
Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

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Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich – Instant Download!

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Congratulations! You have successfully signed up for the “Automated Income Secrets” 3-Day Virtual Event

You have made a fantastic decision to join us for this powerful virtual training. Chances are a big reason why you became an entrepreneur in the first place was so you could enjoy your FREEDOM while STILL making a BIG difference in the world. This virtual training is chock full of secrets, strategies and tactics that are crucial to help you easily add automation to your business.

Imagine — You can have “Automated Income Secrets” as a permanent part of your success library!

The secrets and strategies you’ll be learning during this training are pure gold. They can be the difference between building a thriving, profitable, freedom-based business that allows you to get your gifts out into the world without repeating yourself to ad nauseum or being a slave to your business.

PLUS these are COMPLETELY new trainings you’ve likely never heard from ANY of our master trainers. This is NOT the “same old, same old” talks floating around — this is brand new material designed SPECIFICALLY for this virtual event!

Why? Because my interview style is to dig in with each speaker and ask them behind-the-scenes questions about how they automated their business so you’ll learn exactly how they use automated marketing and technology systems to get their work out into the world in an automated way. And even more than that, these interviews focus on the HOW — unlike so many interviews that go on-and-on about the WHAT, we’re digging in and getting the behind the scenes action (and in some cases never revealed before) about EXACTLY HOW they have the reach they have and make the impact and money they make while enjoying their freedom at the same time.

And the great news is that all 12 master teachers have each made millions automating their business. Who better to study and learn from than proven success stories!

How much longer are you going to let your business control your life?

This is the first step to taking back your life and your business so you can start enjoying the freedom you deserve!

So here’s the deal (and YES, it’s a no-brainer)

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

The downloadable MP3 recordings (you don’t have to worry about missing a call or wanting to listen to a call a second or third time)

Downloadable transcripts so you can go back and highlight and take notes on the top teachings.
Downloadable “Action Sheets” for each speaker. As you may know, one of my special gifts is to be able to break things down into simple, easy-to-apply steps. I’ve taken the key points and strategies from each speaker and summarized them on one page for you along with the top 3 actions I plan to take immediately and of course, suggest you join me in taking them too. This is a fast and easy way to have everything you need at your fingertips for quick reference. Kind of like the Lisa Sasevich cliff notes!

Me — Lisa Sasevich. I kicked things off by walking through exactly how I use automation in my own business so I can spend time with my kids, take vacations and still be making money. Plus, as a bonus, I also talked about my #1 thing I’ve automated which has turned into a conversion machine!

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

YOUR HOST: Lisa Sasevich. Recently honored as one of America’s Top Women Mentoring Leaders by WoW Magazine, recipient of the coveted eWomen Network Foundation Champion award for her generous fundraising, and proud owner of the No. 169 rank on the prestigious Inc. 500 list of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies of 2012, Lisa Sasevich “The Queen of Sales Conversion” teaches experts who are making a difference how to get their message out and enjoy massive results, without being “sales-y.”

Recognized sales expert by Success Magazine, Lisa delivers high-impact sales-closing strategies for turbo-charging entrepreneurs and small business owners to great profits.

According to best-selling author Brian Tracy, “Lisa Sasevich is one of the greatest discoveries in America today!”

Kym and Sandra Yancey of e-Women Network say that “without question she is brilliant at teaching others how to leverage their unique gifts and qualities and convert them into a financial windfall. She is one authentic, heart-centered expert that delivers in spades!”

Robert Allen, author of multiple New York Times Best Sellers says, “She added a zero to my income today just by watching her. Lisa Sasevich. Watch that name and whatever you do, be part of what she’s doing. You’re going to love it.”

After 25 years of winning Top Sales Awards and training senior executives at companies like Pfizer and Hewlett-Packard, she left corporate America and put her skills to the test as an entrepreneur.

And in just a few short years, Lisa created a multi-million dollar home-based business with two toddlers in tow. Lisa really is the undisputed expert on how to make BIG money doing what you love!

EXACTLY how Peak Potentials uses evergreen automated webinar strategies to attract thousands of clients into their training programs all around the world.

