
Becoming a Visionseeker by Hank Wesselman, PhD

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Expand your perception of who you are, enrich your spiritual life, and align with your place in the Ancestral Grand Plan.

Experience the Spirit Canoe Journey to the Star Ancestors — and be of healing service to your descendents.

Shamanic wisdom is essential today… for your own wellbeing and that of our world.

Shamanic wisdom centers and calms you — and guides you to make clear decisions and take steady action in times of crisis.

And there is one form of Shamanic wisdom that will equip you with the skills and tools to step into your birthright as a Visionseeker — an inspired visionary who bridges physical reality and the spirit realms for healing and transformation.

As a Visionseeker, you can journey across time and space, connect with Spirit Teachers, travel by Spirit Canoe to the Star Ancestors… and bring back life-sustaining gifts.

Yet, to walk this path with integrity, you need first to find rootedness within yourself, and realize that you have a birth responsibility: to embody humility, reverence, and discipline.

This first step is the key to authentic shamanic initiations, which provide sustenance and wisdom for navigating your everyday life and serving as a healing force for our planet.

Renowned shamanism teacher and anthropologist Hank Wesselman can guide you on this path…

The Visionseeker’s path is rooted in important, sacred knowledge passed on to Hank through Hale Makua, a revered Hawaiian kahuna elder:

In order to experience authentic initiation, you have to know who you are. The main problem in the world today is that most people have little to no understanding as to who they really are, and so many are in confusion, and most in the transformational community are still in search of authentic initiation.

Know Your Place in the Unfolding of the Ancestral Grand Plan

Over the course of this comprehensive, 4-month inner journey with Hank, you’ll land more deeply within your true Self, experience the journeys and rituals of the healing art of shamanism, and carry the gifts and wisdom forth with honor.

You’ll discover what it takes to be a hollow bone, or clear conduit, for the gifts of the spirit world — becoming aware of and breaking through any inner blocks to physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

You’ll explore the nature of your three souls, which you embody in each life — and discover how to align them to help you heal and co-create from a more authentic place.

Through the shamanic practice of shapeshifting, you’ll hone your ability to shift your energies to adapt to the demands and challenges of your daily life.

And you’ll deepen your connection with nature, drawing on Her energies… and find your place in the order of things.

All of these practices will bring you closer to your place in the Ancestral Grand Plan — the abundance of Divine Purpose that can be brought into expression upon this planet at any one time.

This plan, set in motion by the ancestors millennia ago, emerges through you, and through all of life. As you step into your role as a Visionseeker, you come closer to aligning with your part in its unfolding — and to helping set intentions and produce outcomes that contribute to your wellbeing, that of others, and of the planet..

The Importance of a Skilled Guide & Visionseeker

When you join this transformative 12-step journey, you’ll be under the safe tutelage of a professional anthropologist.

Hank Wesselman has worked for more than 45 years with scientists investigating the mystery of human origins in the fossil beds of eastern Africa’s Great Rift Valley.

Hank has spent much of his professional life working with Indigenous tribal people, learning their culture, cosmology, and spiritual practices. For 35 years, he’s studied shamanic practices, melding shamanic principles with his anthropological insights to provide us with unique avenues for exploring our connection with our authentic Self, the natural world, and the spirit realm.

During this brand-new advanced program in shamanic exploration, Hank will guide you in voyages of consciousness that can bring deep healing of unresolved emotions and profound openings to a more expanded understanding of reality — and of your Self.

Over the course of this profound journey with Hank, you’ll experience:

  • Reconnection and enhancement of your relationship with your true Spirit Guide
  • A return to Nature Mysticism and your place of power in the Dreaming of Nature and with our spirit helpers
  • An exploration of the spiritual and energetic nature of our boundaries
  • Discovering and exploring the nature of your birthrights and birth responsibilities
  • Exploring your place in the Ancestral Grand Plan from the perspective of a Hawaiian Kahuna elder
  • “Merging” and shapeshifting from the shamanic perspective
  • A journey to a master shapeshifter for guidance
  • The discovery of your primary life role(s) and the emergence of your Inner Chief
  • A healing ceremony experienced in connection with your Higher Self
  • The discovery of foundational stones, and experience a journey to see if you have them
  • The Bowl of Light, and learn the Three Rules we must know as we pass through life on the path as spiritual warriors
  • A journey to your Inner Chief to discover who he/she is and his/her function in your life
  • A journey to your Middle boundary, where you practice discernment and the dance of the heart. Who do you invite into this middle layer?
  • How when your life changes direction, it is always your foundation that moves first to support you
  • And much more…

A shaman is a practical mystic, bridging the heavens with earth…

By walking the shamanic path, you become someone who is committed to unifying humanity, healing ancient rifts and restoring wholeness within yourself, others, and the planet.

The Visionseeker journey offers you visionary explorations to enhance your spiritual practice, greatly expand your perception of who you are, and draw you into a closer connection with your helping spirits, Spirit Teachers, and the experience of authentic initiation.

This is when the miraculous happens… when you truly land in the authentic ground of your own being — the Visionseeker within you.

Your deepest connection to your intuition, inspiration, visions, and dreams emerges, and you walk the shamanic path with greater awe, integrity, and power to help heal yourself, others, and the world around you.