
10x Fitness By Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Diego de Oliveira – Mindvalley

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10x Fitness By Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Diego de Oliveira – Mindvalley – Instant Download!

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Do you ever wish there was a better way to get and stay fit?

Maybe you’re not seeing the results you want from your usual exercise routine…

Maybe you’re just too tired or busy to spend countless hours in the gym, week after week…

Or maybe the recent disruptions to daily life have left you struggling to stay motivated and consistent with working out.

If any of this sounds like you, you’re far from alone. Most people find exercise hard. And frustratingly time-consuming.

And this is why most of us never achieve a level of fitness that leaves us looking and feeling amazing, and enjoying many more years in a strong, youthful body.

If you’ve followed the traditional approach to fitness, you may have been told there’s no workable solution to this challenge. But what if there was?

And what if, instead of exhausting hours, you could achieve a life-changing and lifelong fitness transformation within a 15-minute workout, twice a week?

This is what you get with 10x: a revolutionary, hyper-optimized approach to fitness that empowers virtually anyone to achieve and sustain a remarkable body transformation.

A Permanent Body Transformation In Just Two 15-Minute Workouts A Week

Many typical approaches to fitness force you to spend too much time on ineffective exercises. And for minimal results.

With 10x, you’re freed from this trap. Because the protocol is designed to activate a key evolutionary mechanism in your body, known as the adaptive response, that commands your body to get stronger, fitter, faster, and more resilient, in a surprisingly short space of time.

The adaptive response phenomenon can be traced back to our prehistoric ancestors, who in trying to escape predators would scramble up trees, leap over chasms, and swim to safety in order to survive. Their bodies were forced to quickly adapt, or pay the ultimate price.

In the modern world, this same survival mechanism can be triggered safely and efficiently through exercise – provided it’s the right kind of exercise, with the right level of intensity, resistance, and tension on your muscle fibers.

10x activates and optimizes your adaptive response mechanism in just two 15-minute workouts a week: making it possibly the most efficient exercise protocol on the planet. Plus, you’re also supported with science-based nutrition, rest, and lifestyle guidelines designed to improve your results.

10x is ideal and safe for all ages, lifestyles, genders, and fitness levels. And while we recommend having access to a gym, you can even do it at home with minimal equipment.

The Curriculum
Explore The 10x Curriculum

10x is a 12-week online total body transformation program. In this time, you’ll join Lorenzo and Ronan for just minutes a day as they guide you through the core exercises for activating your adaptive response mechanisms, engaging your muscles – and permanently transforming your health & fitness in just 15 minutes of working out, twice a week.

10x is easy to follow and accessible for people of all ages, genders, lifestyles, and fitness levels (although we do recommend you start with a baseline level of moderate health & fitness for your age).

You don’t even need a gym membership: all 10x exercises can be performed either at home or at the gym.

10x is divided into three phases, each with its own distinct focus. The program’s ultimate goal is to empower you with a deep understanding of your body’s fitness mechanisms – so that even after the initial 12 weeks, you can easily lock in a lifelong habit of optimized weekly exercise, eat and rest right, and even target specific areas of your body for more focused gains.


The Warm-Up (Week 1)

Your 10x journey begins with an introduction to the core exercises and philosophies you’ll use throughout the program to transform your body and your fitness. You’ll also get a clear perspective on your current fitness level, and how to safely and efficiently transition from where you are, to where you want to be.

Highlights include:

  • The 6 core exercises of the 10x methodology: these highly optimized exercises are designed to engage multiple muscle groups at the same time, and rapidly trigger your body’s adaptive response – so you get breakthrough results in a fraction of the usual time.
  • The right way to work out: explore concepts like form, breathing pattern, and tempo to get the most out of each exercise you do, and greatly minimize your chances of injury.
  • The 10x body assessment: take this assessment to gain an accurate measure of critical biomarkers like your body fat percentage and body composition, so you can take a personalized approach to your body transformation, and enjoy the best possible results.


Phase 1: Your Transformation Begins (Week 2 – 4)

In your first phase of 10x, you’ll begin using the essential exercise routines for triggering your body’s adaptive response in just 15 minutes a session, twice a week. You’ll also discover how to harness nutrition, muscle growth mechanisms, and other supporting concepts to optimize your workouts and accelerate your results.

