
Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

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Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre) – Instant Download!

Attention Copywriters And Marketers:

Don’t Blow Your Black Friday Budget On 1-2 Copywriting Products…

Get 16 Copywriting Products For The Price Of One (Save $8,326)

Bill Mueller Daniel Throssell Derek Johanson Drayton Bird
Ian Stanley Jacob McMillen John McIntyre Jon Buchan
Kim Krause Schwalm Lorrie Morgan Lukas Resheske Matt Bockenstette
Chanti Zak Rob Allen Rob Allen Roy Furr


👇 Here’s What You Get From Each Expert:
(experts listed in alphabetical order)

Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Bill Mueller’s
The Story Sales Machine

This digital course + email template pack shows you how to create your Story Sales Machine and start using power of story in your business.

You’ll get email-by-email breakdowns, dozens of examples, templates, a 10-email welcome sequence strategy, 212 subject lines, 141 story idea starters, and much more.

Use the Story Sales Machine to write story-based emails in minutes. Plan out and write entire email sequences in the time it currently takes you to write just one email!

Here’s what The Story Sales Machine will do for you:

  • Get The Story Sales Machine and effortlessly write emails people WANT to open and read while watching email performance skyrocket…
  • Use story to engage your prospects emotionally so you can sell more by showing, sell more through “projection,” and sell more through relevance…
  • Imagine in the time it takes to write one email, having an entire sequence complete (the emails practically write themselves when you know what to say, where, and how) …
  • Finally have consistent email marketing because there’s no need to wonder “what do I write?” Just reference your Story Sales Machine!
  • Accelerate the relationship-building process so subscribers know, like, and trust you faster…
  • Picture prospects enjoying your emails so much that they actually reach out to ask, “Hey, is everything okay?” because you “missed” a day.
  • PLUS: Get follow-along examples, a 10-step welcome sequence strategy, 212 subject lines, 141 ways to create stories, my best performing email swipe file, and much, much more…

What’s included:

  • Story Sales Machine Training
  • 10-Step Welcome Sequence Strategy
  • 212 Subject Lines, Emails, & More
  • Bonus #1: Neglected List Study
  • Bonus #2: Best Email Swipe File
  • Bonus #3: 141 Story Idea Pack
  • Bonus #4: 80 Min Story Seminar
  • Bonus #5: 1-on-1 Strategy Call

What people are saying:

Almost single handedly, Bill Mueller took my annual business revenue from $153K to $1MM with a single email strategy executed over the course of one week, and then maintained that level of sales with his copywriting genius and an evergreen strategy that still works to this day, nearly on autopilot. He also created $264,849.00 of ‘found’ revenue for us with a direct mail campaign we never even knew existed. Bill’s knowledge of internet marketing and his continual ideas for growing businesses has been a huge boon to me and my companies. I recommend you use Bill without question.

Tim Gilberg ● CEO of Guitar Jamz

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Chanti Zak’s
The Path To A Profitable Offer

An offer whose very existence does most of the selling for you isn’t a myth.

It’s a possibility, and it’s waiting for you on the other side of Chanti Zak’s The Path To A Profitable Offer.

A LIVE 3-part workshop where you won’t just learn how to intentionally engineer an offer that inspires buyers — you’ll create it. From ideation to validation to optimization, it’s all happening…

Have you ever wondered why the very foundation of your clients’ success — their offers — are often the most overlooked part of the online business conversation?

Your offer is your foundation.

Everything else — content, lead gen, sales, team, scaling, ads, etc. comes AFTER your well-thought out offer.

So why do so few teachers TALK about this?!

Here’s WHY most people teaching online marketing ignore the offer part and focus on other things…

Because crafting an offer people want is kinda hard.

I mean… if it were easy everyone would do it.

You’re not a mind reader, and unfortunately assumptions and best guesses don’t work with offers. You have to know what people want (keyword: WANT, not need).

To craft a really great offer you have to step outside of your own lane and into the shoes of your ideal buyers.

You have to try on their struggles, their objections, their lived experience, their bank account, their setbacks, and their dreams.

And then you have to return to your lane with the mindset of making this a no brainer for them — the kicker, you have to be able to deliver on the promises you make.

Your offer has to stand out. Your promises have to be believable and achievable.

Mastering offer creation and optimization is a hat you’ll need to don over and over again.

That’s what The Path To A Profitable Offer is all about.

In this 3-part workshop you’ll learn:

  • The 7 Layer Offer Dip — essential and often overlooked elements of an offer that makes your dream customers wanna double dip
  • 3 Steps to validate before you create, because there’s nothing worse than surface level validation where people politely say your idea is 🔥 when in reality they won’t be your buyer
  • The “Offer Owner” Mindset and why business owners sabotage their success by creating too many offers, too fast (+ neglecting the gold already hangin’ in their Google Drive)
  • What Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs has to do with constructing or optimizing an offer that checks all the right boxes (this applies to both your potential customers AND your personal psychological drivers)
  • From low-ticket to high and everything in between: how to strategically price your offer so it’s accessible to your audience AND profitable to you
  • What all successful offers have in common and why competition is actually a good thing
  • Stop trying to stand out and start doing THIS: The power of positioning and deeply attuning to market dynamics
  • How to make your offer stand out in a saturated market (spoiler: the answer is more than just “niching down”) + the difference between painkiller offers vs. vitamins
  • The 80/20 rule and how to apply it to optimizing your offer you already spent months building
  • Why I say F value ladders and what to do instead (hint: what happens when you flip that pyramid on it’s head?!)
  • What fancy restaurants can teach us about The Art of the Offer Stack: from your core offer to support, delivery, bonuses and more this is how you give your customers an experience and not just a temporary reprieve from their hunger

How it’s delivered (PSST… pay attention if you want the live experience!):

  • This workshop will be delivered LIVE and you’ll have a chance to ask questions, make real progress, and create connections. The dates for the live sessions are:
PART 1: 

November 30 @ 11 am PT – 1 pm PT

PART 2: 

December 1 @ 11 am PT – 1 pm PT

PART 3: 

December 7 @ 10 am PT – 12 pm PT

  • If you can’t make it live, all good, you’ll still derive a whoooole lotta insights from the replays which will be sent straight to your inbox within 24 hours of each live session.