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Adam Markel is the CEO of Peak Potentials, one of the largest personal development and business training companies in the world. Adam is a Master Trainer, key-note speaker, author, entrepreneur and Attorney. Having run his private law practice for more than 17 years, Adam focused his attention on creating a successful commercial real estate investment firm, title insurance business and social media start-up. Returning to his roots as a teacher, Adam began training for Peak Potentials in 2008 and has now taught thousands and thousands of students in the United States, Canada, Asia, Europe and Australia how to create financial freedom while living on purpose.

One of the most charismatic speakers you will ever see, Adam trains from his heart, believing that honesty and compassion bring out the best in people. He treasures the opportunity to be a role model to people who are looking to have amazing relationships, successful businesses, and time-freedom to pursue their life’s missions. His strength of will, integrity, compassion and natural leadership skills have helped to propel him into a successful role as a CEO, trainer and business owner. He enjoys networking with other successful entrepreneurs and strives to reach out to those who are still struggling.

Adam speaks his truth with compassion, and finds strength in living passionately. Adam has been married to his college sweetheart for more than 20 years and one of their greatest joys in life has been raising four amazing children.

Craig shared a super easy tip to encourage your visitors to poke around your website and see all your offers. Really helps prospects fall in love with you and make your site “sticky!”

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Craig Duswalt is the creator of the RockStar System For Success – How to Achieve RockStar Status in Your Industry.

Craig’s background includes touring with Guns N’ Roses, as Axl Rose’s personal manager, and Air Supply, as the band’s personal assistant.

In his presentations, Craig shares numerous stories of his days with Guns N’ Roses and Air Supply, and behind-the-scenes encounters with some of the biggest names in entertainment; people like Bono, U2, Metallica, Queen, Kurt Cobain, Steven Tyler, Liz Taylor, Liza Minnelli, George Michael, David Bowie, Annie Lennox, Robert Plant, Elton John, Gianni Versace, Rolling Stones, Nine Inch Nails, Dave Navarro, Rick Springfield, Eddie Money, Michael Hutchense, and a bunch more.

Craig was also an award-winning copywriter, working as a Creative Director for a Los Angeles-based ad agency until opening up his own ad agency, Green Room Design & Advertising, which was named the 2002 Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year.

Craig combined his backgrounds in both music and marketing, and is now a professional speaker and author, promoting his RockStar System for Success all over the country, teaching entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, coaches and info-marketers how to promote themselves and their business by thinking outside the box at his 3-Day RockStar Entrepreneur Conferences every March and September in Los Angeles.

Craig Duswalt also speaks to corporations on how to market like a RockStar, to colleges about drug awareness, and at numerous seminars, associations and conferences on how to use outside the box marketing techniques to attract clients, and how to stand out from the competition — Like a RockStar.

Baeth shared a HUGE mistake she made when she start automating her business AND what you can do so it won’t happen to you. Plus a hot free gift to get you started turning your passion into profits.

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Baeth Davis is creator of www.YourPurpose.com, a company devoted to helping you, the spirit-rich™ entrepreneur, unleash your Life Purpose and get paid for your passions so that you can BE the change you want to see in the world!

Baeth offers private one-on-one “Your Purpose” hand analysis sessions, VIP private and group mentoring, live events, and business-building home-study programs and products to help you understand the blueprint in your own hands and create your ideal life following this unique blueprint.

As featured in Women’s World, Cosmopolitan and the LA Times, as well as heard on NPR, KPFK-Los Angeles, Radio Europe and the BBC 5, Baeth is devoted to helping you unleash your life purpose and uncover the #1 thing that has been holding you back from achieving it.

Jeff is the “article content guy” and has used article marketing to attract thousands of warm visitors to his site. In fact, one piece of content he created in 2005, still brings 1500-2000 views each month! He walks you through the process he uses to create his content (and yes this works EVEN if you aren’t a writer!)

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Jeff Herring is known as the King of Content Marketing. In his “5 Simple Steps to 6 Figure Success System,” Jeff shows you how to:

  • Create prospect & profit pulling content in 20 minutes or less
  • Leverage your content into a profitable community
  • Cash in on your content for immediate, steady, increasing and never ending profit

Here’s what Chris Bloor from Australia recently said about Jeff:

“Just did an interview with Jeff Herring our Building Trust in Business Course.