Highlights include:

  • The 10x Big 6 routine: discover how to apply 10x’s 6 core exercise in your bi-weekly workouts, in a way that fits your objectives and current fitness level. You’ll also be shown exactly how and when to increase the intensity of your training as you get stronger and fitter.
  • How to eat for fitness (and enjoy it): eating the right food and supplements to support muscle growth and recovery isn’t rocket science – and as you’ll discover, it doesn’t have to be torture either. In fact once you know how, you can still enjoy all sorts of food, without sacrificing on your macronutrients or fitness goals.
  • The subtle (but crucial) differences in male vs female training: there are a lot of ‘rules’ surrounding how men and women should work out. Here you’ll discover why most of them are myths – and what you should be doing to optimize your results for your gender.
  • The right way to increase your weights: how to apply the progressive overload and sequential recruitment principles to safely and efficiently strengthen your muscles, and your overall fitness through the optimal level of weight and set + rep increases.
  • And much more.


Phase 2: Sculpting Your Dream Body (Week 5 – 9)

Once you’ve gained a strong foundation for your fitness, it’s time to take it to the next level. Here you’ll go deeper into specific muscle groups, daily rituals, workout intensity, and other advanced concepts for optimizing the results you enjoy from exercise, and minimizing the time it takes to get it done.

Highlights include:

  • Want a nicer chest? A firmer butt? More sculpted arms or legs? Learn 9 additional optimized exercises that cover all your muscle groups, and give you the freedom to sculpt your body according to your aesthetic and strength preferences.
  • Advanced intensity techniques for greater strength: these special techniques are like a nitro boost in a car, rewarding you with exponentially better gains in a small window of time.
  • How to burn fat & gain muscle at the same time: you won’t have sculpted abs if you’ve still got a little too much fat around your belly. Discover the optimal way to burn fat while gaining muscle, without any of the typical calorie counting, carb cutting, or starvation.
  • The big lie about ‘toning’: why the common approach to lifting light weights to ‘tone’ your muscles simply doesn’t work – and what you should be doing instead if you want that coveted lean, slim & strong look.
  • And much more.


Phase 3: Living Your 10x Lifestyle (Weeks 10 – 12)

In your final phase, you’ll take everything you’ve learned about optimal exercise and its supporting habits – and turn them into a sustainable, rewarding, easy-to-follow lifestyle that fits beautifully with your schedule and your personal fitness and aesthetic goals. You won’t even need the 10x program once you’ve reached the end of this phase, because your entire approach to fitness will be so intuitively ingrained in you, that it comes naturally.

Highlights include:

  • Personalizing your perfect 10x workout: you’ll be guided through each step of designing a personal workout and nutrition plan customized to your fitness goals and your lifestyle (the kind you’d normally pay a personal trainer and nutritionist thousands of dollars for – but far more effective).
  • Optimizing your recovery window with sleep: now that you’ve gained an unshakable foundation in nutrition, you’ll discover how to use sleep to improve your body’s efficiency in strength and muscle mass development – so you can upgrade your physique even when passed out.

10x Fitness Weekly Schedule

Week 1 : Fundamental 10x Exercises and Techniques

Day 1

Build Your Strength: Squat, Pull & Push

Day 2

3 Ways to Reduce Muscle Soreness

Day 3

Assess Your Strength: the AMRAP Test

Day 4

Build Your Strength: Hinge, Row, Press & Lunge

Day 5

6 Tools to Measure Your Progress

Day 6

Measure Your Progress: The Work Capacity Test

Day 7

Summary of Week 1 Exercises

Week 2 : The Big 6 Routine Step-By-Step

Day 8

The Big 6 Routine

Day 9

The Strength Ripple Effect

Day 10

Review & Integration

Day 11

Bust the Bulky Myth

Day 12

Review & Integration

Day 13

Rest Day + Should Women Train During their Period?

Day 14

Summary of Week 2 Exercises

Week 3 : The Concentrated Routine

Day 15

What Makes Muscles Grow

Day 16

Choose the Best Protein Sources

Day 17

Review & Integration

Day 18

Maximize Results of a Short Workout

Day 19

Review & Integration

Day 20

Review & Integration

Day 21

Summary of Week 3 Exercises

Week 4 : Master Progressive Overload

Day 22

Progressive Overload: Break Through Plateaus

Day 23

How Much Protein You Need Per Day

Day 24

Review & Integration

Day 25

Should Men and Women Train the Same?