What people are saying:

” There’s nobody quite like Chanti. She brings an amazing energy that has helped the business grow. She has the gift of being able to get inside people’s heads– then write copy that reaches them. 

Working with Chanti has opened new doors for my business– she’s helped us generate tens of thousands of leads and hundreds of thousands in revenue. More importantly, she’s helped us better connect with the people we serve.”

” Chanti has created quizzes that have brought in tens of thousands of leads, helped us generate millions in revenue from our launches, and written hundreds of pieces of copy. 

We don’t want to recommend her to anybody else because we’d love to keep her to ourselves! But, in all seriousness, we’d recommend her 100%.”

Kayse Morris ● Founder of The CEO Teacher School & Academy, kaysemorris.com Amy Porterfield ● Founder, amyporterfield.com

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Daniel Throssell’s
Email Copywriting Compendium

Daniel Throssell’s Email Copywriting Compendium is his answer to the following question:

“If I could send ONE letter to my past self, condensing everything I know NOW about email copywriting … and it had to bring me as close as possible to my current skill level, as quickly as possible … what would I say?”

The entire course is delivered inside one chunky pdf which you can print out and read over coffee.

There’s no complex fluff … no pointless stories … no ‘intro’ videos … or anything.

Every single rule is written to ‘get in … deliver the lesson … and get out’.

You don’t have to follow it in order. You can start wherever you like. You can read them a few at a time, or all at once. It’s extremely easy to read.

Here’s a selection of the 101 rules you will find inside the Compendium:

  • The most important word in copywriting (and it’s not “you”, or “free”, or “entertainment”, or “consistency”, or anything trite — I promise it actually will enlighten you) (Rule #1)
  • A list I made — for my own personal use — of the 10 elements of must-read email lists (Rule #2)One question to ask before EVERY email you send (Rule #3)
  • The ideal email length — and yes, I give a word count (Rule #9)The THREE hurdles to getting your email read (getting it opened is just the first one — but I’ve never heard anyone teach the other two!) AND how to overcome them (Rules #12, #13 and #14)
  • Why telling your sales message in an email is a BAD idea in 2021 (Rule #15)
  • A specific numerical rule for how often to sell in your emails, and how hard to do it (Rules #17 and #18)
  • The 8 words Australia’s bestselling author taught me about writing emails people want to stay subscribed to for years (Rule #20)
  • Why “being your true self” is BAD advice for emails (Rule #22)
  • A creepy trick for psychologically abusing your readers into revering you — admittedly, I’m not sure if this will work for anyone other than me, but if you’re on my list you’ve definitely seen ME do this to you, and it’s why you are reading this sales page now … (Rule #24)
  • The most incredible technique in the history of storytelling — I use it almost every day (Rule #25)
  • Why it’s okay to make up “untrue” stories for your emails, and how to do it (Rule #26)
  • How to pull story ideas from your day-to-day life (hint: you’re looking in the wrong place!) (Rule #27)
  • Ever felt like your sales email ‘feels’ wrong … but can’t figure out why? I almost guarantee it’s because your email’s lead is missing one of the three things in Rule #28…
  • What to do if you’re writing for a client and can’t get personal stories out of them (Rule #29), and …
  • Why email stories should NOT be about “telling what happened”! (Rule #30)

How it’s delivered:

  • The Compendium comes as a pdf file, delivered exclusively via Daniel’s ‘Persuasive Page’ Learnistic mobile/iPad app, and you will need a smartphone to access it (though you can send it to your computer from there).

What people are saying:

” It’s worth getting JUST to keep reminding yourself of Rule #3. I think everyone should have that tattoo’d on their eyes!”

David ● Copywriter

” It’s smokin’ hot! Rule #28 rocks! With your ‘triforce’ idea and studying the leads you’ve written, I now actually get how you pull me into your stories. Great stuff!”

Eric ● Copywriter

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Derek Johanson’s
Daily Email Income

Daily Email Income is designed to take you from Reluctant Writer, afraid to get behind the keyboard, to a Highly Capable and Confident Email Copywriter…

…all in the space of 8 weeks.

After this course, you’ll have the skill to fearlessly write emails quickly and consistently.

And you’ll know with certainty that you’re producing content your (or your client’s) audience will happily anticipate receiving in their inbox.

Ties in perfectly with Daniel’s Compendium (see above).

In Derek’s Daily Email Income:

  • The heuristics behind increasing frequency and the simple ass plan for writing MORE kinds of emails.
  • Proof you can run a multi-million dollar business with just this one type of email
  • Stuck finding story ideas? Try this one source for unlimited ideas – HINT: you can access it directly from your couch.
  • How to stay relevant by taking advantage of historical events
  • Why giving your opinion is a GOOD thing, and how to leverage it to build the relationship with your audience.
  • The secret to calming skepticism and why THIS is so powerful….
  • What to do when the romance between you and your list fades (rekindling the fire won’t take much)
  • How to flip the script on industry leaders and commonly held beliefs to your advantage.
  • Creating controversy – take a look at how THIS can improve your open rates and keep the ideas rolling.
  • What you can learn about relationship building from Taco Tuesdays, Throwback Thursdays and #FridayFun
  • Knock out a successful launch WITHOUT slaving over a 20+ email sequence – this is dead easy and can be done in under an hour.
  • Finding the secret to your product – this one simple-to-use resource can help you generate emails rapidly (especially if you’re in the health industry)
  • The customer-focused strategy that essentially writes emails for you
  • How complaining to your list can actually strengthen your relationship with them (yet, forgetting this one thing can lead to disaster)
  • One of the most under-utilized marketing tools out there – they generate curiosity and readers love them.
  • How to write an email in under 2 minutes that’ll have your readers compelled to reply
  • And much more…

How it’s delivered:

  • Throughout the 8 weeks, you’ll receive a daily email that includes a lesson and breakdown of a winning piece of email copy. You’ll learn why it works, what it’s purpose is and how to easily apply the same structure to your own industry, regardless of what niche it falls within.
  • Plus – to help keep you focused, speed up the learning process and build upon your recall skills, you’ll have a daily handwriting assignment (just like in CopyHour). This is truly the best way to learn the language of copy.
  • You’ll also have access to our dedicated Facebook page, where you and other members of the DEI community can post progress and get feedback on each assignment.

