
ITU Learning – How To Handle Stress In The Workplace

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ITU Learning – How To Handle Stress In The Workplace

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Get ITU Learning – How To Handle Stress In The Workplace at bestoftrader.com


Filesize : 3.894 GB

Stress is a common factor in all forms of employment. It does not matter what your job is, there is stress that is related to that job. This course is going to give you all the information you need to know about stress in the workplace and how to manage it effectively so that your health is not impacted. You will be given all of the tools that you need to decrease your stress and give you better health.

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Course Videos

This course contains the following modules and videos. Click the down arror to view video details.

How to Handle Stress in the Workplace
  • Introduction
  • What is Stress
  • What Does Stress Lead To
  • Stress And Food
  • Chronic Stress And Cortisol-Part 1
  • Chronic Stress And Cortisol-Part 2
  • Client Stress Stories
  • Stress In The Workplace
  • Strategies For Managing Stress
  • Planning Ahead
  • Money
  • Sleep
  • Breathing
  • Learn To Say No
  • Stress Relief At Your Desk
  • Stretching
  • Conclusion
Product tags
    • itu learning – how to handle stress in the workpla (1)
    • how to handle stress in the workpla (1)
    • itu learning (5)
  • itu learning how to handle stress in the workpla (1)