
Tim Castleman – Offline Marketing Magic

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One of Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy’s main points is that you want to be looking at marketing OUTSIDE of your niche. See what is going on out in the real world so to speak. Tamara Lackey is a professional photographer. Talk about selling a future event and even though photographs are tangible things, she is really selling a future service. Sound familiar to you? She has a marvelous take on positioning, managing client expectations, and roll up your sleeves marketing your services.
This presentation she actually does face-to-face role playing. I am VERY impressed with her and I think you will be too. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Thanks to the usual suspects for the heads up this. The Magic Shrink Ray(tm) saved us about 45% and I ripped an audio set for those on the go. This is almost 16 hours of content and worth your attentio