What people are saying:

” Daily Email Income has been one of my best investments into copywriting ever! I’ve seen drastic changes in the way I craft emails after DEI. I love the variety of emails and breakdowns of each clearly explained in the program.”

Vadiraja P ● Copywriter

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Drayton Bird’s
Book Bundle + Drayton And Andy At Churchill’s War Rooms

Do you want to make more money – a LOT more – face to face or at a distance?

Then this is made for you.

It includes 5 books and a seminar Drayton did called Drayton and Andy at Churchill’s War Rooms.

Andy Bounds is one of the world’s greatest salesmen. He once helped Barclay’s Bank close a deal worth £2.6 billion.

He was once Drayton’s client. He says Drayton has been his greatest influence. But Drayton learnt more from him than anyone else about presenting and selling.

Now you can profit from both their secrets as they reveal all you need to know before you see people – and when you see them. People paid £999 to attend this one-day seminar.

In addition to the seminar, you’ll also receive the following 5 books:

  • 51 Helpful Marketing Ideas (Volume 1)
  • The Missing 51 Helpful Ideas (Volume 2)
  • How Even A Business Idiot Like Me Made A Million Or Two
  • 31 Insiders’ Direct Marketing Ploys
  • How To Get A Better Job (Where Most People Go Wrong And How To Get It Right)

How it’s delivered:

  • Seminar recordings and PDF files

What people are saying:

” Drayton Bird knows more about marketing than anyone in the world.”

David Ogilvy ● Founder, Ogilvy & Mather

” Drayton Bird is a wise and wily direct marketer. People all over the world have been lucky enough to learn from him.”

Sir Martin Sorrell ● Founder, WPP

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Ian Stanley’s
8020 Email Copy Advanced

What do you learn from writing, sending, and testing hundreds upon hundreds of emails to a list of 1.2 million subscribers?


And that’s what Ian wants to share with you today. He’s condensed 18 months of full-time writing and learning into a 4 week email crash course.

Using the 80/20 Principle I’ve focused only on the type of emails that truly matter. Meaning you don’t have to wade through all the bullshit trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

He’s done all the leg work for you and knows EXACTLY what kind of emails bring in the money and how to write them in just 10 to 20 minutes.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn in 8020 Email Copy Advanced:

  • The ultimate secret to getting good at writing email FAST (once I started doing this I found my “voice” and speed of writing improving dramatically while having a SHITLOAD of fun.)
  • The little-known subject line type that gets higher opens, clicks, and SALES than any other. (Plus, the exact formula for how to write them.)
  • Why no “test” is true for your list and how to find out what actually works for your list. (Split test results are generally bullshit, you need to know the principle, not the result.)
  • The best day of the week to send to make massive sales (once you know which day it is it’ll make perfect sense and you’ll be kicking yourself for not knowing it earlier.)
  • How to use music to kick-start your “copywriting brain.”
  • How to create a list of email ideas so long you’ll never have “writer’s block” again. (The only hard part will be choosing which one to write about that day.)
  • How to kick “writer’s block” square in the nuts with the “brain hijack” maneuver.
  • The best two types of “first sentences” to use to open an email. (even if the topic is boring , it will be impossible for people for people to stop reading because of the deeply engrained psychological principle behind the method)
  • The rarely used email type that your subscribers will basically write for you.
  • How to use the psychological principle of “state congruent memory” to force your brain into writing kick ass copy. (do NOT underestimate how valuable this is. I use it every single day to get shit done.)
  • The exact amount of words your subject line should never go over. (I’ve never seen a subject line win with more than this amount of words)
  • The “Sean Connery” writing secret that completely destroys writers block
  • An “idiot proof” formula for writing a welcome email that cements your customers to you like glue
  • The most important email in your autoresponder and how to write it in 15 minutes
  • How to use punctuation in email to guarantee people read your entire email
  • The true goal of email marketing (understand this one strategy and you’ll be able to create virtual ATMs on demand)
  • How to get an infinite list of email ideas without doing any “research”
  • How to turn ANY event in your life into a profitable email
  • Plus, a whole bunch more…

Here’s what you get and how it’s delivered:

  • 2 Guides that will teach you the philosophy behind writing emails that ethically FORCE people to buy from you.
  • Daily emails straight your inbox 5 days a week for 4 weeks. The content of these emails will teach you each specific email type, and give you a proven structure for all of the most profitable types of emails that exist.
  • Daily hand writing exercises that will take less than 25 minutes to complete. These are all emails that entertain, teach, build a long-term relationship…and most of all MAKE MONEY.
  • You’ll have a complete 10 day autoresponder (minimum) of your own in just 4 weeks. (That’s an absolute MINIMUM. Some people will have 20 emails. Some 30 or more. It just depends on your commitment level.)
  • An exact day-by-day sequence to use for your autoresponder.
  • 71 winning subject lines and email formulas proven to make money in any niche.
  • 2 Kick-ass email copywriting guides
  • 600+ Subject Lines
  • “Over the shoulder” email writing demo
  • 4 advanced webinars with Derek Johanson and Ian Stanley
  • “Frankensequence” Double Your Conversions Training
  • The best way to split test emails to exponentially increase conversions.

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Jacob McMillen’s
Longform & SEO Masterclass

Do you want to earn $1,000+ every time you write an article?

In this recorded 3-hour training, Jacob walks you step-by-step through his process for creating longform blog posts that he sells for up to $4,000 and have ranked #1 in search for nationally competitive terms like “copywriter”, “consulting”, “AB testing guide”, and even “how to be popular”.

You’ll discover:

  • His start-to-finish process for planning & writing high-value longform
  • The key elements he focuses on to outperform 99% of longform writers
  • His crazy-simple SEO process that gets crazy-lucrative results
  • How to apply his process to any niche and topic

If you’re a writer, this is going to instantly add several hundred dollars to what you’re able to charge per blog post. If you’re a blogger or content marketer, you’ll be able to quickly adjust some of your existing content to hit those big rankings you’ve been looking for.