I can honestly say that in the 12 years I have been online, I have NEVER had anyone leave me wanting more and more of their content than Jeff did in the time he was sharing with me.

I love the feeling you get as you listen to someone and it hits you… ‘This is going to make a huge difference in my life! I won’t be the same after this…’”

Get ready to discover how to cash in on your content.
Jeff lives with his beautiful wife Maritza in Atlanta and San Antonio, along with their 2 sons, 12 horses and 3 dogs, one of which has his own blog.

Jeffrey shared the #1 sales mistake entrepreneurs make when they first start adding automation to their business (and this is a mistake pretty much EVERYONE makes). He also gets very real about what you really have to do before you can consider automation. Leave it to Jeffrey!

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Jeffrey Gitomer is among the most sought after inspirational speakers in the world today. He gives more than 100 corporate and public seminars a year on four continents and his clients include the largest national and multi-national corporations. Jeffrey’s sellout presentations and keynote addresses are funny, insightful, real world, in your face, off the wall, and on the money. His 12 books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have appeared on best seller lists more than 850 times. Jeffrey’s free weekly multi-media ezine, Sales Caffeine, goes out to 300,000 subscribers worldwide.

If you were to do a “Google” search on today’s speaker, here are some of the keywords you might use…

  • Dad
  • Grandfather
  • Sales Expert
  • Hall of Fame Speaker
  • Author of NUMEROUS best-selling books
  • Pioneer of online training and e-learning
  • Syndicated columnist with millions of readers every week
  • Creative
  • Branded
  • Real World
  • Edgy
  • Entertaining
  • One of a Kind

He delivers more than 100 seminars a year to audiences all over the world. And he’s here today to help you sell more, serve memorably, and earn to your full potential.
He is the author of numerous books, including…

  • The Sales Bible,
  • The Little Red Book of Selling,
  • The Little Black Book of Connections,
  • The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude,
  • The Little Green Book of Getting Your Way,
  • The Little Teal Book of Trust,
  • The Little Book of Leadership,
  • Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless,
  • and Social BOOM!

Jeffrey’s books have been on major best-seller lists more than 500 times.

John Assaraf’s simple system to attract 1000s of leads into his sales funnel and then convert them into paying clients while nurturing them along the way.

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

John Assaraf is an entrepreneur, researcher and explorer of consciousness and human behavior. His love and passion for discovering and teaching people how to release the mental blockages that holds them back from achieving their fullest potential is what drives him and gives his life purpose and meaning.

In the last 25 years he has built 5 multimillion dollar companies and written 2 New York Times Best Selling books, Having it All and The Answer. John’s company, PraxisNow is a Research and Development Company that creates some of the most powerful evidence based brain training tools and programs in the world.

Thousands of companies, entrepreneurs and individuals worldwide are currently using PraxisNow Programs to develop unstoppable confidence and certainly in achieving their vision, business goals and personal best.

John’s expertise for achieving the psychology for success has landed him on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360, The Donny Deutch Show and The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

He was featured in the blockbuster movie and book “The Secret” and was also featured in the special documentary “Quest for Success” with the Dali Lama and Sir Richard Branson.

Today John lectures extensively around the world on The Neuroscience of Success and achieving peak performance and maximizing personal results.

How Margaret Lynch went from 300 subscribers to over 55,000 in ONE launch. She tells us how!

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

If you are tired of living at “medium” in your money and your success, today is your chance to transform that forever. If you know you are a rock star at what you do and are ready to start being seen, valued and paid for your amazing gifts…you will love this!

Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to Margaret M. Lynch, known by many as the “Rock Star of Personal Transformation”. She is also the author of Secret of Intentional Wealth and creator of the 7 Levels of Wealth Manifestation and Stand Out Like a Rock Star Programs.

Margaret teaches success-minded experts how to clear their inner blocks to money and personal power and create the “on-fire charisma” in their marketing necessary to truly skyrocketing income.

After 18 years of engineering management and winning top sales awards at Fortune 500 companies, she left corporate America and to live her passion.