Day 26

Review & Integration

Day 27

Review & Integration

Day 28

Summary of Week 4 Exercises

Week 5 : Specialised Isolation Routine Part 1

Day 29

Phase 2: Level Up your 10X Training

Day 30

The Right Foods to Fuel Your Goals

Day 31

Arms: Leg Curl, Bicep Curl, and Tricep Extension

Day 32

Tone Your Muscles the Right Way

Day 33

Review & Integration

Day 34

Choose the Right Weight for Isolation Exercises

Day 35

Summary of Week 5 Exercises

Week 6 : Specialised Isolation Routine Part 2

Day 36

Maximize Your Performance in the Gym

Day 37

Increase Your Nutrient Density

Day 38

Legs: Thrust, Leg Raise, and Leg Extension

Day 39

Use Your Mind to Reach Your Limits

Day 40

Review & Integration

Day 41

Make Tough Workouts Easier: The 3XB Isolation Routine

Day 42

Summary of Week 6 Exercises

Week 7 : Specialised Isolation Routine Part 3

Day 43

Today’s Workout

Day 44

Optimize Nutrient Timing to Reshape Your Body

Day 45

The Back: Back Extension, Lateral Raise, and Calf Raise

Day 46

Train with Undivided Attention

Day 47

Review & Integration

Day 48

The 3XC Isolation Routine to Get Results

Day 49

Summary of Week 7 Exercises

Week 8 : Master Intensity Techniques To Break Plateaus

Day 50

Intensity Techniques to Break Plateaus Part 1: Eccentric Failure

Day 51

No BS Guide to Supplements

Day 52

Intensity Techniques to Break Plateaus Part 2: Drop Set

Day 53

Intensity Techniques to Break Plateaus Part 3: Rest Pause

Day 54

Review & Integration

Day 55

Intensity Techniques to Break Plateaus Part 4: Isometric Hold

Day 56

Summary of Week 8 Exercises

Week 9 : Deload 101

Day 57

Deload 101: Progress to the Next Level every 8 Weeks

Day 58

Sleep Priorities to Level Up Your Growth

Day 59

How to Not Lose Your Muscle Mass

Day 60

Guarantee Your Success During Deload

Day 61

Review & Integration

Day 62

Away From Failure: Train to 6 Repetition

Day 63

Summary of Week 9 Exercises

Week 10 : Customize Your Program For Your Unique Goals Going Forward

Day 64

Design Your Own 10X Journey

Day 65

4 Steps to Maximize Your Deep Sleep

Day 66

Track Progress for Isolation Routines

Day 67

Track Progress for Integrated Routines

Day 68

Review & Integration

Day 69

Test Your Own Workout

Day 70

Summary of Week 10 Exercises

Week 11 : Test Out Your Own Program Design

Day 71

The Muscle Confusion Myth

Day 72

Design Your Environment for Sleep Quality

Day 73

Isolation Day: Your Workout Progress

Day 74

Integration Day: Your Workout Progress

Day 75

Review & Integration

Day 76

Isolation Day: Your Workout Progress

Day 77

Summary of Week 11 Exercises

Week 12 : Final Assessments To Gather Results And Set Next Steps

Day 78

Re-Assess Your Strength With the AMRAP Test

Day 79

Review & Integration

Day 80

The One Check-In You Need Every 12 Weeks

Day 81

The Work Capacity Test: Measure Your Overall 10X Progress

Day 82

Review & Integration

Day 83

Going Further in Your 10X Journey

Day 84

Review & Integration

Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Oliveira

10x Fitness By Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Diego de Oliveira - Mindvalley

Lorenzo Delano (left) is the co-founder of the 10x Fitness Quest, and his journey into fitness and health started at age 16 when his older brother died of an illness that could have been prevented by a healthier lifestyle. He has since dedicated more than 10 years doing academic research in exercise, fitness and body science.

10x is the embodiment of Lorenzo’s best discoveries in optimal fitness – and is the latest in his list of transformational programs created with some of today’s best teachers, including Ben Greenfield, Ken Wilber, Steven Kotler, Neale Donald Walsch, and Mark Watts. He also frequently hosts 10x-based training sessions for students, team members, and teachers.

As Mindvalley’s Head of Health & Fitness, Ronan Oliveira (right) has facilitated over 300,000 body transformations through our bestselling programs in this field: including 10x, Holobody, Beyond Fasting, Advanced Home Workouts, and The Longevity Blueprint.

Through years of dedication and experimentation, Ronan not only transformed his body – but even started speaking on global stages and winning athletic competitions.