What’s included:

  • 3-hour recorded training

What people are saying:

” I thought I’d share a quick update on the post you helped me with. I’ve had over 150 leads download the PDF. I’ve closed several high-end monthly retainers, so within the next year, this content piece will be responsible for over $100k in sales.”

Matt Lee ● Lead Generation Experts

” Thank you! We had our first client find us via a Google search! A construction firm. We’re finalizing the deal this week, but it looks like it’ll be about 25k worth of work!!! I’m all in on content marketing and SEO.”

Michael Draper ● Two Wolves Creative

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

John McIntyre’s
What’s Working Now In Copywriting?

Some of the best opportunities you’ll ever see (maybe in your entire life) are right in front of you at this very moment…

You just need to know where to look.

That’s where this bundle of interviews comes in.

It’s 15 interviews with some of the world’s top copywriters and marketers – all on the topic of what’s working now in copywriting:

  • Adil Amarsi
  • Ben Settle
  • Bond Halbert
  • Chris Orzechowski
  • Daniel Throssell
  • Derek Johanson
  • Drayton Bird
  • Jacob McMillen
  • Jay White
  • Joanna Wiebe
  • Jon Benson
  • Jon Buchan
  • Kevin Halbert
  • Mike Abramov
  • Roy Furr
  • Shiv Shetti

The interviews were recorded in May or June 2021 so it’s probably one of the most up-to-date training in the world on what’s working now in copywriting (as of this writing).

In these 15 interviews, you’ll discover:

  • How the stock-standard rags-to-riches “hero’s journey” story template is DEAD (plus, 7 little-known story templates you need to use instead alongside 4 storytelling pillars)
  • How to prepare yourself for the onslaught of robo-copywriters and artificial intelligence (what to do so you don’t get left behind)
  • How to use humor and tell jokes that win your audience over – even if you’re not a funny person (including specific techniques for ratcheting up the comedic value in ANY story)
  • Why Ben Settle says Covid-19 works like the “Super Soldier Serum” in the Captain America movies (and what this means for copywriters like you and me)
  • Why you need to get rid of your swipe file if you want to be an A-list copywriter
  • The “trojan horse” secret to specialization as a freelance copywriter in 2021 (now you can get more clients with less effort even if you’re new)
  • How Daniel Throssell’s growing his copywriting business FAST without using the same old tired, worn out copywriting strategies everyone uses
  • The sneaky Apple iOS update that’s made email copywriting 100x more important than it was (email is definitely NOT dead)
  • How to become a better copywriter without writing more copy (turns out, copywriting isn’t just about copywriting)
  • And much more!

How it’s delivered:

  • 15 recorded interviews (stream or download)
  • Fast-action PDF guide with the best actions from the interviews
  • Eagle’s Eye session (high-level overview audio session of the biggest themes and ideas from the interviews)

What people say about the experts in these interviews:

” More Concrete, Actionable Steps Than 90% Of The Experts Have In Their Materials. You’ve Made All Of This Information Direct, To The Point, No B.S.” ” Joanna Is The Best Copywriter I’ve Ever Met, Hands Down. One Of The Things That Makes Her So Freakin’ Good Is Her Unique Ability To Combine Finely-Tuned Intuition From Years Of Experience With Solid Research.”
Kay H ● Freelance Writer, referring to Jacob McMillen Michael Aagaard ● CRO Expert (Formerly @ Unbounce)
” I’ve Been Able To Work With Some Really Big People Who I Never Thought I Would Even Be In Communication With.” ” I’ve Gone From Struggling To Break $1k/Month… To Hitting A Consistent $8k/Month.”
Cameron ● Email Copywriter, Referring to Jon Buchan Michael Diggins ● Freelance Copywriter, Referring to Shiv Shetti

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Jon Buchan’s
Convert Like A Charm

The Charm Offensive copywriting style began its life as a way to get responses from cold emails and other cold pitches.

This context is very different from writing pitches to an existing opted-in email list or by posting a pitch on social media.

In the last year or so, Jon’s blended his disarming humorous style with rhetorical devices and the persuasive concepts of direct response copywriting to great effect.

He’s developed a style which stands out, entertains, and most importantly, converts.

He’s never released a training that specifically talks about this potent blend of charm and persuasion.

Until, as you may have guessed, now…

  • How to use these crafty coy little bullet points that evoke curiosity with their combination of vagueness and specificity. *ahem* 😉
  • Incorporate easy to use joke formulas such as “The hyperbole pack pedal”, “Words in their mouth”, “2 Hands” and a variety of others to add spunk, chutzpah, and moxie to your copy.
  • Use conflicting word combinations to make copy to maintain attention and make people smile
  • The counter-intuitive way of talking up your own self-interested goals to great persuasive effect
  • Quash your prospects objections with the “absurd scenario” technique
  • Deploy unorthodox calls to action to maximise click-through rates
  • Make the use of scarcity far more fun for everyone involved, while still maintaining its efficacy
  • A simple clever trick that uses informal and formal copy together to create humorous sentences
  • The common mindset issue that people have that prevents them from writing high-converting, charming, funny copy
  • How to provide ‘silly’ reasons for sales offers that make people laugh and reach for their wallets
  • A few crafty tricks to maximising open rates on your most crucial, time-sensitive pitch emails
  • The 5 key elements you need in any charming sales pitch
  • The ‘scenic route’ tactic to celebrate your successes without appearing arrogant, and to criticise others without being direct.
  • The ‘creative pattern interrupt’ techniques Jon uses on social media to stop people from scrolling
  • The charming little lines Jon adds to social media posts to boost engagement and reach significantly.
  • The clumsy, herky-jerky, sentence structure that when used, adds a sort of ‘comic-timing’ to your copy
  • The weird ‘metric humour’ trick Jon learned from watching his favourite sitcom growing up, Cheers.
  • A cunning, but lazy technique that uses specificity to make your copy resonate with more of your audience
  • And much more!

