
Attack Your Day! by Mark Woods and Trapper Woods

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Do you constantly run out of time before you run out of things to do?

Truth is, today we have more events and activities to manage than every before because of technology, the Internet and expectations of doing more with less in both our work and personal life. A study performed by Cubesmart discovered we experience 6-7 interruptions per hour. In an 8-hour work day that’s 50-60 interruptions! No wonder we never finish our “to-do list”! So forget about time management! If you are looking for an easier way to get things done, it is simple a matter of becoming an effective activity manager.

At the completion of this course you will have a practical and proven system to plan, prioritize and attack your day for greater productivity. You will learn to become a goal getter not just a goal setter and that your attitude towards the activities you choose will ultimately determine your productivity output each day.

  • Learn 5 activity management skills that will change the way you attack your day.
  • Be empowered with a better understanding of the activities you choose and refuse.
  • Learn a technique to deal with interruptions on the spot immediately when they occur.
  • Discover a 30-year old formula that has helped millions achieve their goals.
  • Access to 101 simple productivity tips and strategies.

About the Author:

Mark Woodsis a successful entrepreneur, author, business owner, motivational speaker, and training consultant. He has a strong passion for helping individuals and organizations achieve their true potential.

Throughout his career he has held leadership roles with several organizations, implementing process management solutions to assist in new business development, branding, marketing, training, and client acquisition.

His engaging style combined with practical solutions connects with audiences on an emotional level. Mark’s presentations are punctuated with stories, real-life experiences, and anecdotes that ignite life-changing energy in those who experience his programs.

Mr. Woods is CEO of Woods Group Incorporated, a training and business development firm specializing in activity management, goal setting, work-life integration, and personal productivity.