
Bank Marketing Mastery by Jeff Smith

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 [12 MP4, 2 MP3, 1 TXT, 1 RTF, 35 PNG, 15PDF, 3 ODT, 7 DOC, 3 PUB, 1 PPT, 1 M4A, 1 JPG]

“Follow the money.”

In this webinar we revealed the strategy behind this statement.

Simply put – Get Banks to Market for You.


Yes, Get Banks to Market Your Services to their Clients.


My guest did it as a banker for 8+ years before…

Doing it NOW as a local marketer and he wants to share it with YOU.

In this replay YOU will learn:

– Why you want buyers instead of leads
– How to get a room full of them
– Who to partner with to get them
– Why they are the best partner of all in each city
– Why and what they are looking for in a partner
– How to approach them to get them to partner with you
– How to get them to do all the marketing to local businesses
– What to offer to the local businesses to get them to come
– What to say to them when they are in the room to get them to buy