How it’s delivered:

  • How to Use Humour & Persuasion to Convert Like a Charm – 95 page eBook & 5 Training Videos
  • How I Write eBook & Training Video
  • BONUS: Charming Email Copy That Converts – 3 Swipe Files
  • BONUS: Charming Social Media Content That Engages & Converts – 2 Swipe Files

What people are saying:

” I await your baffled response with great interest 😂

Converts Like A Charm rocks.

I’m reading the ebooks for an hour now, and the content feels not only fresh but innovative.

Thank you Jon Buchan. You’ve got a new fan.”

Jonathan Peykar

” Watched 2 modules so far at 2x speed… While I’d say it’s worth far more than every dollar I’ve given you, I’m quite delighted I didn’t have to (see, putting it to use already!)”

Carlos Rosario

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Kim Krause Schwalm’s
Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive


Top Copywriters Failed to Defeat Parris Lampropoulus’ “Unbeatable” 7-Year Control.

Here’s How Kim Krause Schwalm Beat It…and Went On to Produce Many More Multi-Year, Million-Dollar Controls.

Here’s what you’ll discover in Kim’s Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive:

  • Throw out your rule book! This is Kim’s #1 principle of direct mail copy from when she beat Jim Rutz’ promotion– and kept the control for over 3 years (financial promos almost never last a full year!)
  • The taboo emotion Kim’s winning headline exposed to beat Parris Lampropoulus’ “unbeatable” 7-year control (This is how she became the first female copywriter to win a Boardroom control!)
  • The world-class copywriter’s secret to predicting if your headline will fail miserably before you even test it (this won Kim a control that mailed for over 10 years!)
  • Facing writer’s block? Do this quick 1-minute search trick and you’ll be overflowing with big ideas!
  • Want to fast-track your way to the A-List and win control after control? Stop making this common headline mistake even veterans fall prey to
  • A non-technical formatting trick that keeps your audience reading every single word of your copy and wanting even more
  • The simple 3-word secret to writing fascinations and headlines in million-dollar controls. Kim’s triple-punch formula reveals what separates A-List bullets from the rest. Miss ANY of these punches and say goodbye to your profits!
  • The single question Kim always asks herself and coaching clients when crafting an irresistible, mouth-watering bullet
  • One common yet overlooked word that makes the claim in your headline both believable and enticing to your prospects (you probably say this word every day!)
  • The one word you should AVOID using in your copy whenever possible. You’d be amazed how many times it sneaks into your writing!
  • Is your guarantee stopping your prospect from buying? This little-known trick helps you formulate an ironclad, no-brainer guarantee even the most skeptical buyer can’t resist!
  • And much more!

What’s included:

  • 3-hour video presentation plus word-for-word transcript
  • 60-page Guidebook containing Kim’s boiled-down, 5-point system for getting bigger controls based on her 20+ years as a top-level copywriter

What people are saying:

” Kim’s boot camp was well worth the time and money. The big value was in learning her system for writing winning sales copy — and seeing sample after sample that brought her system to life.… Whether you’re a newbie who dreams of writing sales copy for a living or a savvy old pro looking for some new ideas and new approaches, you need to get yourself to Kim’s next boot camp, or get the next best thing: her Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive.”

Brad Petersen

” This is one of the best days I’ve ever spent since I’ve started copywriting. I learned a ton…going through [your] controls and [your] thought process…all of [your] ideas for your guarantees, headlines, and bullets–it’s given me so many ideas and made me feel so inspired. It’s easy to learn; her book is amazing! It’s such a good resource to have!”

Lindsay Sacks

✓Included In The Bundle!

Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Lorrie Morgan’s
Guide To The Nuts And Bolts Of Running A Successful Copywriting Business (With Dan Kennedy)

Imagine sitting at lunch with one of the most expensive, in-demand freelance copywriters in the world.

He is a self-made millionaire.

You are a copywriter.

You know there are secrets he could share, guaranteed to explode your profits.

You get to ask ANY business question that’s on your mind.

No interruptions.

No distractions.

What would you ask?

Well, Lorrie Morgan had that opportunity.

Dan Kennedy is probably the HIGHEST paid copywriter alive.

So when he offered to consult with two copywriters (Lorrie and another copywriter) over lunch while at his $10,000 a head Sales Letter Workshop in icy Cleveland, Ohio, Lorrie jumped at it!

Now she’s been making a darn good living as a copywriter since 2002.

But sitting at that lunch table listening to Dan, she quickly realized what a rookie she had been when it comes to the business side of copywriting.

Here is just some of what Dan covers:

  • The Anatomy of Big Money Copywriting Projects and Client Relationships. Actual examples…where they came from, how they developed, work done, results – in cases where fees plus royalties exceed $100,000.00 per job. (This is a behind-the-scenes look at Dan’s multi-year relationships with clients who repeatedly pay him over $100,000.00 per assignment.)
  • Contracts. Dan shares key items all copywriters should include in their contracts. (Missing just one of these can be hazardous to your income).
    Secrets to Prolific Output. Most copywriters are way, way, way too s-l-o-w to make any real money! (Dan did over 40 major projects in 2004, at an average fee of $50,000.00+, plus royalties – all part-time.)
  • Quick Fixes. How to quickly beat controls…rewrite and boost results of his clients’ prior campaigns…turn one-step into multi-step direct mail campaigns…his “tricks” for dramatically increasing response that actually has little to do with ‘copywriting’ but should be used by every copywriter. (You’ll be stunned when your understand how simple, yet powerful these techniques are!)
  • How to THINK and Grow Rich Writing Copy. Frankly Dan believes most copywriters’ own thinking about themselves, their clients, the way they “should” conduct business, how they get paid, and so on is ALL wrong and limiting. (Rich people DO think differently. Shift your thinking and you shift your bank account.)
  • Publish or Perish. Why and how to promote yourself by writing articles, books, and contributing to others’ books. Surprise: why your “ezine” may be crippling your fees. The one thing you should definitely publish and disseminate. (And how to get paid well to shamelessly promote yourself.)
  • Speak and Be Sought. You do NOT have to be Tony Robbins or some other Charismatic Dynamo to speak effectively and persuasively about copy to get speaking opportunities that yield clients. One of the fastest ways to attract the clients you want (and who will want YOU) is by speaking.
  • Kennedy’s #1 Rule of Business. Every minute you’re not adopting this philosophy, you are losing money. (This philosophy has served Dan well for over 25 years. He has raised his base fee every year for the past seven years.)
  • Capitalist Economics #101. The economic law you must have working for you rather than against you. (It’s amazing how many copywriters simply overlook this critical key.)
  • Big Lessons from Giants of the Copywriting and Advertising Worlds. ‘Gems’ that influenced Dan enormously from John Francis Tighe, Gary Halbert, David Ogilvy, Robert Collier, and many others. (These tried and true facts have a high return.)
  • Should You Be Your Own Client? With the power of information marketing, the highest fees you’ll ever get might just come from writing copy to sell your own information. (John Lennon understood this wealth secret…now you can too.)
  • How to Get a “Milk Cow” Account Or Two. Dan shows you how to effortlessly pay the light bill each month while building your copywriting career. (No ‘starving artists’ allowed in copywriting.)
  • And much more…

