
Amp – Threesomes part1&2

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Amp – Threesomes part1&2

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Get Amp – Threesomes part1&2 at bestoftrader.com

This months offering is a sensitive and respectful exploration of a very controversial subject. Whether you ever plan to engage in a threesome or not, this recording offers you a rare lens through which you can learn to embody more of the foundations to living a richly authentic life.

Last month, we had so many questions from our first conversation that it carried over into a whole extra evening devoted to the question of “What is an Authentic Threesome and what are the rules of the road on this unique and beautiful path?” This month, we continue the sensitive and respectful exploration of a very controversial subject. Whether you ever plan to engage in a threesome or not, this recording offers you a rare lens through which you can learn to embody more of the foundations to living a richly authentic life.