What students say about the program

“In 6 months my leg muscle strength increased by 264%. I can do 12 standard repetitions of leg press now at 190kg”
I became an amputee (Right Below Knee) February 2020.

Before I discovered 10X last year(September 2020), I was 33 yrs. old experiencing Muscle Atrophy of my leg muscles because of decreased mobility from long hospitalization that mostly seated on a wheelchair for 1 year and 3 months. I started to use a prosthetic leg on July 2020 and went back to the gym but the conventional weight training the I knew didn’t help me to solve my problem until I discovered 10X at Membership Live Calls and Mentoring.

I started the protocol in October 2020 and joined the quest this January 2021.
My goals are to strengthen my legs, increase muscle mass and prevent the muscle atrophy of my legs. And as I went to the process, I noticed great improvements with my muscle strength, muscle mass and energy level.

For 6 months, my leg muscle strength increased by 264%!!! I can do 12 standard repetitions of leg press now at 190kg. I can now walk long hours, jog and climb up the stairs without feeling muscle fatigue, my energy level went up high plus my mood is always good. I can now actively play with my daughter outside.
The mindset building and perspective that I developed towards health and fitness totally transformed my behavior, habits, lifestyle and relationship to strength training, nutrition, sleep and recovery. I really appreciate the mind and body connection that I developed every training and I’m in the best shape of my life ever!!!
And it was all because of trusting the 10X process.

Thank you so much Lorenzo and Ronan for creating the program and of course Vishen and the Mindvalley team my big thank you to all of you! Forever grateful 10Xer here.
Lawrence Tuazon
Department Manager

Fukuoka, Japan

“At my 47 years old, I feel like I am at the best time of my life, I feel more confident and stronger mental and physically than when I was at my 20’s”


I’m Nadya Veliz from Mexico, a woman very enthusiastic who enjoys learning new ways to do things, a world trotter, I love authenticity in people and I enjoy being in a multicultural environment, embracing the best on every culture.

⭐️10X has been an eye-opening about how to incorporate effective routines to get visible results with only investing half of the time that I used to work out.
⭐️10X challenged me weekly and I learned not only to push beyond my strength limits, but also to bring my whole mind into the training.
⭐️I am fascinated with the SUPERB lessons about routines, nutrition, recovery, sleep and scientific explanation about how our muscle fibers reacts and respond to intense exercise.

At 1 week of ending my 10X program, I am already CELEBRATING with joy and pride, to be at one step of crossing the finish line.

My endless gratitude to Ronan Diego de Oliveira , Lorenzo, Monique and to all the creators of 10X to put together this outstanding fitness program. 🙌

Thanks to Mindvalley and to 10X, at my 47 years old, I feel like I am at the best time of my life, I feel more confident and stronger mental and physically than when I was at my 20’s.

Through this program I expand my possibilities to have a better-quality life. I FEEL LIKE I AM UNSTOPPABLE 💪 and indeed I have the feeling that nothing can stop me to reach my goals and dreams. Here is a proof of how I started and how I am looking now. YAY❗️❗️ It has been a pleasure to be part of this STRONG TRIBE

Nadya Veliz
Vice-president of Deportes LUTECIA

Celaya, Mexico

“Finally, I love my body and I feel unstoppable”

Before 10X I was a skinny and weak person, prone to injury, tired all the time without being able to fall asleep easily and didn’t exercise as I did not like it. I felt weak and wasn`t in control of my health and life.
As an addition, I had tennis elbow for 15 years and the doctors couldn`t really help me to get better.

I was hoping to be strong, be able to gain weight at the end of the quest.

I am recommending 10X as it had profoundly changed my life not only my physical health.

Not only I became stronger and gained weight, but actually have built muscle, my joint pain has disappeared, I sleep better and even my character became more discipline and “unfuckwithable.”

My top 3 insight was all about the science behind health and fitness as everything is connected. For me was important to know the why as well to see the big picture from different angles.
One of them is the 3 types of muscle fiber and the ways of using them to failure.
The second one is about nutrition the Food Frame Work, it is just fascinating.
And the last, but not least is that you can do anywhere the exercises, from home and even on holidays.

The biggest transformation is that I was able to build muscle and as a by-product I had gained weight too. Finally, I love my body and I feel unstoppable.
Thank you all who had participated in the creation of 10X.

Szimonetta Banai
FOH Supervisor

London, United Kingdom

10x Fitness By Lorenzo Delano & Ronan Diego de Oliveira – Mindvalley, what is it included (Content proofWatch here!)