How it’s delivered:

  • Downloadable PDF

What people say about Dan Kennedy:

” 140,000.00 in business in 4 days, and a big chunk of that was extra revenue I’d have never seen without the one suggestion you gave me. If I’d been using that one since the first of the year, I’d be at least $100,000.00 farther ahead.”

Joe Polish ● Copywriter

“I have been using your materials and advice for two years, as Vice-President of Sales and Marketing for a mortgage company. I am directing a direct-mail campaign that sends over 75,000 pieces a month to homeowners all over the United States. Our direct-mail program has resulted in a 300% to 400% increase in sales and profit.”

Dave Bellizi ● Director of The Silva Method for Sales Professionals, New Jersey

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Lukas Resheske’s
New Email Masters

This is an elite Training + Coaching program. You’ll learn exactly how to write emails that sell, and you’ll learn how to find high paying clients for your services.

Then, you’ll participate in The Gauntlet, which is a ‘trial by fire’ where you’ll get Personalized, unique feedback on your copy, your client getting emails, and your applications for gigs.

Then, once you complete the Gauntlet and are cleared by Lukas and his trainers…

You’ll get the opportunity to write for his own personal clients, LIVE, so you can see your emails in action.

There isn’t a single program on the planet that is offering this to anyone right now.

Everyone else is offering information and coaching.

Lukas is offering In The Trenches, Real World Experience AND Personalized Feedback.

What’s included:

  • The Email Copywriting Training and Coaching Program
  • How To Get Email Copy Clients
  • The Gauntlet
  • The “Double Your Retainer” mini-course.
  • 365 Email Prompts: never stare at a blank CRM again.

What people are saying:

“Lukas Resheske’s workshop in Marina del Rey was amazing! I immediately put everything to work. Lukas really knows what he is doing. This is a no fluff- leave with results kind of workshop.”

Oren Klaff ● Raised over $1B in Capital

“Lukas’ coaching is the first copywriting training that we literally listen to over and over again…. and actually keep getting new insights from!”

Lizzie Mills ● 10¢ Per Word Copywriter -> 6-figure Agency Owner

✓Included In The Bundle!



Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Matt Bockenstette’s
All 20 “Original Copy Legend” Ad Collections (Ie. Swipe Files)

The better your swipe file, the better your copy.

Well, your copy is going to get an atomic boost with Matt Bockenstette’s swipe files.

He makes some of the best swipe files in the business, and he’s here to give you 20 of his favorite collections:

David Ogilvy Collection (84 Total Ads)

Eugene Schwartz Collection (165 Total Ads)

  • Claude Hopkins Collection (429 Ads)
  • John Caples Collection (52 Total Ads)
  • Robert Collier Collection (51 Total Ads)
  • Joseph Sugarman Collection (56 Total Ads)
  • Maxwell Sackheim Collection (79 Total Ads)
  • Gary Bencivenga (8 Total Ads)
  • Victor Schwab (8 Total Ads)
  • Bruce Barton (23 Total Ads)
  • Joe Karbo (18 Total Ads)
  • Ben Suarez (43 Total Ads)
  • James Webb Young (25 Total Ads)
  • Mel Martin (20 Total Ads)
  • Ralph Ginzburg (79 Total Ads)
  • Ted Nicholas (10 Total Ads)
  • David Abbott (121 Total Ads)
  • Neil French (97 Total Ads)
  • Lillian E. Watson (31 Total Ads)

That’s 20 Collections and 1,447 ads in total – one HELL of a swipe file.

How it’s delivered:

  • Downloadable PDFs and ZIP files

What people are saying:

” Thanks Matt. Yeah, your offer was practically pornographic for anyone who is serious about their copy craft. I couldn’t resist 😉 Stoked as hell to be on board.”

Craig Perrine ● Inspired Marketing

” Your collection is savage. I don’t even know what to say. 99.9% of the world will never understand the power of this swipe file. I do. Thank you.”


✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Rob Allen’s
Become Ridiculously Good With Klaviyo In 5 Days

In 2017, Rob signed into his first Klaviyo account and felt like he’d walked into the matrix.

He knew it was a powerful tool, but had no idea how to use it.

So he threw himself into learning everything there was to know about it.

He spent hundreds of hours attending free workshops, building flows, sending campaigns, and (most importantly) testing EVERYTHING.

Eventually, he became so good that Klaviyo even featured his work on their site … as a stunning example of what’s possible when you push the limits of their tool.

Today, when he takes over an account, he knows exactly what needs to be done to grow email revenue rapidly.

In fact, it’s common for his clients to see a 3x-10x increase in email performance … almost instantly. And millions added over the course of a year.

And for the first time ever, he’s going to teach you everything I know about Klaviyo.