In less than 4 short years, Margaret created a three quarter of a million dollar business using the exact “inner” and “outer” techniques and strategies she teaches. She brings her transformational work to thousands of people from all over the globe through her wildly popular programs, live events and her newsletter which goes out to 115,000 loyal subscribers.

I invited Margaret here today because she has built a stellar name, reputation and business by is consistently learning, testing and applying the best marketing strategies and regularly masterminds with some of the top names in internet marketing.

Mike Koenigs’ mobile technology secrets (this is for you if you want to integrate iPhones, iPads and texts into your marketing)

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Mike Koenigs is a #1 Bestselling author, the “2009 Marketer of the Year” winner, entrepreneur, filmmaker, speaker, and holds a patent in “Cross-Channel” Marketing Technology. He is the CEO, “Chief Disruptasaurus” and Founder of Traffic Geyser and Instant Customer. His products simplify marketing for tens of thousands of small businesses, authors, experts, speakers, coaches and consultants worldwide.

Mike is the author of Instant Customer Revolution: How to Capture, Convert and Close More Sales with Smart Online, Video and Mobile Marketing and Author Expert Marketing Machines: The Ultimate 5-Step, Push-Button, Automated System to Become the Expert, Authority and Star in Your Niche His celebrity and bestselling author clients and friends include Paula Abdul, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, Debbie Ford, John Assaraf from “The Secret”, Brian Tracy, Jorge Cruise, Dan Kennedy and Harvey MacKay.

For over 20 years, Mike has worked with Sony Entertainment, 20th Century Fox, 3M, General Mills, Dominos Pizza, BMW, Ralston and Mazda. Mike’s companies have produced eight consecutive online product launches with the largest grossing over $9.1 million dollars. He also generated over $3 million dollars in sales during a “direct to camera” live webcast. He executive produced “Bill’s Gun Shop”, an independent feature film that was distributed by Warner Brothers and produced a feature documentary, “Life With Tesla” about living gas-free with an electric car charged by the sun.

Originally from Minnesota, Mike lives in San Diego, CA with his wife and son. He loves the ocean, is an avid boater and plays the didgeridoo.

Nate Kievman. Nate taught the process he uses to get 200 qualified leads a MONTH through Linked In and exactly what you need to do to also convert qualified leads via Linked In.

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Nathan Kievman is a highly sought after Digital Strategist, Speaker & Social Media Consultant & Trainer. With a heavy focus on LinkedIn and B2B social media initiatives. He uniquely bridges Business Strategy, Targeted Objectives and ROI with Social Media, Digital Media and Traditional Marketing Initiatives.

Mr. Kievman is also the Executive Editor of LI & Business, now with more than 14.5 Million subscribers, Considered one of the leading authorities on Social Media and LinkedIn, he has generated more than $9 Million dollars in money and value for his clients over the past several years specifically through LinkedIn. With a robust following as the owner of the number one LinkedIn Strategies Group on LinkedIn while having taught more than 35,000 people how to master the platform. He has authored three books on the topic, including the currently available, LinkedIn Mastery: An All Inclusive Guide to Mastering LinkedIn. Additionally, he is an international speaker and has presented as the keynote speaker on Social Media Strategy for the National Speakers Association winter meetings in 2011.

Companies hire Nathan for one of the following three reasons:

  • To Launch a Digital or Social Media Strategic Initiative
  • To Generate Leads through LinkedIn, Social & Digital Channels
  • For Top Level Training on LinkedIn & Social Strategies

He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, INC 500 companies, well known business leaders, and many small to mid-sized businesses.

Mr. Kievman holds two masters degrees in Business and in Sports Administration from the highly acclaimed sports program at Ohio University. He is married to his beautiful wife Leah and has three vibrant children. He currently resides in Cleveland/Akron area of Ohio.

How Suzanne Evans is able to automate a business that doesn’t seem like you COULD automate (an event business). She shares about automating HR and your finances too!

