
2019 12 Daze Bundle by John Overdurf

Original price was: $985.00.Current price is: $122.00.

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2019 12 Daze Bundle by John Overdurf

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Get 2019 12 Daze Bundle by John Overdurf at bestoftrader.com


A Direct TranceMission from Flying Pig Farm…Inside…the Loft … A  Deep & Expansive Foray into…..

Brain-Brain-Waving Through the Rhizome

Overdurfian Hypnotic Coaching & Rhizomatic Linguistics

Orchestrating Your Inner Voices:  Re-consolidating Self-Talk

The All Inclusive Twelve Daze Bundle

Well, I thought I’d made a quantum leap with all what I learned from the Rhizome material, the last couple years.  I had….Then….another one happened:  Brain-Waving.

Together they have formed a basis for a whole different experience of the world and myself. I am not bullshitting.  All of the “brain-waving” combined with the Rhizome has opened me to a more expansive, yet grounded, way of becoming, like nothing before.  The result has been whole new suite of leading-edge processes and inspired content which we’re offering this this year’s Twelve Daze of Xmas.

In year’s past, we’ve put out very limited content from Trance of a Lifetime, and all other trainings I do, for that matter.   I want to preserve the integrity of the live trainings, and I want to put out only what is best suited for home study.  This year’s offerings rock.

So, you’ll get to sit-in and benefit from a significant portion this training in the comfort of your own home!  What you’ll be learning is a synthesis of neuroscience, hypnosis, coaching, NLP/HNLP, and my 40 years of therapy, coaching and training experience and ….um… Life. 

Each of the three parts includes rich, full-out demonstrations to put the principles being taught into action.  Together they flow into a major training you can experience in the comfort of your own home.  In fact, they are even sequenced in the same order as they occurred in Trance of a Lifetime. There is very little editing, so you really get the look, sound and feel of all the spontaneous, insightful, transformative and quirky moments – and there are MANY!  And there are LOTS of cool bonuses, so check them all out!

NLP course == NLP online course

So what is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology;
Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions.
In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that.
It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results

Get 2019 12 Daze Bundle by John Overdurf at bestoftrader.com