Here’s some of what you’ll discover:

  • INSIDE KLAVIYO: Get a plain and simple overview of all the key areas and features inside a Klaviyo account
  • Pop-up Power Hour: How to design, write and launch pop ups that convert at 20+%
  • Segmentation Superpowers: See how to quickly create segments for campaigns to drive even more revenue
  • Use This Sheet To Find The Average Number of Orders for Your Segments!
  • DESIGN!: See how to quickly create well-designed email templates and graphics with nothing more than a free design tool and background colors
  • Body Copy Tips and Tricks: What would a Klaviyo training be without some email copywriting tips and tricks
  • The Core 3 Flows: See the 3 most critical flows inside a Klaviyo account + the psychology of why they exist
  • Core Flows Implementation: Get a click-by-click walk through of how to build the 3 Core Flows
  • Hidden (Lucrative) Funnels: See the most underleveraged flows in all of email… that most people don’t even know exists!
  • Check Out The Cadence of This Sample Welcome Series Flow For A Clothing Brand
  • See The First 5 Days of This High Converting Welcome Series For A Supplement Brand
  • List Hygiene: Get a walkthrough on how to keep lists healthy and strong (and purge dead/non-engaging contacts)
  • Maximizing Analytics: How to use the data and benchmarks inside your account to make informed business decisions and monitor growth
  • Progressive Personalization: How to gain incredibly deep and specific insights about your audience one step at a time

How it’s delivered:

  • Online course with videos and PDF guides

What people are saying:

” The course was GREAT. I already told copywriter about it as soon as I finished. I WISH I knew the stuff you shared in here last year. You gave me some advanced strategies I’ll use going forward. AND the call with your former coworker was VERY insightful as well.”


✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Rob Marsh and Kira Hug’s
The Copywriter Club Conference Recordings

Make the move from ‘good’ to ‘GREAT’ copywriter so you can get paid the big bucks and stop second-guessing yourself every step of the way.

If you want to build a profitable copywriting business that stands for something, this is the (virtual) event for you…

When you watch the TCC(N)IRL recordings, you’ll bump (virtual) funny bones AND exchange brainy-bits with these top experts…

  • Rob Marsh
  • Kira Hug
  • Carline Anglade-Cole
  • Joanna Wiebe
  • Todd Brown
  • Jereshia Hawk
  • Jude Charles
  • Momoko Price
  • Joel Klettke
  • Eman Ismail
  • Michal Eisikowitz
  • Brittany McBean
  • Julia McCoy
  • Pauline Longdon
  • Bree Weber
  • Anna Hetzel
  • Prerna Malik
  • Jenn Robbins
  • Amy Posner
  • Mai-kee Tsang
  • Siobhan Solberg
  • Lindsay Hotmire
  • Mayank Malik
  • Jared Macdonald
  • Kim Krause Schwalm
  • Darren Hanser
  • Sara Anna Powers
  • Linda Perry
  • Belinda Weaver
  • Allea Grummert
  • Jill Wise
  • Daniel Lamb
  • Erika Macauley
  • Christina Torres
  • Annie Bacher
  • Kim Kiel

And get answers to questions like these…

  • How can I use data analytics to increase conversions and create more success stories for my clients?”
  • How can I manage ALL THE EMOTIONS during the rollercoaster ride of a client project?
  • How do I break out of feast or famine mode… for good?
  • I *love* humor copy but I’m worried I’ll stuff it up. What are the most common mistakes and how do I avoid them?
  • I HAVE A GAZILLION IDEAS! How do I work out which ones are actually profitable?
  • How can I scale my business… FAST?
  • How can I capture the voice and style of my client?
  • How do I genuinely level up my copywriting game?
  • How do work up the confidence to share *my* voice and speak on stage?
  • How do the A-level copywriters edit their own copy? GIVE ME THEIR SECRETS!
  • How do I build a profitable business, so I’m not left wondering where all my money went at the end of every month?

How it’s delivered:

  • Recordings from the event

What people said about Rob and Kira’s previous events:

” It was *SO* worth it. The things I learned, people I met, and changes it made in my biz trajectory rewarded that last minute decision ten times over. It cemented online friendships with two Aussie copywriters who I’m now inviting to my wedding. It gave me the confidence to justify my copy and raise my prices. In fact, the month after TCC IRL was the first time ever I brought in $8K.”

Kirsty Fanton ● Copywriter

” Now that I’m back home (and yes, slightly jet lagged!), I want to thank Rob Marsh + Kira Hug for putting on one of the BEST conferences I’ve been to!! There were SO many copywriters in one room and all that one could see was the camaraderie and transparency. LOVED it. The sessions were beyond excellent and I have pages and pages of notes!”

Prerna Malik ● Copywriter

✓Included In The Bundle!


Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)

Roy Furr’s
6 Months Of BTMS Insiders

BTMSinsiders is Roy Furr’s membership community, where you get access to ALL his courses and trainings at once.

“It’s like Netflix, but for copywriting and marketing training!”

Pick one title from his catalog, or all of them (they’re all included). Go through the training. Use it to its fullest. Even put it to work immediately.

Here’s some of what he covers:

  • How to write highly-effective direct response copy. Includes shortcuts, templates, formulas, writing irresistible offers, and reflections on the best-of-the-best lessons from the world’s top copywriters past and present…
  • Marketing strategies to multiply profits. Funnels and other sophisticated customer-getting systems, maximizing profits per customer, creating offers that boost profits, and proven principles plus strategies for getting more response…
  • Positioning and category creation. How to make yourself the ONLY solution to the prospect’s problem, challenge, or desire. And set up buying criteria that automatically leads to them choosing you…
  • Pricing and revenue models. How to price your products and services to maximize both up-front sales and lifetime profits…
  • Marketing optimization. How to run a test. Plus how to think about marketing testing in a way that creates big breakthroughs instead of just incremental upticks…
  • Building a successful copywriting or consulting business. Land awesome clients and make a great living. Everything from getting your first client to cashing big royalty checks…
  • Making yourself an expert and hero in the eyes of your market. From tactical content creation to how to establish your “character” in a way that attracts true fans, clients, and customers to you…
  • Getting traffic for your online business. How to leverage the top paid and free traffic sources to maximize the number of qualified visitors to your website…
  • Converting traffic into leads, buyers, and long-term customers. Because once they’re on your website, your job has only started…
  • Email to build relationships and maximize profits. There are at least three very different uses for email marketing, with different strategy required for each…
  • Business leadership and management. Because if you can’t build a team, you can’t build a highly-profitable business at scale…
  • Business strategy. What the world’s fastest-growing, most successful businesses know about growing through 6-, 7-, 8-, and 9-figures…
  • Sales, sales, sales. Marketing is about selling one-to-many, but business is full of one-to-one selling situations. Even in businesses with zero “sales team.” I’ll clue you in on what works with today’s technology and prospect mindset…
  • Be more productive today. How to get more done in less time. Using time, energy, and state management, process creation and optimization, mind and body hacks, and more…
  • Effective business thinking. It’s not what people go to first, but thinking about the way you think is more valuable than anything else in the long-term. Includes how to be creative, how to solve problems, and how to create disruptive innovation…
  • Creating “sandbox side projects” to build your skills and make extra cash flow. Learning by doing is way more valuable and effective than just learning by watching or listening. This is how you get to experiment while making some nice extra income or even creating brand new profit centers…
  • Building lifetime wealth. I’ve spent significant time with millionaires and a few fractional billionaires. I’ve applied their principles. Here’s what they know about money that the average person doesn’t. With lessons on growing your income and net worth today…

