
Buy Local Sell To The Word by Jim Cockrum & Nathan Bailey & Jeff Clark

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Buy Local Sell To The Word by Jim Cockrum & Nathan Bailey & Jeff Clark

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Never before in history has it been easier to find local treasures that can be flipped to an eager and waiting global audience. This course shows you exactly how this simple business model works. With a little bit of effort and training you could easily have a 6-figure business very quickly using these simple proven strategies.

This video training course is designed to show you all of the opportunities hiding in plain sight all around you. As sellers of physical products online for the past 20 years, we have explored, taught and used just about every inventory sourcing technique out there.

Going to China, finding a supplier or manufacturer, and importing containers of product is not the only way to make profits selling physical products online. Going local can be just as profitable — and often much more profitable because yard sales, thrift stores, auctions, and local-buying lists offer items so cheap.

Local Treasure Flipped For Huge Profits

Sled Driver

Source: Estate Sale
Price: $6.00
Condition: Used
Time To Sell: 6 Months
Sale Price: $450.00
35MM Theatrical Film
Source: Connection
(from passing out biz card)
Price: $25.00
Condition: Used
Time To Sell: 5 Months
Sale Price: $700.00
Included In The Video Training
An overview of the “buy local” concept – the opportunity and why we love it
One of the most overlooked, highest profit categories: book selling
How to find and work yard sales and estate sales
The right way to source at auctions
One of the hottest markets – buying and selling vinyl records
Making profits using retail arbitrage
The exact power tools we use to make our business more efficient and profitable
Exactly what to look for when attending yard sales, estate sales, and auctions
Which platforms to use to flip your products the quickest and make the most profits
Advanced strategies for building relationships and negotiating the best deals time and time again
How to get the phone ringing so your inventory finds you
BONUS: How to build a team to do it all for you if you aren’t the “shopping” type!