!


Cannabis Patient Care
Help your patients get the most out of cannabis therapy

The Patient Care Certificate Program will familiarize you with cannabis’ effects on the body and how it can be used to bring relief to a variety of ailments.
Leading health care specialists and educators developed the Patient Care Program to help you gain a comprehensive understanding of cannabis, the plant’s effects on human physiology, and how it can be used to promote overall wellness and relieve a variety of medical issues. Beyond teaching the therapeutic applications of cannabis, the experts that lead our courses will provide you with valuable insight into the cannabis industry.

Content length: 25h 33m

01. How Cannabis Works In Your Body
7 Lessons

In this course, you will learn an overview of our amazing endocannabinoid system and how cannabis works within our bodies. We’ll discuss what categories of conditions cannabis has been shown to be effective for and also go into some interesting nuances of cannabis such as how it is metabolized in the body. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify parts of the cannabis plant
  • Examine the chemical makeup of the cannabis plant
  • Discover the components of the endocannabinoid system and how it works
  • Analyze the various conditions cannabis can be used for
  • Explore the nuances of the body

Lessons included in this course:

Introduction to Cannabis Basics – What is cannabis and how does it work in our bodies? 3m
Cannabis Basics – What makes up the cannabis plant? 23m
Cannabis Basics – The Endocannabinoid System 7m
Cannabis Basics – Categories of conditions cannabis can be used for 13m
Cannabis Basics – Nuances in the body 5m
Cannabis Basics: Part One – What is cannabis and how does it work in our bodies? 1h 50m
Cannabis Basics: Part Two – How does cannabis work in the body? 1h 40m


02. Interactions, Contraindications & Potential Side Effects
5 Lessons

In this course, you will learn some known drug interactions cannabis and certain cannabis compounds have that you & the patient should be aware of. Keeping in mind there are many different types of cannabis with very different chemical makeups, we’ll also go over the types of cannabis to look out for in particular for these interactions and how you may be able to avoid them. We’ll also go over some known contraindications and certain conditions you should monitor closely when using cannabis. Finally, we’ll go over the most common potential side effects patients may experience from cannabis and how they may be prevented or mitigated. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Explore various drug interactions with cannabis
  • Identify the conditions to monitor closely while using cannabis
  • Discover potential side effects to using cannabis
  • Examine how to prevent and mitigate the side effects of cannabis

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Interactions, Contraindications & Potential Side Effects – Drug Interactions 3m
Interactions, Contraindications & Potential Side Effects: Contraindications 15m
Interactions, Contraindications & Potential Side Effects: Potential Side Effects 7m
Interactions, Contraindications & Potential Side Effects: Side Effect Prevention & Mitigation 12m
Interactions, Contraindications, & Side Effects 1h 15m

03. Cannabis Products What They Are & How They Work
6 Lessons

In this course, you’ll learn each cannabis product category, what the various forms are within that category, and the characteristics of each so you can confidently recommend and explain certain product types for your patients. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify flower and how it is used, the various types available, and its characteristics
  • Examine topicals and how they are used, its different forms, and characteristics
  • Explore concentrates and what they are, the various types, and their characteristics
  • Identify infused products, how they are infused, the various types, and their characteristics

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Cannabis Products – What they are and how they work: Flower 2m
Cannabis Products- Topicals 3m
Cannabis Products – Tinctures 6m
Cannabis Products – Concentrates 9m
Cannabis Products – Infused Products/Edibles 5m
Cannabis Products 2h 5m


04. Determining Factors For Selecting Cannabis Products
7 Lessons

In this course, we’ll walk through how to select the appropriate cannabis products for patients based on their needs, starting with patient goals. Next we’ll discuss some important factors to consider when guiding patients with cannabis. You’ll learn why the chemical makeup, input material and the extraction method matters in your selection. Finally we’ll go over how to decide on potency and other determining factors when selecting products. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify patients goals for using cannabis
  • Analyze the patients demographic
  • Explore the chemical makeup and potency of cannabis
  • Understand the ratios and concentrations of cannabis products

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Determining Factors for Selecting Cannabis Products 2m
Understanding Patient Goals for Using Cannabis 1m
Patient Demographic 7m
Cannabis Chemical Makeup 16m
Deciding on Potency 9m
Other Factors 9m
Determining Factors for Selecting Products 2h 0m


05. How To Help People Find The Right Cannabis Flower For Them

5 Lessons

In this course we will do a visual inspection of cannabis flower, what to look for and what to avoid. Next we’ll walk through lab results and why they are a useful tool for helping your patients make their selection. Finally, we’ll discuss how the chemical makeup of the flower can lead to many different effects and how to select the flower that may be most appropriate for your patient. After completing this course, you will be able to:
Perform a cannabis inspection

  • Identify what to look for on a lab test
  • Understand why chemical profiles matter
  • Comprehend the terminology associated with cannabis
  • Know the different effects cannabis has on the human body

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Helping People Find the Right Cannabis Strains for Them 2m
How to Conduct a Visual Inspection 10m
What to look for on Lab Tests 2m
Why Chemical Profiles Matter 2m
How to Recommend Flower 1h 20m