How it’s delivered:

  • 6 months membership to BTMS Insiders

What people are saying:

” I now earn more, from better clients who want to work with me, because of Roy and his teachings.”

Chris Wright ● Financial Copywriter & Marketing Consultant

” Roy cuts to the chase and tells the real truth about what it takes to succeed as a copywriter. His advice may not be what you want to hear but it sure is what everyone who considers writing professionally should hear…if you want to succeed.”

Keith Duncan

✓Included In The Bundle!

Here’s What You Can Expect From This Copywriting Mega Bundle:

Go from this… To this…
  • Blowing your Black Friday budget on 1 or 2 copywriting products. Even if they’re GREAT products, you only get a couple of them. Next month or next year, you’ll need to buy more.
  • Buying new copywriting products each month – paying top dollar each time instead of getting them at a massive discount like you can today. Settle for inefficient and expensive.
  • Hearing that annoying inner-voice whisper: “Your copy isn’t good enough. You aren’t cut out for this. This is NOT for you…” (We’ve ALL been there. Trust me, you have great copy in you!)
  • Feeling too scared to approach clients – especially high-paying clients – because in your mind, your copy isn’t “quite there” yet. Stay stuck, afraid and confused.
  • Get 16 amazing copywriting products for less than the price of 1. Why settle for 1-2 products when you can get 16 products in one go? If that’s not a good deal, I don’t know what is.
  • Get enough copywriting training to keep you going for at least the next 12 months. No more courses to buy – you have everything you need for the next year. Now just focus on DOING!
  • Find your “copywriting voice”. Finally feel comfortable and confident in yourself as a copywriter in ANY situation – sales pages, emails, Facebook ads and more.
  • Confidently approach high-paying clients – not the bottom-feeders that most copywriters settle for. Feel proud when they comment “WOW! How’d you get this copy to sound so good?!”

How To Make Dramatically More Money In The Next 30 Days With This Mega Bundle

Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre) Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre) Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre)
Step 1: Access Your Courses and Bonus Resources 

Get instant access to everything in this bundle. Some parts you’ll download. Other parts you’ll access through a membership platform. And for some parts, you’ll need to contact the expert to start the course (Ian Stanley and Derek Johanson).

Step 2: Enjoy Stress-Free Learning And Working 

You get lifetime access to everything in this bundle (Other than the 6 months of Roy’s BTMSInsiders). That means you can go at your own pace. No pressure, comfortable learning. When you’re ready, get out there and put it all into practice.

Step 3: Write More! Prospect More! 

This is the real secret to growing your career and making more money as a copywriter. All of these resources focus on building confidence and copywriting skills so you can get the clients you want and make the money you deserve.


We Want Copywriters Who Are Willing To Invest Into Improving Their Career

Copywriters who understand that you should never stop learning, studying and improving.

Copywriters who believe in Gary Bencivenga’s old rule:

Get at least 1% better every week.

The ‘smart’ life-long learners.

I know for a fact that this Black Friday bundle is easily the MOST valuable offer available over this Black Friday / Cyber Monday period.

It has EXACTLY what you need to master the art of copywriting and landing high-paying clients.

Between Us, We’ve Had Tens Of Thousands Of Happy Customers To Prove This!

We’re doing this insane discount because we love copywriting. And we love helping other smart, ambitious copywriters like you.

And to be honest, it’ll also give us all more funds to create better and better courses and training for you.

So it’s a win-win for all of us.

If you purchased these products separately, you’d pay a grand total of $10,203 USD.

But you won’t pay anywhere close to that today…

Right now, you can unlock all of these amazing courses and resources for just $497.

That’s $497 for instant access to 16 different copywriting products with a total value of $10,203. Learn at your own pace. Never get left behind.


It’s not financially sustainable to run this offer forever. That’s why it’s ONLY available until 11:59 PM on Monday the 29th of November.

So grab it before the doors close. You’ll be kicking yourself if you miss this opportunity.

Still Scrolling Around? Let Me Guess…

You’re wondering if this bundle is *really* right for you.

I get it. So let me lay out 3 facts:

Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre) FACT #1: Most Black Friday copywriting offers pale in comparison to this bundle. 

Where else can you get this much value for such a small investment? Why would you spend $500 on 1 or 2 courses when you can spend $500 here and get 16 top-of-the-line copywriting courses?

This is your chance to get all the copywriting training you need for years to come for pennies on the dollar. Don’t miss it.

Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre) FACT #2: You’re in great hands! Between us all, we have more than 100 years experience in this industry. 

That’s more than 100 years of combined experience behind these products and courses.

In that time, we’ve written for clients and we’ve taught other copywriters. Tens of thousands of copywriters just like you. And if you let us, we’ll help you too.

Black Friday Copywriting Bundle 2021 By DropDeadCopy (John McIntyre) FACT #3: If you want different outputs, you have to create different inputs. 

In other words… if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.

If you’re not having as much fun as you’d like, you need to do something different. If you want to make more money as a copywriter, you need to change things up.

That’s what this bundle is for. It will give you the knowledge, confidence and skills you need to write amazing copy for clients who pay you what you deserve… every time in ANY situation.

Don’t Procrastinate Or Hesitate. Fortune Favours The Bold.