
Amazon Advertising Academy By Mansour Norouzi – Incrementum Digital

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1-12 Hours
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Amazon Advertising Academy By Mansour Norouzi – Incrementum Digital For Immediate Digital Download!


Learn the exact step by step strategies we use to manage over $100 Million in Advertising Spend on Amazon and get an unfair advantage over the competition.


After seeing that a comprehensive up to date course on mastering every single aspect of Advertising was not available on the market, Mansour Norouzi, Director of Amazon Advertising at Incrementum Digital, and Liran Hirschkorn, CEO, set to create the best training that exists.
After a year of development, we’re finally able to release the same strategies we use to manage over $100M in advertising spend, with our client’s annual revenue at around $765 Million a year – all at a 26% ACOS and average tacos of 13%.
Amazon Advertising is hard. Updates happen frequently, and keeping up with changes is a full-time job.
At Incrementum Digital, our job is to stay on top of the latest strategies and execute them for our clients. With Amazon Sellers and Brand owners having to stay on top of sourcing, logistics, finances, systems, product development and many other aspects of the e-commerce business, staying on top of all the changes to Amazon advertising is impossible.

Students of Amazon Advertising academy will walk away with the industry’s most cutting-edge advertising strategies. Tested and proven hundreds of times over, these lessons are designed to be practical and effective in driving improvements in TACoS and profitability.

“This entire process has been well organized and extremely professional. This company has a fantastic team of knowledgeable people with proven results. The team is very available and responsive. Our company sales have increased substantially and the products we wanted to be ranked are ranked very well now.”
Baxendale and Co



  • Overwhelmed with too much info
  • Not knowing where to focus to improve results
  • Brand market share declining
  • Declining Advertising Results


  • Filled with CLARITY and direction
  • Feeling CONFIDENT about Improving your business
  • New goals and a real action plan
  • Armed with a SYSTEM to take control of your impact & earning potential

To master Amazon advertising, you need to understand the basics. The focus of the course is first to teach you the pillars and foundation, and then level up with advanced strategies and done-for-you templates..
For the first time, we are releasing the same templates that took 10s of hours of programming and knowledge to build! Get done for you templates so you can easily track KPIs and visualize your data to understand the core reasons for any issues in your account.

Level up your own knowledge and expertise, or share this with your team to become an expert and leverage Amazon Advertising to grow your brand and your bottom line.

This is not just another course. Use the 100+ videos as a reference guide when you need it and are encountering a specific issue. This course is not meant to be consumed once, its designed as a highly organized reference encyclopedia for Amazon Advertising.

Amazon Changes All The Time.
Stay Current With All The Best
Strategies And Opportunities. 

To make it even easier to implement everything taught in the course, we created bonus content on how you can leverage data directly from Amazon, beyond just advertising reports, along with done for you templates so you don’t have to spend hours recreating what we’ve already created.

  • Content – master product opportunity explorer, and search query performance to leverage a tremendous amount of data that amazon is now giving us – allowing you to use data directly from Amazon
  • Templates – Keyword research template with macro automation SUPA – search query performance analyzer – templates that took hours of strategy and time to create and automate PTD – Product Tracking Dashboard- and more
  • Budget allocation sheets – Budgeting allocation tool to help you define the budget allocation for lunch and ranking/h5>


  • Brand Owners
  • Marketplace Managers
  • Sellers / Resellers
  • Consultants
  • Anyone looking for a marketing career in Amazon eco-system

Copy and Paste the Strategies we’ve mastered over the last 8 years and get a shortcut to mastering Amazon advertising.

Adam Epstein
Co-President at Perpetua

Cassidy Sanderson
Director Of E-commerce at Highkey

Liran Miron
Brand Owner

Niv Weller
Brand Owner

Everything You’ll Get Inside Amazon Advertising Academy

  • Module 1
    Introduction ToAmazon Advertising
  • Module 2
    Introduction to Sponsored Products
  • Module 3
    Keyword and Competitors Product Research
  • Module 4
    Setting Up Sponsored Products Foundation Campaigns
  • Module 5
    Bid Optimization
  • Module 6
    Sponsored Products Reports
  • Module 7
    How to use Bulksheets
  • Module 8
    Sponsored Products – Products With Advertising History
  • Module 9
    Amazon PPC Ranking Strategy For New Products
  • Module 10
    Sponsored Brands Ads
  • Module 11
    Sponsored Display Ads
  • Module 12
    Advanced Bonus Reports
  • Module 13
    Introduction To DSP

Mansour is the director of Amazon Advertising at Incrementum Digital.
Today Incrementum Digital manages more than 50M annually in ad spend. Mansour leads the Amazon advertising department. His core focus is developing new strategies.

Mansour’s advertising content on LinkedIn regularly gets 1000s of views and many comments from the seller community

One of the fastest growing agencies in the Amazon eco-systems and an official Amazon Advertising Partner. Incrementum Digital has managed more than $100 million USD and has helped 7,8 and 9 figure brands scale their business

Amazon Advertising Academy By Mansour Norouzi – Incrementum Digital , What Is It Included (Content Proof: Watch Here!)