06. Deciphering Lab Results & Reading Labels
6 Lessons

In this course, we’ll explain how to read lab results relating to various product types. You’ll learn what to look for on the lab results and also what the red flags are to avoid. Next we’ll go over what components you should typically see on product labels for each type. You’ll learn how to confidently interpret the contents of various products and be able to explain them accurately to patients. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Discern the various components of lab results
  • Interpret cannabis product labels
  • Properly guide people to their ideal dosage

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Deciphering Lab Results & Reading Labels 2m
Components of Lab Results 3m
Test Results 10m
Types of Testing 10m
Interpreting Labels 7m
Reading Labels & Deciphering Lab Results 1h 25m

07. Utilizing Cannabis without the High
7 Lessons

In this course we’ll define what the “high” means and which cannabinoids are responsible for certain effects. Next we’ll discuss the roles certain factors play that can affect the level of psychoactivity, such as what the cannabinoid ratio is, how the product was prepared and used, tolerance and dosing. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the major and minor cannabinoids and their associated effects
  • Identify the role of ratios between THC & CBD
  • Analyze various product preparations to understand their impact on people
  • Understand how to dose and build tolerance
  • Utilize topicals and juicing

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Utilizing Cannabis With or Without the High 2m
Defining the High or Psychoactivity 2m
Cannabinoids and Their Associated Effects 6m
The Role of Ratios 2m
Product Preparation 5m
Dosing and Building Tolerance 4m
Utilizing Cannabis With or Without the High 1h 20m

08. Onboarding New Patients – What to Cover
7 Lessons

In this course, we’ll discuss important topics to cover when onboarding new patients, such as understanding their goals and their current experience level with cannabis. Next we’ll go through the topics to cover when setting the patient’s expectations, a crucial and often overlooked topic to cover with new patients. Finally, we’ll go over some frequently asked questions we’ve been compiling so you’ll be armed with answers to even their unasked questions! After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of patient goals
  • Determine the experience level patients have with cannabis
  • Set patient expectations around cannabis
  • Provide guidance to ensure every patient has a positive experience

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Onboarding New Patients – What to Cover 3m
Importance of Patient Goals 2m
Experience Level with Cannabis 6m
Setting Patient Expectations Part 1 17m
Setting Patient Expectations Part 2 10m
Top FAQs and Concerns 6m
Onboarding New Patients 1h 10m

09. Dosing and Titration
6 Lessons

This course will cover the basics on cannabis dosing and how to guide your patients through this difficult subject. We’ll discuss the reasons why dosing is so complicated with cannabis, explain the titration process, and offer suggestions on good places to start. Finally, we’ll cover how to monitor progress, when to adjust and when to try alternative plans. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand why cannabis dosing is complicated
  • Explain what titration is and why it is important
  • Know where and how to start cannabis dosing
  • Understand how to monitor progress and adjust dosage

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Dosing & Titration 2m
Why Cannabis Dosing is Complicated 7m
Explaining Titration and Why It’s Important 3m
Where and How To Start 2m
Monitoring Progress 6m
Dosing & Titration 1h 45m

10. Bad Experiences, Their Causes & How to Avoid and Mitigate Them
5 Lessons

This course will go over potential negative experiences with cannabis, discuss their potential causes, and finally go over what you can do to avoid these bad experiences altogether or to mitigate their negative effects. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize common bad experiences
  • Identify common causes
  • Understand how to avoid and mitigate bad experiences

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Common Causes of Bad Experiences & Guiding Patients 2m
Common Bad Experiences 16m
Common Causes 10m
Avoiding/Mitigating 10m
Common Causes of Bad Experiences & Guiding Patients 1h 40m

11. Regulations & Legal Matters For Cannabis Patient Care
8 Lessons

In this course, we will give an overview of what the Federal and State policies are on cannabis, explain how it differs for cannabis versus hemp and also cover what the overall International Landscape looks like from a high level. Next we’ll discuss what Medical Professionals, Cannabis Professionals and Patients need to know about cannabis from a legal and regulatory perspective. After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand where the federal government currently stands with cannabis
  • Interpret state regulations
  • Discern and explain cannabis vs hemp
  • Navigate the international landscape of cannabis regulations
  • Identify what medical and cannabis professionals need to know
  • Explain legal matters for patients

Lessons included in this course:

Intro to Regulations & Legal Matters 2m
Cannabis and the Federal Government 7m
Understanding State Regulations 9m
International Landscape 2m
What Medical Professionals Need to Know 14m
What Cannabis Professionals Need to Know 9m
Legal Matters For Patients 12m
Regulations & Legal Matters 1h 40m


What will be covered
The program will help you develop skills and expertise essentials to success in cannabis therapy, including: 

  • Cannabis botany & terminology
  • Possible side-effects of cannabis use
  • How cannabis molecules interact within the body
  • Contraindications with cannabis and other medications
  • Ways to safely guide people to the right cannabis products
  • CBD and the uses of other non-psychoactive cannabinoids
  • Dosing protocols for different conditions
  • Answers to common patient questions
Complete the program 100% online
Help people in pain get the most out of cannabis therapy.
Cannabis has been used to treat various medical conditions, including chronic pain, insomnia, seizures, anxiety, and eating disorders. Many people living with injuries and illnesses are eager to see if cannabis can help them find relief. 

If you want to build a fulfilling career in the fast-growing field of cannabis therapy, this program can help you do it. Completing the Patient Care Program will help you tailor treatment plans to meet your patient’s needs and make you more valuable to organizations in the cannabis industry.