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Suzanne Evans, owner and founder of Suzanne Evans Coaching, LLC, is the tell-it-like-it-is, no fluff boss of business building. Ranked #225 in Inc. 500 fastest growing companies for 2012, she supports, coaches and teaches over 30,000 women enrolled in her wealth and business building programs. Having gone from secretary to surpassing the seven-figure mark herself in just over three years, she coaches, consults, and teaches entrepreneurs how to build seven figure businesses at lightning speed. This year she launched her Global Impact Project, a not for profit serving women worldwide in education, entrepreneurship, and equality.

Hot video tips from Maria Andros…and how she used video to do her first launch to less than 4000 subscribers and sold 100 products at $2500 each! And then used an automated strategy to do it again!

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

Maria Andros is recognized as one of the leading experts in Online Video Marketing and was named one of the Top 30 Female Internet Entrepreneurs. Maria is the creator of The Video Conversion Formula, her flagship program. The success of her online ventures has created a celebrity-like following resulting in over a million views to her videos on You Tube, over a million dollars in sales+ and almost 60 000 followers on Twitter. One of Maria’s childhood dreams recently came true when she spoke at one of her original mentor’s Pioneering Leader Tony Robbins at his Business Mastery as a Guest Expert Speaker. As a trusted advisor to her clients, Maria Andros International Teaches Small Business Owners, Holistic Based Entrepreneurs & Ambitious Visionary Leaders How to Build Million Dollar Personality Brands Through Online Video, Video Product Launches And to Get their Message Out Globally in a Big Way.

Robert Allen. Robert shared a fabulous way to automate from the owner’s position — it’s licensing! Imagine being able to license your next product or program so you can get paid for collecting leads! If this intrigues you you’ll want to listen to his call to learn how to get started. EXACTLY how Peak Potentials uses evergreen automated webinar strategies to attract thousands of clients into their training programs all around the world.

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich

.Robert G. Allen is one of America’s most famous and most influential financial advisors. After graduating with an MBA from Brigham Young University in 1974, Allen began his real estate investment career and turned his successful experiences into the colossal bestselling book, Nothing Down, that spent 58 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list.

He followed that success with 4 other major New York Times bestsellers: Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams of Income, The One Minute Millionaire and Cracking the Millionaire Code.

His latest book with co-author Mark Victor Hansen is Cash in a Flash: Fast Money in Slow Times. He has appeared on hundreds of programs including Good Morning America, Larry King and Your World with Neil Cavuto. He has also been featured in such national publications as The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Barron’s, Money Magazine, Redbook, and Reader’s Digest. With his business partner, Thomas Painter,

Mr. Allen is the co-founder of the Enlightened Wealth Institute. His most important achievement is his 30-plus year marriage to his wife Daryl! Together, they have three incredible adult children: Aimee, Aaron and Hunter.

Automated Income Secrets By Lisa Sasevich, what is it included (Content proof: Watch here!):

  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Suzanne-Evans-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Suzanne-Evans-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Robert-Allen-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Robert-Allen-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Nathan-Kievman-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Nathan-Kievman-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Mike-Koenigs-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Mike-Koenigs-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Maria-Andros-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Maria-Andros-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Margaret-Lynch-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Margaret-Lynch-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Marc-Ostrofsky-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Marc-Ostrofsky-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-John-Assaraf-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-John-Assaraf-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Jeffrey-Gitomer-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Jeffrey-Gitomer-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Jeff-Herring-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Jeff-Herring-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Craig-Duswalt-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Craig-Duswalt-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Baeth-Davis-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Baeth-Davis-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Adam-Markel-Transcript
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Adam-Markel-Action-Sheet
  • Automated-Income-Secrets-Lisa-Sasevich-Action-Sheet
  • AIS-SuzanneEvans
  • AIS-RobertAllen
  • AIS-NathanKievman
  • AIS-MikeKoenigs-INFS
  • AIS-MariaAndros-InstantTeleseminar
  • AIS-MargaretLynch
  • AIS-MarcOstrofsky
  • AIS-LisaSasevich
  • AIS-JohnAssaraf
  • AIS-JeffreyGitomer
  • AIS-JeffHerring
  • AIS-CraigDuswalt
  • AIS-BaethDavis-InfoMarketingSystem
  • AIS-AdamMarkel